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Army chief claims opponents of election delay bent on creating troubles


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3 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Pure hypocrisy!

The junta wasn't looking at the 2011 Constitution when it unconstitutionally overthrew an elected government, abolished the 2011 Constitution and cancelled the scheduled constitutional royal endorsed May 2013 national election.

The juntas exist because the military does not hold itself bound by ANY Thai constitution.

As the Sovereignty of Thailand belongs to the People of Thailand, it is the military that should look to the People for political leadership - not visa versa.


CORRECTION - May 2014 National Election

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1 hour ago, Odysseus123 said:

A very astute observation.

Possible he's driving himself.


Refer back to his now deceased father's nasty and violent reputation, yearn for power and his arrogant attitude. In the coup of 2001, 200 young unarmed civilians shot down without hesitation by terrified troops under the command of gen. sunthorn (this guys father), gen suchinda, another nasty character, and gen narong, another nasty gen who immediately after the coup occupied all his time on getting a Thai out of service train steam engine and carriages moved to his farm because he liked trains. I like that train, move it to my farm, now!


Immediately after the incident of 200 young unarmed men shot down and killed, their bodies were whisked away on trucks and have never been found. No fully conclusive investigation ever completed, because nobody game enough to conduct/complete an investigation.


Seems to me guy has already displayed his arrogance and very possibly sees because of his father that he is untouchable and entitled. And sees that Thai folks should just do as they are told. 

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3 hours ago, Ossy said:

                      Get this viral - NOW! . . . Bloody Brilliant!

Get this viral and you might find yourself either locked up for a decade or in army barracks for attitude adjustment , followed by a visit from BJ to show you the way????

Edited by BestB
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I would like everyone to know if you were not already aware.


The election date as currently set has created all sorts of issues and problems with mathayom 6 exams. Finals, GAT, PAT and university entrance exams.


Now...not thinking a damn thing more about it, yank the date again.


Students currently must take the exams within days after week long finals.


Student's futures will rise and fall on these exams and not a mention or a care from the current government.

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48 minutes ago, JAG said:



There are two rival factions - both equally unconcerned with whatever the people may want, and neither in the slightest bit interested in the democratic process.


The faction in power at present owes its allegiance to a very old man. This faction's leader wishes to succeed this old man in his extremely influential position. On the face of it he is impeccably qualified to so do, however...


The second faction is growing ever more powerful. It owes its allegiance to a younger man - a "new kid" on this particular block. Their star is rising, and it may be too late for the present team leader to realise his ambition. The new faction, as Scorecard points out, is even more ruthless than the present team. The Thais know this, that is why they (political players and the ordinary people) are steering well clear.


Redeployments within the Bangkok Army Garrison (the only part of the army which really matters) may be worth considering.


WOW!! That sir is a brilliant observation and a very scary one.


What you are describing is the doomsday scenario that the elites are so terrified of and  has brought about the trouble for the last 12 to 15 years.


I thought this coup was the coup to end all coups but this could pale in comparison to what this countercoup would mean. If that happens then it is literally a run for the nearest border with your cash and valuable in a bag scenario. 


Whennyou say “leader of current faction” seeking to replace the old man then do you mean Toady or P?


Wow. If that happens then that is some very serious s@@t right there.

Edited by bowerboy
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1 hour ago, bowerboy said:


WOW!! That sir is a brilliant observation and a very scary one.


What you are describing is the doomsday scenario that the elites are so terrified of and  has brought about the trouble for the last 12 to 15 years.


I thought this coup was the coup to end all coups but this could pale in comparison to what this countercoup would mean. If that happens then it is literally a run for the nearest border with your cash and valuable in a bag scenario. 


Whennyou say “leader of current faction” seeking to replace the old man then do you mean Toady or P?


Wow. If that happens then that is some very serious s@@t right there.



If the wheels come off, I think it will be localised. In Bangkok. That is where the money is, that is where the power is, that is the only place they are interested in. If it comes to a fight, the civilians who are not aligned will stay out of it.

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13 hours ago, rooster59 said:

thinking in one single mode without taking into consideration other factors which are reasonable and without looking at the Constitution,”

As directed by another General, they decided to think in a single mode about a single issue, getting rid of a government they didn't elect, and they don't look at a constitution that is changed at the will of the current leadership. This guy is worried about a burning trough. He sees it slipping away, another sign of the desire for change.

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Amazing, his father held the same position plus was de facto head of government of Thailand from 1991–1992, after a military coup d'etat led by Sunthorn and General Suchinda Kraprayoon deposed the government of Prime Minister Chatichai Choonhavan. ????

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13 hours ago, robblok said:

No the junta has delayed the election too many times and now the people are fed up with it. With good reason so its not them who are creating the unrest but the junta for constantly delaying the election. 

I remember you were one of those guys who were praising the coup. Glad you finally opened your eyes. It's has been the same story since 1946 coup (Pridi removal) .... ok it took 70 years for some people to understand what Thai army is really about, better late than never.

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5 minutes ago, fullcave said:

Amazing, his father held the same position plus was de facto head of government of Thailand from 1991–1992, after a military coup d'etat led by Sunthorn and General Suchinda Kraprayoon deposed the government of Prime Minister Chatichai Choonhavan. ????

Under Chatichai government Thailand experienced an amazing GDP growth, one year it was as high as 13% , the highest in the world. Many pro-poors policies were applied.

That angered the BKK whitish elite who ordered their generals to stage a coup. The excuse was that Chatichai was "corrupt" (just like Thaksin).

Thai history is kinda boring, the same things oever and over again for more than 70 years, yet there are still people who believe that Thai army is honorable and it's here to protect and save the country.


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11 minutes ago, max72 said:

I remember you were one of those guys who were praising the coup. Glad you finally opened your eyes. It's has been the same story since 1946 coup (Pridi removal) .... ok it took 70 years for some people to understand what Thai army is really about, better late than never.

I liked the coup at first, but not so much after they were shown to be as corrupt as the Shins and as deaf to criticism too like on the watch scandal. I have always been against corruption and had hoped the coup would help curb it. It did not so it lost my support when i realized they were just an other group of people stealing from the treasury. 

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nothing compares to the corruption of 80 years of juntas earning billions of dollars for themselves being laterly protected through the international chinese state apparatus(just look up what the present malaysian gov uncovered eg. forest city,train lines etc). Even Eliott Ness and his crew wouldnt be able to untangle this organised crimes web of deceit over decades of fleecing this land. Hell, Al capone is a mom n pop shop in comparison.


Just keep in mind 5 years ago the elected government budget was 1.9 trillion baht. Now under junta rule the budget is 3 trillion baht. Not to mention all the loot whoops contracts from 4g to rail to eastern corridor and it really tallys up. 

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10 hours ago, BestB said:

Get this viral and you might find yourself either locked up for a decade or in army barracks for attitude adjustment , followed by a visit from BJ to show you the way????

it came from a thai mate of mines facebook page, he could be described as a hi-so

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6 hours ago, humbug said:

nothing compares to the corruption of 80 years of juntas earning billions of dollars for themselves being laterly protected through the international chinese state apparatus(just look up what the present malaysian gov uncovered eg. forest city,train lines etc). Even Eliott Ness and his crew wouldnt be able to untangle this organised crimes web of deceit over decades of fleecing this land. Hell, Al capone is a mom n pop shop in comparison.


Just keep in mind 5 years ago the elected government budget was 1.9 trillion baht. Now under junta rule the budget is 3 trillion baht. Not to mention all the loot whoops contracts from 4g to rail to eastern corridor and it really tallys up. 

Then I must say the junta did a great job as I am sure 5 years ago they would have spend all tax income they received. So that would be 1.90 trillion. Now in 2018 the fiscal income is 2.9 trillon and in 2017 2.73 trillion and expenditure in 2017 2.9 trillion and in 2018 2.9 trillion. 


So either your figures are wrong, or the junta has made sure they got a trillion baht more in income. Id love to see you answer that one. 


I like to criticise the junta as much as the next guy but i like real facts even more.




Oh guess what i just found that your "facts"are not true. Thailands fiscal budget in 2013 was 2.4 trillion. Your only of by half a trillion. I wonder how you get your facts. 

Edited by robblok
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After so many delays in the election date they are the ones creating trouble. The people are fed up with a dictator who is bent on staying in power for as long as possible, it's time for a democratically elected government with a credible opposition party/parties.

Give a date, stick to it and let the people have their say!!

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On 1/13/2019 at 10:19 PM, chama said:

As directed by another General, they decided to think in a single mode about a single issue, getting rid of a government they didn't elect, and they don't look at a constitution that is changed at the will of the current leadership. This guy is worried about a burning trough. He sees it slipping away, another sign of the desire for change.

The 'trough' is obviously somewhere in the overall puzzle regardless of all of the players in the puzzle but my assessment is that power / displays of ruthless power is a bigger player and that also means faction power.


The Thai military had been split into factions for decades. Call them factions, call them thug groups or whatever.


Or call them ruthless gangs hell bent on being important and the most powerful, and not frightened to display their muscle to get the top spot, even death or murdering numbers of civilians to frighten the masses. All of this also meaning that civilians should shut up and do as they are told. 



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