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Video: "So what?": Remarkable conversation as huge truck goes the wrong way


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2 days ago I was driving from Ubon Ratchathani to Mukadan. I left at 5 in the morning still dark. On the highway, I encountered bikes with no lights. a car coming at me on the wrong side of the road. people walking across the highway at night. Cars speeding pass me on blind corners, cars not diming their headlights, cars fishtailing me with high beam, cars with no lights on. This was a 3 hour trip By the time I got to my destination I was totally <deleted> cked and a nervous wreck. OMG, how can they let these idiots on the road? Either they have no respect for the law or they don't know the road rules. Now I will never travel when its dark again. Least in daylight, you can see the idiots and try and to avoid there stupid driving

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I love being able to drive down the wrong side of the road.  It saves a huge amount of time over the otherwise ubiquitously required U-turns.  Being able to take a shortcut down the wrong side of the road is one of the things I really appreciate about driving in Thailand.  If I got caught doing that in the US, the cop may very well be angry enough to haul me off to jail.  Here you rarely even see a traffic cop.  I love it!


The beauty of Thai drivers is that they have an instinct most Western drivers lack.  They are also quite pragmatic -- as with the three-abreast-passing on a two lane road.  It is simple enough to politely move over a little and make was for the other guy (a Westerner would refuse to give way, furiously blowing his horn and flashing his lights instead).  Unfortunately, there are a few Thais running around with their video cameras who like to behave in a righteously indignant manner and post their experiences.  Thank goodness there are not many of them


In this case, what was the guy doing parked on the side of the road with his dash cam running anyway?  My guess is that he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame.  He knew that it he sat there long enough, he would eventually "strike gold."  It is too bad that the truck driver did not grab and smash the dash cam, then drag the guy out of his car and give him a good beating.  


I always laugh at the outrage displayed by Westerners who have never learned to drive using their brains and wits instead of blindly relying on a bunch of rules.  Driving is exactly the same in Mexico and many other developing nations where citizens develop survival instincts that most utterly Westerners lack.


My unsolicited advice to all of you is to simply try to relax and go with the flow.  Go with the flow; that's what it is all about.  And by "go with the flow," I don't mean the with flow of traffic, I mean when in Rome, do and the Romans do.  You'll never get that square peg into the round hole no matter how hard you pound on it.  If you do not like the conditions in Rome, go back from whence you came.

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5 minutes ago, The Preacher said:

I love being able to drive down the wrong side of the road.  It saves a huge amount of time over the otherwise ubiquitously required U-turns.  Being able to take a shortcut down the wrong side of the road is one of the things I really appreciate about driving in Thailand.  If I got caught doing that in the US, the cop may very well be angry enough to haul me off to jail.  Here you rarely even see a traffic cop.  I love it!


The beauty of Thai drivers is that they have an instinct most Western drivers lack.  They are also quite pragmatic -- as with the three-abreast-passing on a two lane road.  It is simple enough to politely move over a little and make was for the other guy (a Westerner would refuse to give way, furiously blowing his horn and flashing his lights instead).  Unfortunately, there are a few Thais running around with their video cameras who like to behave in a righteously indignant manner and post their experiences.  Thank goodness there are not many of them


In this case, what was the guy doing parked on the side of the road with his dash cam running anyway?  My guess is that he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame.  He knew that it he sat there long enough, he would eventually "strike gold."  It is too bad that the truck driver did not grab and smash the dash cam, then drag the guy out of his car and give him a good beating.  


I always laugh at the outrage displayed by Westerners who have never learned to drive using their brains and wits instead of blindly relying on a bunch of rules.  Driving is exactly the same in Mexico and many other developing nations where citizens develop survival instincts that most utterly Westerners lack.


My unsolicited advice to all of you is to simply try to relax and go with the flow.  Go with the flow; that's what it is all about.  And by "go with the flow," I don't mean the with flow of traffic, I mean when in Rome, do and the Romans do.  You'll never get that square peg into the round hole no matter how hard you pound on it.  If you do not like the conditions in Rome, go back from whence you came.

Thailand has one of the highest road fatalities in the world - where are the survival instincts there? 


But sure, I'll pass your message of 'go with the flow' to people who've needlessly lost loved ones on the road. It will surely help with the grief. 

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14 minutes ago, The Preacher said:

I love being able to drive down the wrong side of the road.  It saves a huge amount of time over the otherwise ubiquitously required U-turns.  Being able to take a shortcut down the wrong side of the road is one of the things I really appreciate about driving in Thailand.  If I got caught doing that in the US, the cop may very well be angry enough to haul me off to jail.  Here you rarely even see a traffic cop.  I love it!


The beauty of Thai drivers is that they have an instinct most Western drivers lack.  They are also quite pragmatic -- as with the three-abreast-passing on a two lane road.  It is simple enough to politely move over a little and make was for the other guy (a Westerner would refuse to give way, furiously blowing his horn and flashing his lights instead).  Unfortunately, there are a few Thais running around with their video cameras who like to behave in a righteously indignant manner and post their experiences.  Thank goodness there are not many of them


In this case, what was the guy doing parked on the side of the road with his dash cam running anyway?  My guess is that he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame.  He knew that it he sat there long enough, he would eventually "strike gold."  It is too bad that the truck driver did not grab and smash the dash cam, then drag the guy out of his car and give him a good beating.  


I always laugh at the outrage displayed by Westerners who have never learned to drive using their brains and wits instead of blindly relying on a bunch of rules.  Driving is exactly the same in Mexico and many other developing nations where citizens develop survival instincts that most utterly Westerners lack.


My unsolicited advice to all of you is to simply try to relax and go with the flow.  Go with the flow; that's what it is all about.  And by "go with the flow," I don't mean the with flow of traffic, I mean when in Rome, do and the Romans do.  You'll never get that square peg into the round hole no matter how hard you pound on it.  If you do not like the conditions in Rome, go back from whence you came.

You make some good points and whilst I have some sympathies with bikers doing it, for a 26 ton truck to do it is sheer madness.


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Someone earlier suggested using the cane as punishment. I thought about this and think there is some merit in it. Poor people have little money and so fines here are peanuts compared to developed countries. I often speed here whereas back in the good ole USA I rarely if ever exceeded the limit....why...a single speeding ticket might cost you $3000 in additional insurance charges for points on your licence plus of course the $250 fine and $150 court costs. 

Here speeding costs 500 baht or less, and there are 10 million outstanding tickets that have not been paid.

Instead of fines why not cane bad drivers in public? Give drunks a real thrashing. The loss of face might deter another Somchai from driving a non-roadworthy vehicle with no lights at night, drunk as a lord and doing twice the speed limit while texting on his smart phone, and having no licence?

Just a thought. Might actually save some lives.

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On 1/16/2019 at 10:50 AM, colinneil said:

Unbelievable a bloody big truck doing such a thing, what the hell is wrong with idiots like that who think it is acceptable. 

Lets hope pc  plod gets their act together and find the moron.

Once you've lived here for a while, you'll realize that most Thais love the lack of rules, and personally I do to.

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On 1/16/2019 at 3:25 AM, fruitman said:

Yesterday in Singapore i walked on the sidewalk (full of trash bins) and there came a cyclist against traffic while another cyclist passed me in the right way.


The one going the right way spread his arms to block the wrong one and shaked his head to let him know he was doing very wrong. 

But i also saw several cyclists and motocycles driving on the sidewalk...i bet there's a huge fine for that in Singapore (which won't stop them doing it). 

That's why singapore is sooo boring.

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4 hours ago, The Preacher said:

I love being able to drive down the wrong side of the road.  It saves a huge amount of time over the otherwise ubiquitously required U-turns.  Being able to take a shortcut down the wrong side of the road is one of the things I really appreciate about driving in Thailand.  If I got caught doing that in the US, the cop may very well be angry enough to haul me off to jail.  Here you rarely even see a traffic cop.  I love it!


The beauty of Thai drivers is that they have an instinct most Western drivers lack.  They are also quite pragmatic -- as with the three-abreast-passing on a two lane road.  It is simple enough to politely move over a little and make was for the other guy (a Westerner would refuse to give way, furiously blowing his horn and flashing his lights instead).  Unfortunately, there are a few Thais running around with their video cameras who like to behave in a righteously indignant manner and post their experiences.  Thank goodness there are not many of them


In this case, what was the guy doing parked on the side of the road with his dash cam running anyway?  My guess is that he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame.  He knew that it he sat there long enough, he would eventually "strike gold."  It is too bad that the truck driver did not grab and smash the dash cam, then drag the guy out of his car and give him a good beating.  


I always laugh at the outrage displayed by Westerners who have never learned to drive using their brains and wits instead of blindly relying on a bunch of rules.  Driving is exactly the same in Mexico and many other developing nations where citizens develop survival instincts that most utterly Westerners lack.


My unsolicited advice to all of you is to simply try to relax and go with the flow.  Go with the flow; that's what it is all about.  And by "go with the flow," I don't mean the with flow of traffic, I mean when in Rome, do and the Romans do.  You'll never get that square peg into the round hole no matter how hard you pound on it.  If you do not like the conditions in Rome, go back from whence you came.

A very apt user name, with your crazy attitude about road use, you will probably some require the services of a preacher at your funeral.

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On 1/16/2019 at 11:14 AM, dcnx said:

They are literally some of the most uneducated and ignorant people on the planet and they are operating moter vehicles. What could possibly go wrong?


Kudos to the handful of responsible drivers out there and those who film these driving donkeys. The brave person filming was lucky the truck driver didn’t try to smash into him or attack him. Anyone who drives like that here is bound to have a fragile ego that he’s willing to kill for.

If i sound my horn at some dangerous idiotic driver,my wifey tells me to central lock the doors " Maybe him have gun want kill you"

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On 1/17/2019 at 8:31 AM, The Preacher said:

I love being able to drive down the wrong side of the road.  It saves a huge amount of time over the otherwise ubiquitously required U-turns.  Being able to take a shortcut down the wrong side of the road is one of the things I really appreciate about driving in Thailand.  If I got caught doing that in the US, the cop may very well be angry enough to haul me off to jail.  Here you rarely even see a traffic cop.  I love it!


The beauty of Thai drivers is that they have an instinct most Western drivers lack.  They are also quite pragmatic -- as with the three-abreast-passing on a two lane road.  It is simple enough to politely move over a little and make was for the other guy (a Westerner would refuse to give way, furiously blowing his horn and flashing his lights instead).  Unfortunately, there are a few Thais running around with their video cameras who like to behave in a righteously indignant manner and post their experiences.  Thank goodness there are not many of them


In this case, what was the guy doing parked on the side of the road with his dash cam running anyway?  My guess is that he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame.  He knew that it he sat there long enough, he would eventually "strike gold."  It is too bad that the truck driver did not grab and smash the dash cam, then drag the guy out of his car and give him a good beating.  


I always laugh at the outrage displayed by Westerners who have never learned to drive using their brains and wits instead of blindly relying on a bunch of rules.  Driving is exactly the same in Mexico and many other developing nations where citizens develop survival instincts that most utterly Westerners lack.


My unsolicited advice to all of you is to simply try to relax and go with the flow.  Go with the flow; that's what it is all about.  And by "go with the flow," I don't mean the with flow of traffic, I mean when in Rome, do and the Romans do.  You'll never get that square peg into the round hole no matter how hard you pound on it.  If you do not like the conditions in Rome, go back from whence you came.

If your not part of the solution YOU are part of the problem. By the way to get a square peg in your round hole,just bore your hole out larger before you pound it..???? 

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