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Happy New Year from Big Joke! Cardboard image greets the tourists at Bangkok airport


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10 hours ago, ezzra said:

As long as you don't overstay your welcome and run foul of Thai hospitality that is... There's nothing more assuring to a first time tourist than to be greeted by a life size picture of a police/army officer in a stern look and full uniforms...

And gun?

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

there was a towering cardboard image of the poster boy of the Thai police to greet the hundreds of thousands of tourists.

And no doubt said cardboard image will after 3rd January be moved to the Departures hall by way of "goodbye and good riddance" to American, Australian, British and Danish retirees boarding one-way flights back to their home countries, having been unable to amass 800,000 THB in their Thai bank accounts for future extensions of stay now that their embassies no longer offered income confirmation services!:tongue:

Edited by OJAS
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