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Saudi woman held at Bangkok airport says fears death if sent back


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2 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

I see our good friend Big Joke is in the mix saying " Gen Surachate said he was unaware of any passport seizure and it is unclear why Ms Mohammed al-Qunun would need a Thai visa if she was in transit to Australia and had an Australian visa. "

If she was indeed in transit to Australia, as head of immigration he should know really, that she doesn't need a visa for here. The only reason to hold her would be if, as suggested, a foreign power has called for it, under the table, as no criminal charges seem to be implied. If it turns out to be true that Saudi officials were allowed inside the "closed"zone inside the airport, that would be pretty criminal to my mind. If she is sent back and never heard from again, as is quite likely, they are knowingly sending her to her death.

And this is the Government that says you can trust them in the upcoming elections. Not on human rights it would seem

I believe her passport/paperwork was seized by agents of her own government while in the airport, thus nothing (no ID) to use to get back on the next flight.

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Geez, death-by-family just for renouncing a religion. That's primitive. Meanwhile, Thailand did a fantastic job in upholding its winning status where human rights (or its lack thereof) is concerned, if what Human Rights Watch Asia said is true.

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12 minutes ago, smedly said:

What ?


she is in Thailand - is an adult - has broken no Thai laws - has broken no international laws - is not wanted by Interpol - Thailand has no right to detain this woman, they should not have gotten involved, some uneducated wooden top decided to take this path and abuse this persons rights for no reason at all.


Just another example of uneducated people in jobs they are not qualified to do


This abuse of rights now has the attention of the world - shame on you Thailand 

i don't know the facts or the laws.

you say thailand has no right to detain her. I didn't know they had. Just refused her entry into thailand which is why she is airside in a hotel.

whether that means she will be allowed to board a flight to australia hasn't been mentioned yet, or i have missed that part.

If she is airside, is she even considered to be in thailand and subject to thai law?

i'll admit i know little of the laws in these circumstances in these cases so will leave further comments to others.

I hope she is allowed to go to australia but am fairly certain she will be back in SA soon.

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