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President Trump will not answer any more questions from Mueller - Giuliani


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On 1/15/2019 at 10:34 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO Trump says stuff to bait his opponents, and loves it when they get all hysterical. I doubt that HE thinks he is in deep trouble- I think he is just having fun.

"Just having fun."  Funny.  Pretty soon, it will be time to pay the piper....


[A senior Democratic senator has suggested Congress is almost ready to indict President Donald Trump, and is hopeful he may face criminal charges.]



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10 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Either the president is compromised by the Russian government and has been working covertly to cooperate with Vladimir Putin after Russia helped win him the 2016 election — or Trump will go down in history as the world’s most famous “useful idiot,”

Yes, these are the only two scenarios I think we will see from Mueller, or as phrased much more flatteringly:



Are Trump’s gifts to Putin the work of a gullible admirer rather than a mark of collusion? 

Useful idiot or gullible admirer. Ghastly description of the President of the United States, and that is in the best case scenario. 



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Whether the disgraced potus talks (willingly) to Mueller or not is irrelevant at this point.


Bring on the many smoking guns in the Mueller report. 


Here they come!


Looks like we're about to get the very first (out of I predict MANY) smoking guns (or as "trump" calls them -- smocking guns) that will with little doubt at this point lead to the impeachment of the 45th president of the United States.

Yes, "trump" ordered Cohen to lie to congress about a Russian construction project. Serious crime of lying to congress which happened to be under oath(Cohen), ordering someone to lie to congress ("trump") and involving both obstruction of justice and conspiracy involving a hostile foreign power.


To add, this is not only about what Cohen is saying now. Yes Cohen has a long history as a D list sleazeball "lawyer" of the worst kind, and his boss was and is a sleazebag "businessman" of the worst kind as well. (What a match!) But the thing is, my droogs, there are DOCUMENTS to back up what Cohen is saying now. 


I'm calling it now -- "trump" WILL be impeached.

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It looks like there's very strong evidence that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress. I believe that's what's known as suborning perjury.

"More worrying for Trump is that, according to BuzzFeed, the instruction to lie was not just recounted by Cohen, but by multiple witnesses in the Trump Organization, and confirmed by a cache of other supporting documents, including internal company emails and text messages."


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22 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

It looks like there's very strong evidence that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress. I believe that's what's known as suborning perjury.

"More worrying for Trump is that, according to BuzzFeed, the instruction to lie was not just recounted by Cohen, but by multiple witnesses in the Trump Organization, and confirmed by a cache of other supporting documents, including internal company emails and text messages."


Yup, I know we shouldn't get too excited yet about this swindler getting him comeuppance, but it does appear as though there will be a flood of incriminating evidence being disclosed soon.


I think we're perhaps a week or two from Mueller's report.

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11 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

It looks like there's very strong evidence that Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress. I believe that's what's known as suborning perjury.

"More worrying for Trump is that, according to BuzzFeed, the instruction to lie was not just recounted by Cohen, but by multiple witnesses in the Trump Organization, and confirmed by a cache of other supporting documents, including internal company emails and text messages."


This looks pretty serious.  And of course, Trump and his cronies will deny it.  But...


[....BuzzFeed says that Mueller’s office has more evidence than just Cohen’s testimony that Trump directed him to lie to Congress. Per the report, Cohen’s testimony is backed up by “interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization and internal company emails, text messages, and a cache of other documents.”]




Once Mueller completes his investigation, there will be a mountain of evidence which will justify not just impeachment, but indictment.  Let's see if and when the GOP Congress will grow a spine and actually do something. 

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That's THE William Barr, currently in the process of being confirmed to be the new Attorney General. Quoted from being questioned by Senator Amy Klobuchar, hopefully the next democratic president in 2020. 



"If a President...suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity of available evidence, then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction." — William Barr


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Winter is not exactly ending but it is the beginning of the end. I don't see how the democrats don't impeach at this point even if they don't think the senate will convict. It's their obligation to impeach, their duty to the American people,  when there are smoking gun impeachable crimes and there will be MULTIPLE smoking gun impeachable crimes. The senate republicans still might not convict, Quislings that they have been so far, so the winter may still last until 2020. 

Edited by Jingthing
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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Winter is not exactly ending but it is the beginning of the end. I don't see how the democrats don't impeach at this point even if they don't think the senate will convict. It's their obligation to impeach, their duty to the American people,  when there are smoking gun impeachable crimes and there will be MULTIPLE smoking gun impeachable crimes. The senate republicans still might not convict, Quislings that they have been so far, so the winter may still last until 2020. 

Everyone (real Republicans too) feels the excitement in the air as you do, but it would be unwise to start proceedings until all the evidence is in. Don't worry, I think we are close to that, before Barr gets confirmed.

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1 minute ago, keemapoot said:

Everyone (real Republicans too) feels the excitement in the air as you do, but it would be unwise to start proceedings until all the evidence is in. Don't worry, I think we are close to that, before Barr gets confirmed.

Of course that's true. It's implied that impeachment won't proceed until Mueller spills his beans. But I'm serious even based on this one smoking gun -- the democrats are obligated to do their job and the way it's shaping up, filing for impeachment proceedings is going to be part of their job. It's not the same as the Clinton fiasco was for the republicans. There are going to be multiple smoking guns (as opposed to one soiled cigar) and you can bet the house on that. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Winter is not exactly ending but it is the beginning of the end. I don't see how the democrats don't impeach at this point even if they don't think the senate will convict. It's their obligation to impeach, their duty to the American people,  when there are smoking gun impeachable crimes and there will be MULTIPLE smoking gun impeachable crimes. The senate republicans still might not convict, Quislings that they have been so far, so the winter may still last until 2020. 

Got a crystal ball, eh?   How many times have we heard "it is the beginning of the end" for President Trump.  Your post is another example of thinking that feelings are facts.

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58 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

It’s only been a few hours, but the update already needs an update, as Giuliani clarifies, further narrowing the scope of what is a crime and whether Trump was involved:


Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani)

1/18/19, 4:22 AM

My statements on collusion haven’t changed. The misinterpretation has changed. The point is I represent the President not the campaign. But from both perspectives there is no involvement in collusion with Russians on the email hack, the only possible crime.


The next update might involve something like:

”Trump didn’t personally hack into DNC emails, and even then, it only counts if he did it while hugging Eric and singing the national anthem—and we know he’s incapable of all three”


This is a significant statement, implying  Trump is distancing himself from his campaign.

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Just now, stevenl said:

This is a significant statement, implying  Trump is distancing himself from his campaign.

Yeah, they know that there will soon be a sheitstorm of negative Russian flavored news. Their lame PR distractions don't mean a thing legally. It's all about PR and trying to hold on the base and trying to avoid impeachment. 

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

This is a significant statement, implying  Trump is distancing himself from his campaign.

Might not matter much after today's news about Cohen. Looks like Trump directed him to lie to Congress, and evidently that can be confirmed by several third parties.  If true, this clown's circus run is over and impeachment grounds firmly established. 

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3 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Might not matter much after today's news about Cohen. Looks like Trump directed him to lie to Congress, and evidently that can be confirmed by several third parties.  If true, this clown's circus run is over and impeachment grounds firmly established. 

He deserves to be impeached but the senate would still need to convict.

Another big question is whether he will be indicted. It's an unresolved matter if a president while in office can be indicted so if he is, it goes to the supreme court. Based on precedent he should lose there but it could be tied up there for many months, and who knows, given the "trump" packed court he may win. 

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On 1/10/2019 at 12:20 AM, stevenl said:

Wise decision, the more he talks the more he lies. Shutting up is better.

Indeed but having the unnervingly animated, blinking and salivating Rudy G go on CNN a few days ago and say, "I never said there was no collusion" brings plausible deniability to a whole new level.


Gotta love them old school, courtroom double negatives, eh?

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Trump now needs to answer questions about telling his attorney to lie to Congress.


And.... Oh Lordy we already know Cohen had a habit of taping his phone calls and that the tapes, and his phones/computers, are now with Mueller.


Illiberals get your denial glasses on, the truth will (despite Individual-1’s best efforts) out!

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6 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Illiberals get your denial glasses on


At this point they’ll need more than denial glasses. They’ll also need blinders, earplugs and a lobotomy to still support Trump.

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13 hours ago, keemapoot said:

Might not matter much after today's news about Cohen. Looks like Trump directed him to lie to Congress, and evidently that can be confirmed by several third parties.  If true, this clown's circus run is over and impeachment grounds firmly established. 

The Special Counsel's Office have issued a rather cryptic statement with regard to this story. Nobody is quite sure what it means or why they issued it except they are stating something in the story is not accurate.

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16 hours ago, Kelsall said:

Got a crystal ball, eh?   How many times have we heard "it is the beginning of the end" for President Trump.  Your post is another example of thinking that feelings are facts.

Confusing feelings with reality?  Who would promote that?  Oh, I remember:


"Trump University salespeople were instructed to play to peoples’ emotions and suggest that potential customers rely heavily on credit card debt or retirement funds to pay for the classes, according to documents unsealed by a federal judge Tuesday."


"“You don’t sell products, benefits or solutions — you sell feelings,” Trump University salespeople were counseled. "    http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/court-documents-reveal-how-trump-university-staffers-sold-the-brand

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