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Brexit bedlam - May's EU divorce deal crushed by 230 votes in parliament


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3 minutes ago, vogie said:

That's strange, everytime I see the Young on the tv they are in favour of leaving, the ones that are not, are more interested in the size of Kim Kardashians bottom.

Looks like we’ll soon be putting that to the test.

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34 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

So non-US people have no right to comment on US politics and Trump? Climate change denial, for example, has implications for everyone.


Who are are these non British anyway? If they are European then they will be affected by Brexit also, albeit to a lesser extent, so have some skin in the game.


Anyone with a view on the topic is entitled to post. 

I think, but could well be wrong, as I can't be bothered to check - that the poster was pointing out that non-US citizens rarely bother to post on US topics re. Trump?


But I do agree that other eu citizens will be affected if the uk leaves the eu, so can understand why they frequently comment on brexit.

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30 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I think most mainland Europeans don’t really notice or care about EU politicians. Juncker et al are not Merkel or Macron or Trump; nobody feels they are being represented by them. The EU is what it is, a club, a trading bloc, a regulator. It is a machine running in the background; as long as the machine keeps running well, no one really cares who’s pushing the buttons. 

But it isn't!  Hence the unrest in many eu countries.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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21 hours ago, evadgib said:

See my other answer re your (in)ability to spin anything to the point where the needle actually swings in your favour.

You obviously mean your post where yet again you refuse to answer a simple question because the answer blows your argument, such as it is, out of the water.

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9 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

But it isn't!  Hence the unrest in many eu countries.

 What evidence do you have that there is unrest in many EU countries over EU membership, regulations etc.?


For example, the recent unrest in France was over fuel tax rates. Rates set by the French government; nothing to do with the EU.

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5 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

There is no “unrest in many eu countries”. And the machine is running well. Again, measured by results, not by some politician walking like he’s drunk. 

Churchill was reportedly drunk throughout most of the war; we still managed to win!

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

Dick, he doesn't have to quote your entire post, he can shorten it just as long he doesn't alter the context of the post.

But (IMO) the segment he posted did alter the context of my post?


Having said that, if you think otherwise then I stand corrected.

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2 hours ago, nontabury said:

I don’t think he’s suggesting that none Brits should be denied the right to comment on these Brexit threads. What he’s doing, is pointing out, how large a % of remoaners,are in fact non Brits, who perhaps prefer, that the U.K continues to make charitable contributions to the unelected E.U commissioners.

 Perhaps a good compromise, would be for all None Brits, to state that they are in fact none Brits when they post.555




He has no evidence to support the assumption he was making.


Perhaps a solution would be to spend less time fretting over the nationality of other TVF members.

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21 hours ago, nontabury said:

And you sir, are a typical remainer on these threads. By my estimates,60% are non Brits.

  Allthough to be fair, you’re probably worried by the loss of our charitable contributions to the E.u. And as Irish you will know, that your country is a nett receiver.


21 hours ago, nontabury said:

I think you will find that on T.V you are not allowed to agree with P.C 

however to criticise him is quite acceptable.????

 Based upon your remarks in another topic:

Pat Condell, born in Dublin to Irish parents, is not British and so his opinions are as worthless as you appear to be saying irishken's are!

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21 hours ago, evadgib said:

Complimenting my earlier reply...…


I am no fan of Toynbee, but the accusation of her making 'sickening remarks' has already been debunked in another post earlier in the topic.


That website is in appalling bad taste; but it is the work of a British expat living in Germany; nothing to do with Polly Toynbee.


She did write an article in today's Guardian, On Saturday the UK turns remain. Parliament must force a second referendum in which she includes the UK's changing demographic as one of the reasons for decreasing support for Leave and a corresponding increasing support for Remain; but to say she is 'rejoicing in the deaths of old people to further her cause' is typical Hartley-Brewer hyperbole.


Somewhat hypocritical of Hartley-Brewer as well, seeing as less than 6 months ago she used the deaths of the 29 victims of the Omagh bombing to score a minor political point! 


I have no interest in Twitter, but if Toynbee did make the tweet Hoey accuses her of, no doubt you will be able to post a copy of it here. 

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3 hours ago, nontabury said:

I don’t think he’s suggesting that none Brits should be denied the right to comment on these Brexit threads. What he’s doing, is pointing out, how large a % of remoaners,are in fact non Brits, who perhaps prefer, that the U.K continues to make charitable contributions to the unelected E.U commissioners.

 Whilst a large number of the Brexiteers are in fact ex pats in Thailand who will be little, if at all, effected by Brexit. (Unless Brexit causes the pound to drop so low that their pension is no longer enough for their visas!)


3 hours ago, nontabury said:

 Perhaps a good compromise, would be for all None Brits, to state that they are in fact none Brits when they post.555

The same for the British expats.


Addendum; I live in the UK.

Edited by 7by7
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2 hours ago, AlexRich said:

How much better will that care be when the NHS is denied overseas workers?

Why should the NHS be denied overseas workers, and specifically citizens of the E.U.

No one as far as I’m aware, have suggested they will be barred from obtaining legal employment. What will occurr when we leave the E.u. is that the British government will decide WHO is allowed in. It’s called taking control of our own boarders.


addendum; British ex-pat residing in the U.K.

Edited by nontabury
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6 hours ago, evadgib said:

'Poster' again? is it any wonder these boards have ground to a halt?


4 hours ago, vogie said:

It is a response I totally expected, you are defending Juncker for doing his job whilst he is drunk, most people in Europe if they turned up drunk like him they would be sacked, do you think he deserves special privileges, the man is a disgrace. It's no excuse saying he is leaving in November, he has been in that job for 6 years.


But as I said we from the UK (most of us anyway) do not share your beliefs in the mystical eutopia they call the EU. We both appear to have different ideals and beliefs what is best for our country. We both are seeking different goals I guess, but when we constantly get posts saying how misguided and illinformed we are, especially when accompanied by snide remarks from some members (not you), the veil starts to slip a bit.


22 hours ago, nontabury said:

And you sir, are a typical remainer on these threads. By my estimates,60% are non Brits.

  Allthough to be fair, you’re probably worried by the loss of our charitable contributions to the E.u. And as Irish you will know, that your country is a nett receiver.


8 hours ago, rixalex said:

I don't think it takes too much mental strain to work out that by third party he was referring to people who are not British.


He didn't say that certain people were not entitled to post comments, so not sure why you have implied otherwise, unless you are trying to flag something up for the moderators.


He was simply posing the question as to why non British people might feel so strongly about Britain remaining in the EU.


You should try being a little less sensitive in your responses.


36 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


 Based upon your remarks in another topic:

Pat Condell, born in Dublin to Irish parents, is not British and so his opinions are as worthless as you appear to be saying irishken's are!

Time to scotch the BS that non-Brits, posting in this thread, have opinions that are of less value than those of Brits. I'm a Brit and a remainer and contend that their opinions are more valuable.


I have had the same argument on Trump threads, always with right wing bigots (coincidence?).


I say to you what I always say to them:


"Oh, what gift the Giftie gie us,

To see ourselves as others see us." - Rabbie Burns.


You might do well to pay more attention to "Johnny Foreigner", he sees things a lot better than you do.



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26 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 Are more valuable.


I think not,allthough it’s revealing to where your loyalties lie.

When the move to have the UK adopt the Euro was being mooted, British economists and the City were overwhelmingly in favor. On the other hand, American economists from left to right were genuinely puzzled by how a monetary union without fiscal union could possibly work. Good thing those patriotic British economists prevailed. Oh wait...

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40 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Why is there so much interest from 3rd parties when the reverse sees barely a ripple on the likes of the many trump threads in the other direction?

Serious question seeking flame-free replies...

Absolutely untrue. I have been pilloried a number of times on Trump threads, for having the temerity to post when I'm not an American. As have others. Some of the abuse has been borderline vile.


Always by Trump extremist zealots. A bit like the more vociferous Brexiteers really.

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