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Police arrest illegal immigrant suspected in California officer's killing


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5 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Here are the facts:


1. A fine, upstanding Cop is dead.

2. The suspect is an illegal alien who we know has allegedly previously committed the following crimes: Illegal entry into the USA, and driving while boozed.

3. The suspect was arrested and released prior to this incident.

4. The suspect had no right to be in or remain in the USA.


Now, with that, rather than debate how bad Trump is, or how "undocumented aliens" are wonderful, or how we should shut the borders entirely, or whatever, Id like to see all of the TDS and MAGA stuff put aside and someone offer a concrete solution ot the problem exhibited here.

What's stopping you from doing it?

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The American Political Spectrum is wrong on both sides.  


The Right is making the murder of Officer Singh into a political issue.

The Left, 31 Democratic members of Congress from California, has been silent.

Not even a message of condolence to Officer Singh’s family or the Newman Police Department.  The Newman Police Department has just 14 officers.  When Chief Richardson said “we are a family and we are hurting” he means it.  Police Departments of this size are like families.  Every officer knows the family of every other officer.  Oh yeah Officer Singh was a legal immigrant who became a naturalized citizen and then a police officer.  


In my day I had to deal with INS(Immigration and Naturalization Service) the forerunner of ICE.  INS would place Immigration Detainers in the Department of Justice Network.  This was not a warrant signed by a Federal Judge.  Often I would find out that someone I arrested had such a Detainer.  I would then call the INS regional commander center and the typeical reply was “we will pick him up”,  INS rarely picked up.  I am not sure if it is any different today.






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2 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

The American Political Spectrum is wrong on both sides.  


The Right is making the murder of Officer Singh into a political issue.

The Left, 31 Democratic members of Congress from California, has been silent.

Not even a message of condolence to Officer Singh’s family or the Newman Police Department.  The Newman Police Department has just 14 officers.  When Chief Richardson said “we are a family and we are hurting” he means it.  Police Departments of this size are like families.  Every officer knows the family of every other officer.  Oh yeah Officer Singh was a legal immigrant who became a naturalized citizen and then a police officer.  


In my day I had to deal with INS(Immigration and Naturalization Service) the forerunner of ICE.  INS would place Immigration Detainers in the Department of Justice Network.  This was not a warrant signed by a Federal Judge.  Often I would find out that someone I arrested had such a Detainer.  I would then call the INS regional commander center and the typeical reply was “we will pick him up”,  INS rarely picked up.  I am not sure if it is any different today.






"I am not sure if it is any different today"

When there are more deterrents to allowing illegals to co habitat illegally,  such as a wall , enhanced border security,ending catch and release ,not allowing automatic citizenship for babies of illegals in the USA and a host of other circumstances that allow this nonsense to continue, it will grind down. Many legal immigrants and American citizens  are scratching their heads wondering why  decades upon decades of elected officials continue to let the can be kicked down the road.  Too many cookie jars(activist organizations,humanitarian organizations,federal organizations,law enforcement agencies ,federal and local agencies) are enablers ! the left and the right are reaping billions from it

Edited by riclag
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9 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Id like to see all of the TDS and MAGA stuff put aside and someone offer a concrete solution ot the problem exhibited here.


There is no solution that will prevent people from killing each other.  If there were, we'd have implemented it already.

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