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Drink driving cases smash the 5,000 barrier in five New Year days - Isaan is the worst


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2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Just 5,000 I think that figure  would mean the Police where not doing

their jobs.

regards worgeordie

I think their figures are exaggerated, at least halved, as every check point I drove past about 8 were unmanned or they were just sitting there playing with their mobiles or drinking themselves, what they were drinking is anyone's guess.


We all know the cops here are a failure and the spin is just for the media, as the results show for themselves the police, the government, cannot control their own, as it's not part of their culture, that is unless you bring in the military, and depending what is at stake and who is backing them, they will fire at will.

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54 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


As miserable as Thailand's DL training and testing program is, surely, people who've gone thru that process probably have to be, on average, somewhat better prepared than those who've never had any training or preparation at all.  They surely can't be any worse....

I wouldnt say better prepared just more aware of the road rules they are breaking.

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2 hours ago, eggers said:

Ridiculous!! 5000!! Should be more than triple or quadruple that number!!! ..

Licence cancelled for at least 12 mths above limit .05 first offence, second offence loose licence 4 -5 yrs or permanent loss ???

Also, increase penalties about motor cycles (highest deaths & injuries to cyclists) no licence, speeding, more that 1 pillion passenger, no helmets!!

Gov't & Police need to get serious!! Soft peddling done nothing to reduce tolls; increase all penalties, cos' current penalties have little or no affect!! 

One of the Scandinavian countries has done what is urgently needed in Thailand.  Fail the breathalyser test, and it's automatic slammer for a few months!  No bracelets, no curfews.  Sure, a huge new prison complex would be needed, but look at the present situation:  it's beyond repair with the current police force and slap on the wrist punishments.

The country seems more pre-occupied with overstaying tourists than the deaths of hundreds of its citizens.

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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I noticed that discrepancy also... a huge one!!!! 5,000 over 5 days here vs 25,000 over two days in the prior report???


Either the news media or the authorities are playing funny business with the drunken driving arrest stats.


The reported figures for the last Songkran were certainly well above those being reported for the current Seven Days of Danger. One imagines that the figures for Songkran and the current holiday period would be comparable.


A report in The Nation on 11 April 2018 courtesy of ThaiVisa stated that:

"The number of drink drivers arrested by officials in the past three days since April 11 has jumped to 113,960 from almost 60,000 on the second day, said Colonel Sirichan Ngathong, deputy spokesperson of the National Council for Peace and Order, on Saturday."




Following some commentary from the general prime minister those Somgkran figures were never updated in any of the media that I read after that, and I was certainly looking.



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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I noticed that discrepancy also... a huge one!!!! 5,000 over 5 days here vs 25,000 over two days in the prior report???


Either the news media or the authorities are playing funny business with the drunken driving arrest stats.


They're probably just as blotto as the drunk drivers.

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Have spent most of today at a funeral (last day and cremation) of someone died as a result of injuries sustained (as a safety belt wearing front seat passenger, in a correctly/carefully/"defensively" driven car) when struck by a drunk-driven pick-up in Thailand.


In your own country it is not your high standard of driving that keeps you alive.


It is everybody else's.



Edited by Enoon
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2 hours ago, 1337markus said:

You cant cancel or confiscate a document they dont have. LMFAO.

Well said.. same about all u guys saying fines should increace.. look at the bigger picture.. he has no licence...  not even lights working..  u put him in jail that is overfilled... the goverment then has to pay more... think about it


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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Where do they get their numbers from? On Dec 29th, it was reported over 21,000 in a day had been arrested.


On Friday alone, 21,383 drunk drivers were arrested, she said.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30361331

The sad fact remains that the amount of people drink driving is a national disgrace. As we know all too well, those nicked represent merely the tip of the iceberg, with many more having got away with it. The punishment clearly needs to be far more punitive than currently, as around 40% of the fatalities have been alchohol related. This carnage really needs to be reduced and drink driving is a very good place to start.

Just saving face Dont want to show the world they are useless in enforcing the law. Nothing will ever change until they get the police force to enforce the law  I wont hold my breath


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4 hours ago, Patong2 said:

Sadly I think they could have got 5000 over the limit in Patong alone.

Sad to watch them stagger down to motorbikes and clamber on.

Some Deity must have heard our prayers as we ever saw any accidents but lots of Ambulance sirens


And equally they could have got 5000 training sessions on driving and it still wouldn't make any difference. 

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Not PC to say this, but the level of punishment is fine, and not the issue. The problem is people don't actually believe they will be caught. To stop the DUI's people have to believe they have a great possibility of being caught if they drink and drive. For that to happen police have to be out every day conducting sobriety spot checks. Every day, every night. Only when people understand that they will eventually be caught if they continue to drink and drive will people change this unacceptable behavior. 

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At the Puckapunyal Army base North of Melbourne is the Schools of Armour and Artlllery. After the East Timor crisis many soldiers came back cashed up big time. They bought fast cars and motorbikes. One young junior NCO who should have known better bought a Harley over 1000 cc. There is a town called Seymor not that far away but an easy 20 minute drive.


This young buck would ring his mates from the guard hut and when he arrived at a pub in Seymour. Every week his times got shorter and at least half of the time the legal limit would allow and he was warned by the local coppers and his SNCOs that he was setting a bad example and it was dangerous. One night he came off the road and hit a tree. The bike was in a zillion pieces and so was he. Police estimated he was doing over 160kms an hour.


With permission from the lads grieving parents, the chaplain and his CO the RSM and other RSMs he arranged for all motorcyclists in the base to line up (except the MPs who are trained properly). One by one they marched passed an open coffin of body parts and a pile of motorbike bits still covered in blood and brains. They were than taken to a parade ground and given a lecture by the senior MP about safe riding. 6 of the previously fined for speeding riders from his unit were made coffin bearers for the funeral.


Within 3 months over 50 motorbikes had been sold and replaced with more sensible vehicles. Incidents of speeding


Maybe all drink drivers caught should do community service in the morgue. Or spoon feeding quadraplegics.

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Where do they get their numbers from? On Dec 29th, it was reported over 21,000 in a day had been arrested.


On Friday alone, 21,383 drunk drivers were arrested, she said.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30361331

The sad fact remains that the amount of people drink driving is a national disgrace. As we know all too well, those nicked represent merely the tip of the iceberg, with many more having got away with it. The punishment clearly needs to be far more punitive than currently, as around 40% of the fatalities have been alchohol related. This carnage really needs to be reduced and drink driving is a very good place to start.

I agree with everything you wrote but in order to do this you need a Police that do their job and do not accept tea money. When I see the police here in Isaan I wonder what they are getting paid for.

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“MOTORISTS in the UK are backing a proposal to introduce in-car breathalysers to stamp out drink driving offences on the roads in Britain.

Drink driving is still a common problem on the roads in Britain with casualties still in the thousands.

Figures released by the Department for Transport (DfT) revealed that an estimated 9,040 casualties as a result of drink driving in 2016.”


I hope they install cameras so we can watch people blowing hoses in a dignified manner.  



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On 12/28/2018 at 9:49 AM, brewsterbudgen said:

I did my Extension based on work last month, as I've done for the last 13 years, and, as usual, no TM30 required.

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Why not ban them from driving. Watching Thais driving when they are sober is bad enough. They have no manners or respect for other road users.

Maybe a farang would get jailed immediately 

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Cannabis to the rescue in 2019! Ganja: because it saves lives! 

There have been US studies that show that cannabis "intoxication" actually can improve driving skills. Ostensibly, because one is hyper vigilant when high. You're more likely to check the red light or stop sign obsessively, etc. I'm not making this up. ????

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1 hour ago, dcnx said:


Dont let the shiny shopping malls and number of cars on the sreeets fool you, most of them (not all) are still savages at their core that should still be riding buffalo and not a motorized vehicle of any kind.



That's some seriously racist s***. And yet you stay. If I were you, I'd get a food taster. 

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Where do they get their numbers from? On Dec 29th, it was reported over 21,000 in a day had been arrested.


On Friday alone, 21,383 drunk drivers were arrested, she said.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30361331

The sad fact remains that the amount of people drink driving is a national disgrace. As we know all too well, those nicked represent merely the tip of the iceberg, with many more having got away with it. The punishment clearly needs to be far more punitive than currently, as around 40% of the fatalities have been alchohol related. This carnage really needs to be reduced and drink driving is a very good place to start.

..... they have probably given a new years discount... :thumbsup:

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The figures are <deleted> but in all fairness, the Iranians have the most reasons to get completely smashed over what has happened to Thailand in general and their part of the Kingdom in particular. 
One submarine less would have taken Isan out of its complete misery - but who cares? 

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2 hours ago, Ebumbu said:

Cannabis to the rescue in 2019! Ganja: because it saves lives! 

There have been US studies that show that cannabis "intoxication" actually can improve driving skills. Ostensibly, because one is hyper vigilant when high. You're more likely to check the red light or stop sign obsessively, etc. I'm not making this up. ????

It would cut the speeding, down a bit.

Normal people ( im not saying people of Thailand )  but normal people will drive very slow when stoned,  so could be a good thing.

But again it does require normal people for it to work. :jap:

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8 hours ago, Patong2 said:

Sadly I think they could have got 5000 over the limit in Patong alone.

Sad to watch them stagger down to motorbikes and clamber on.

Some Deity must have heard our prayers as we ever saw any accidents but lots of Ambulance sirens


Not trying hard enough. Times it by 20!! at least!! 555

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12 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I noticed that discrepancy also... a huge one!!!! 5,000 over 5 days here vs 25,000 over two days in the prior report???


Either the news media or the authorities are playing funny business with the drunken driving arrest stats.


more like the media were drunk when they reported it (the lower figure) ????????????????


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