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On shutdown, Trump vows to wait as long as it takes for wall funding


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2 minutes ago, farcanell said:

That’s an untested claim.... there is nothing to say a sitting president can not be charged. Yes, there is an old memo suggesting that he should not be charged, but that’s different.


its unbelievable to the rest of the world, that America would allow itself to be ruled by a person who is permitted to commit crimes without fear of prosecution.... this is a hallmark of a dictator, not the leader of the free world... not the leader of a democracy. 


Oh... wait... America is not deemed to be a democracy. I suppose that explains why those of us that are from democracies, don’t get it.

If you say so

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8 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

I don't remember the democrats offering Trump anything other than 1.6 billion in exchange for DACA. Trump has the money for the wall, it's in the defense budget and put there for a reason. He's letting the democrats destroy themselves and they're doing a great job. Trust the plan, thank Q!

So it’s not the Mexicans who will pay, in the latest iteration it’s the US Defence Budget.


Trust the plan!

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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14 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

I don't remember the democrats offering Trump anything other than 1.6 billion in exchange for DACA. Trump has the money for the wall, it's in the defense budget and put there for a reason. He's letting the democrats destroy themselves and they're doing a great job. Trust the plan, thank Q!



changed his mind due to daca no art of the deal

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26 minutes ago, riclag said:

  5 billion is a drop in the bucket when it comes to Security !Safety first, when it comes to the wall  showdown shutdown! Discuss policy ,extremely confident he has,judging by the numerous  oval office round table discussions! His character isn't well received by his opponents !  

If you think you can build it for $5 billion you are well mistaken


Mr Trump’s initial price tag of between $8bn and $12bn (£6.4bn and £9.7bn) has been widely disputed.

The 650 miles of fencing built under President George W Bush cost an estimated $7bn, and it could not be described as fulfilling Mr Trump's promises of a "tall, powerful, beautiful" barrier.

A number of very different estimates have been put forward by other official bodies.

Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader in the Senate, stated the cost would be between $12bn and $15bn, while a report by the US Department for Homeland Security estimated the wall would cost between $21.6bn and $25bn

Meanwhile, a report by Senate Democrats, said the wall could cost nearly $70bn to build and $150m a year to maintain.

Other, unofficial, estimates have varied.

Wall Street research and brokerage firm Bernstein Research said the price tag could be between $15bn and $25bn, while construction consultants Gleeds believe it would be in the region of $31bn.

Meanwhile, Konstantin Kakaes, an international security fellow with the New America Foundation writing in the MIT Technology Review, said the total could reach $40bn.


Edited by sharktooth
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9 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

nothing to try, it's all under control. Where have you been?

Quit trolling me and find something else to do.

Lol.... under control?

shutdown doesn’t really equate to “under control”... more the opposite, I would think.


trolling?... your funny


if you desist in posting inanities, I shall have no reason to challenge said inanities


trump may get away with telling people to sit down if they ask Curly questions (censorship) but he’s the prez... ????????????

Edited by farcanell
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8 hours ago, howbri said:

The only "idiots" are those that still think he's going to be impeached. You obviously don't understand impeachment requirements. To begin with, YOU HAVE TO BE GUILTY  of an impeachable offense. 

British Bookmakers , not biased and certainly not stupid, make a Trump imeachment an even money shot.

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15 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

These folks who are laid-off will get back pay.

Hang in there Donald! You back down now, you're a one-term President for sure.

That is not necessarily true and is an over-simplification.   Many of those working for the gov't are contract workers.   They will not get paid.   Most will be told not to show up for work.   


There is also the knock-on effect.   With most of National Parks, Monuments (including some in Washington, DC. ).   This has a huge effect on tourism and hotels, restaurants and other private services at and around these parks are furloughed and they will not get paid.   


For a few of the parks in Utah and Arizona, and I am sure others, the impact is significant enough that the State starts taking over services essential to keeping them open and function, including keeping restrooms open, roads cleared and trash collected.   In some parks, however, they aren't able to keep medical or rescue services running.



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16 hours ago, riclag said:

PT must protect America He took a oath to protect it like any other President  in over 250 year's ! American's  for change want  to keep out illegal entry,terrorist, gang member's and drug's at the  southern border! Stay the course Mr. President we have your back! 


The only thing you have, is no idea what you are talking about!


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Another thoughtless, idiotic statement by the retard in chief was angrily refuted by the Federal Workers Union Chief. The dunce tweeted that more Democrats than Republicans were not getting paid during the shutdown. 



“It’s ridiculous,” Erwin said in an interview on CNN. “It’d be funny if it wasn’t really funny at all. We know the political makeup of federal employees. They are split evenly down political lines ... equal Republicans and Democrats and a significant number of independents as well.”


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42 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Another thoughtless, idiotic statement by the retard in chief was angrily refuted by the Federal Workers Union Chief. The dunce tweeted that more Democrats than Republicans were not getting paid during the shutdown. 



In the same rant he claimed all the Federal workers affected backed him and were willing to suffer until he got his wall $$ AND that all Federal workers were Dems.


You're winning Donald. Very stable genius.

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