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Angelina Jolie hints at move into politics


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Angelina Jolie hints at move into politics



Angelina Jolie said she hoped to "bring people together from a cross-section" during her turn as a guest editor / ANNA GORDON/TODAY


Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie has hinted that she is considering a move into politics in the future.


In an interview on the BBC's Today programme, she said she would have dismissed this 20 years ago but would now go where she was needed.


Jolie, who is a special envoy to the UN Refugee Agency, was the guest editor of the Today programme on Friday.


She is an active campaigner on a range of issues, including refugees, sexual violence and conservation.


Full Story: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46699457

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Just a feeler to see if there is interest from the public. She is deluded as to her importance.

18 hours ago, sirineou said:

Because the politicians are doing such a great job?

The successful ones certainly are. As much as we see corrupt or dishonest or incompetent politicians, there are still many honest honourable people who serve. 


1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

as an American from California (a failed state) all I can say is the last thing we need is another nut case celebrity from California getting into politics. 

California is not a failed state. despite  some of its glaring problems, the country still has an economy that is the envy of the world, still offers cutting edge medical care, still offers a quality of life and still  offers great opportunity. California has some of the world's finest educational institutions and R&D facilities.


1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

 George Soros and the Clintons.

Give it a rest. Soros is a feeble old man who couldn't even keep his bimbo quiet, and yet you think he runs the world with the Clintons. William Jefferson Clinton is on his last  legs if you didn't know it. He has heart disease.

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Why is it people from theatrical entertainment families think they can become politicians when there theatrical career is waning?


Perhaps they see politics as a pantomime!

They can act! Look sincere while telling complete lies. 

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:

Why is it people from theatrical entertainment families think they can become politicians when there theatrical career is waning?


Perhaps they see politics as a pantomime!

And an obvious example on our screens every day.

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5 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

The successful ones certainly are. As much as we see corrupt or dishonest or incompetent politicians, there are still many honest honourable people who serve. 

Then why are they not doing the honest honorable thing?

    I will answer that.

Because they have to exist in a dishonest ,dishonorable system.

   But who developed and perpetuated that system?

The Politicians!!!

Perhaps what we need is the Citizen Legislator who after serving his/her term will go back to his/hers Monticello.

  Would Angelina or for that matter You!  be better than the current crop of professional politicians? I don't think you or her  could be any worse.   


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She made this quite clear 5 years ago with the personal staff she hired to shape her image. No news here. From a well-connected ingenue to a superstar leading lady what else does someone with a mega ego do? While men get distinguished as they age, female actors just get old. There is always an up and coming ingenue. So politics it is for Angelina. Best of luck to her.

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