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Thai immigration considers forcing some retirees to show 800k in bank EVERY THREE MONTHS: report


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4 minutes ago, dcnx said:

Pollution is one of the reasons we’re leaving. It’s not getting better and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. It didn’t bother me in the past but I’ve been in the hospital twice in the last 12 months because of it. Both times the doctors have told me that pollution related illnesses are also increasing. 


Our health is important. That’s all we have. Visa issues are one thing, but my health is another and much more important than whatever positives I can find in Thailand, positives that are diminishing.

Your comment rings true for many. Increasing pollution and it's associated health consequences here in Thailand will only get worse IMO. I also concur with your assessment that the "positives" of living in Thailand are rapidly diminishing. In short, Thailand is played out for many. It's no longer "amazing" to many.  

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4 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Your post is all about what you want.

You are exactly the person they would like to get rid of.

Coming here with a "living on the cheap" mindset living in the countryside.

They do not really want or care about you being here.

Hope you can figure it out...


They just don't get it.


It's about what they want. This is not Open Europe or the World Without Borders. It's Thailand. They no longer welcome poor people, low class or sexpats. Stop complaining and go home if you can't meet the requirements. Although I feel pity on those married and having a family here, but insufficient funds. That's tough.

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1 minute ago, somtumwrong said:

The era of the low class hansum man with no manners and no money is over. Get over it, people! The era has changed. They want good people in, bad people out. If you can't afford it, go home. You don't have the right to stay in the country. It's their country. Solly.


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51 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

how will this drive out the corruption and the use of agents?  i'd expect the opposite.


now some gots to visit the agent 3-4 more times a year to get their 800k seasoned.

not seasoned, in , update book and out via ATM transfer, do not update bank book , show

rinse repeat

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2 hours ago, OJAS said:

So how would this be likely to work in practice? Would those applying (or re-applying) for annual retirement extensions on the basis of 800k in the bank be given 4 x 90-day consecutive extensions in future, with each 90-day extension being dependent on a bank passbook or statement being produced showing a continuous minimum 800k balance over the preceding 90 days?


Or if enforcement were to be through the separate 90-day reporting process, would this mean the end of online and snail mail reporting, with attendance in person at one's local immigration office every 90 days henceforth being the strict order of the day for everybody (I somehow doubt that the Immigration Bureau's systems are sufficiently sophisticated as to be capable of only excluding those on retirement extensions based on 800k in the bank from the online and snail mail methods) ?


And would those on marriage extensions based on 400k in the bank be similarly affected?

It's alright saying just keep the 800,00THB in the bank, but it's also all the hassle that comes with this, just to get the extension.


If all this is true, I suppose it depends on what immigration will want as proof.


Just another certified bank statement every 90 days? Another 200THB a go every 3 months. Further documents? 

Will trips outside Thailand have to be planned so that one is always here to do the application every 90 days?


Even if they tie it to each 90 day address report, it will prolong the procedure. If they don't it will mean eight visits per year to IO.


Here in Samui, it seems they already want far more documents than in other places for a retirement extension. My last one took three business days. F*** knows how this will affect things.

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8 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

The big picture is if I was single, I would not be doing Thailand any longer and I think a lot of single guys are going to say this. I could easily float between Philippines, Vietnam, and Cambodia and just do a trip into Thailand for a month at a time to get my fill of Thai food.


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Just now, notamember said:

like the Americans, Brits and Aussies that lied on their stat decs?

those cheaters?


No, the other cheaters who use agents to circumvent the requirements. Did you miss what this topic is about?

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37 minutes ago, MikeOKitches said:

I concur 100% with your comment, Chippy151. I've always maintained that the current regime in charge of Thai government
doesn't want any foreigners living here.  The regime grudgingly tolerates us due to the financial contributions we make to the
country's economy. There are certainly better places to live as a retiree and spend money. Speaking for myself, I'm exploring 
Cambodia as an alternative. 

wasn't it Thaksin that said that?


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26 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Your post is all about what you want.

You are exactly the person they would like to get rid of.

Coming here with a "living on the cheap" mindset living in the countryside.

They do not really want or care about you being here.

Hope you can figure it out...


Your post doesn't make any sense. If they want to get rid of people like me, then they'll have either to raise the 800,000 Baht requirement by a huge amount, or increase the monthly 65,000 Baht requirement. In Australia, 800,000 Baht is a mere A$33,000, the cost of an average car. As a retiree I have much more than that in fixed term investment accounts in Australia.


In fact, the 800,000 Baht Bank deposit requirement, in place of proof of income, would theoretically allow a foreign retiree to live on next to nothing, like the poorest Thai farmer, or even a Buddhist monk. Now that's an interesting point. Could a foreign retiree be ordained as a Buddhist monk and live off no income at all, provided he had 800,000 Baht in a Thai bank? ????

Edited by VincentRJ
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Knowing how Thailand flip-flops on most every issue, it seems almost pointless to get concerned about something that probably won't happen. IF and when it ever becomes law,  then the affected people can make a decision on how to deal with it. I think a large percentage of expats that use that method just leave 800K  in the bank at all times, although I have no statistics to back up that statement. 

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3 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

for god's sake get a clue and just put the 800,000 baht in the frickin' bank and be done with it.

But you will still need to go to Chaeng Wattan every 90 days, get bank statements the same day, and wait in line all day long to get approved. And what happens if you are out of the country around the 90 day bank account check? Must you organize your entire life around this?

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Just now, zydeco said:

But you will still need to go to Chaeng Wattan every 90 days, get bank statements the same day, and wait in line all day long to get approved. And what happens if you are out of the country around the 90 day bank account check? Must you organize your entire life around this?

Maybe not ,  as they can just ask you to show a 1 year statement showing the 800K  instead of just the previous 2-3 months.  Not extra work on the expat part. 

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