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New financial regulations for retirees: Nearly a third of expats may have to leave - but half on Facebook say they're off!


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Your post is one of the more intelligent posts I have read regarding what immigration is doing to discourage foreigners from continuing to live in Thailand.  I have read so many pompous and smug comments from many of the posters on this site, making demeaning comments about expats who have to leave because they are unable to deposit 800,000 baht into a Thai bank.  These people brag about how they can easily make this deposit and many have said they have be doing this for years, lol.
There are far more expats that can deposit 800,000 baht in a Thai bank but are intelligent enough to see the folly in doing so.  These people will be leaving each month as their one year extensions come due, along with those who are unable to abide by immigrations latest hurdle.  
The leaders of Thai Immigration has made it clear, they do not want western retirees residing in Thailand.  This ridicules financial requirement of depositing money in a Thai bank is to take advantage of those who can't leave for various reasons, and to purge as many of the westerns as they can.
I wonder how many expats who have married Thai women and have kids here don't meet this latest hurdle for one year extensions.  These people will be forced to leave their families as their extensions come due. [emoji20]
What is the new criteria for foreigners married to a Thai national?

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New financial regulations for retirees: Nearly a third of expats may have to leave - but half on Facebook say they're off!
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Two Thaivisa straw polls - one on the forum and one on Facebook - have indicated that many expats will be calling it quits in Thailand. 
But while nearly half of those on Facebook said they would be leaving nearly 70% on the forum expected to ride out the storm.
The polls were undertaken in the wake of new regulations issued by Thai immigration retiring retirees to lodge money for several months in a Thai bank account.
On the forum people were asked the question: Will the new financial requirements force you to leave?
7.9% said Yes
22.72% said it would seriously jeopardize their stay
69.38% said they would not have to leave.
This meant that nearly a third were in the category of leaving for sure or at least being in jeopardy.
On Facebook a similar question was more clear cut.
Asked if the tough new financial requirements for retirement extensions (visas) would force people to leave:
49% said Yes
51% said No.
On the forum 461 people responded to the survey. On Facebook there were 968 respondents. 
-- [emoji2398] Copyright Thai Visa News 2019-02-04
hey, not the thai officials cause the problem. it's the farang not following the rules, using illegal agents etc. causing a reaction by the authorities.
who is using his own money for 3 month can also use it for 5. not a big change.
illegal out - honest in !
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There was a mention on Khaosod or whatever it is called about a "10-year retirement visa'...(It was in the article about Big Joker and his rise through various departments). Not sure if has been mentioned as threads can move of first few pages fast.


It will probably probably be along the lines of the Elite visa lump sump payment plus mandatory medical insurance.... (pure speculation there on both counts).


Perhaps current retiees will be grandfathered into the current system, and future ones will have to tip their wallet upside down for a 10-year retiremement visa without all the 800k nonsense.




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I was a bit surprised to bump into what appeared to be vagrant expats here in Phuket. I do get the reason for the new requirements; having foreigners dependent on welfare would be just like.. uhh... the United States! "Get into the US (somehow), stay longer (illegally), and abuse the free giveaways (US citizen' tax dollars)."  The US could learn a thing or two from Thai immigration policies IMHO... although the processes here could be made a bit easier.. ok a lot easier... ????   

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6 minutes ago, ReMarKable said:

how could this work?  The 800 k has to be seasoned for 3 months.

I feel that the recent changes would not be needed if IO’s were honest and not accepting financial records showing the money has just been in the account for a few hours, courtesy of the agent who shares his exorbitant fees with the Immigration officer. 

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50 minutes ago, cyrus9 said:

The reason for this decision is to stop fraud. There are some Indian sharks in Thailand who lend 800,000 Baht to some foreigners for a week with a high interest, just for those foreigners to get 1 year retirement visa. I hear there have been many cases like that.

Lol, how on earth did you come up with this idea.  There is no scape goat involved in this latest immigration financial requirement.  The leaders of immigration want westerns to leave.  If this hurdle doesn't do the trick, they will come up with another loonie idea, although this latest hurdle will get rid of a lot of westerns.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

It does appear that this administration, and especially the biggest joke, are trying to do everything in their power to discourage ex-pats from staying here. Does it not? These imbeciles should be making our lives easier, and making visa policy simpler. Rather they seem to be tightening the noose, every chance they get. To call them ignorant, fearful, xenophobic, non-visionary, and misguided would be a vast understatement. Biggest Joke said he would make things easier and simpler. He is doing just the opposite, and barely even disguising his contempt for foreigners. He is the single biggest threat to the ex-pat community right now. 


One can only hope that come election time, all of this nonsense will be over, and both Prayuth and especially the biggest joke, will be sent out to pasture for the rest of their lives. They are not doing anything that benefits their nation, and they are picking on good men, who are bringing a lot to the table. Dumb and dumber. What can one say? 

My thinking is the following: Prayuth will remain in power, although I hope not. This man is a strategist. He knows exactly what he wants. He had time to prepare for years. 

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8 minutes ago, Thailand said:

Just seen an email dated today pm from a key Pattaya agent that says the the new requirements apply to new applicants only.


Have not seen an official announcement yet.


Just saying what I have seen.

This sounds more like my experience when applying the first time 9 years ago... B800,000 for 2months before applying, followed by 90 days at B800,000 to check that I wasn't cheating. I returned after 90 days and then they check that the B800K was still there and then gave me a 9 month extension to give my the full year. The following years no problem with B800K in Time deposit 3months prior to application for second year.


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26 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

You cannot get into the U.K. unless you have a job that pays a minimum of £18,000 per year that is why there are a lot of Brits who have married abroad but their wives cannot get a visa due to the spouse not earning enough 

That is not strictly true. there are 2 methods - 1 is income, 2nd is money in the bank. 18k a year, plus 2.5 say  on top for every child must be on income. BUT, if you can show you have money in the bank then that is acceptable too. About 70k I think for the wife, more for the kids. You can also combine the two.


In my case I cannot meet the financial yearly income to bring the family to the UK. BUT, planning ahead meant that I kept my house in the south east and rented it out. It's not a great house, but still 300k pounds, I have no mortgage. Assuming I sell it, but a much nicer house up near my daughter up north, then I should have more than enough to show immigration and also enough to show 2 years later.


If you have sold your house and moved to thailand, or started a family in Thailand never thinking ahead for any pitfalls that may happen - like junta regimes or financial requirements, or future visa requirement changes then you pretty much deserve what you get. 



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This is the Thailand News Forum

Aren't articles in this forum supposed to be real news ?

So why so many fake news made-by-ThaiVisa recently ?


Nearly a third of expats may have to leave - but half on Facebook say they're off!


Both terms of this statement are clearly "Pure B.S". :post-4641-1156693976:

Personally bored of all these ridiculous clickbait titles... :saai:

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11 minutes ago, johnc925 said:

I was a bit surprised to bump into what appeared to be vagrant expats here in Phuket. I do get the reason for the new requirements; having foreigners dependent on welfare would be just like.. uhh... the United States! "Get into the US (somehow), stay longer (illegally), and abuse the free giveaways (US citizen' tax dollars)."  The US could learn a thing or two from Thai immigration policies IMHO... although the processes here could be made a bit easier.. ok a lot easier... ????   

You don't seem to know what you are talking about (just listening to and repeating nonsense) Without the illegal and legal foreigners in the US, the economy would come to a stand still. The same applies to some countries in Europe.

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16 minutes ago, jensmann said:

hey, not the thai officials cause the problem. it's the farang not following the rules, using illegal agents etc. causing a reaction by the authorities.
who is using his own money for 3 month can also use it for 5. not a big change.
illegal out - honest in !

Actually at the moment it appears to be a major change.

I think you need to sit down and read it again sowly.

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It sure seems to me that the government is making things difficult for the retired population with no added benefits for the country. If each expat retired in Thailand spent a VERY conservative 25,000 baht per month for the year, that's 300,000 baht. If say there are 40,000 retirees spending the 25K per month, that's 1 billion baht PER MONTH! If half are leaving, thanks to immigration authorities, they're taking 500 million baht with them that will not get spent in Thailand. If the requirement was simply 800,000 B on deposit at the time of extension and maintaining a 400,000 B balance for each month of the following year would simplify things. So think what these officials are willing to pull out of the hands of the common people in Thailand! Six billion baht per year...conservatively! So tell me, where's the benefit of chasing people away from Thailand? If any have better figures than this, chime in... 

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i spoke with my dermatologist this morning and she said that most of her patients where expats who like me had spent most of their lives living on the beach and as a result have acquired skin cancer.  we represent a lucrative income source to the medical professionals here. 

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Build a Wall... cage up expat kids... blame the Russians!  Just kidding.

Give it time folks.  Some of us can't leave, some can, and most (big pensioners) likely will end up a month here and there.  What gets me, is why not just say it, preferred ($$$) expats only! Granted, there is sizable number of sketchy expats coming to and living in Thailand.  I see them often.


Dear Mr. Big Joke


Start by vetting retirees and long term visa people. Run their passports through Interpol, FBI etc.  Perhaps have them get a letter certifying them from their embassies that they are of sound character and have a clean record. Sir, you have some people that are simply nasty, corrupt and dangerous. Do away with them and keep the decent ones here.  You won't be sorry.  In other words don't toss out the baby with the bath water.


Sincerely and Respectfully

James Williams


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2 minutes ago, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

Dear Mr. Big Joke


Start by vetting retirees and long term visa people. Run their passports through Interpol, FBI etc.  Perhaps have them get a letter certifying them from their embassies that they are of sound character and have a clean record. Sir, you have some people that are simply nasty, corrupt and dangerous. Do away with them and keep the decent ones here.  You won't be sorry.  In other words don't toss out the baby with the bath water.


Sincerely and Respectfully

James Williams

Do you really think he is behind the new rules?

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3 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

It is time to come clean. I am responsible for all of this.


I had a opportunity to meet Big Joke and I asked him if he could come up with a way to make the lines shorter at immigration.


 "7.9% said Yes plus 22.72% said it would seriously jeopardize their stay."


looks like a 30.62% decrease in the lines! :clap2:



The lines will stay long. Fewer Expats means fewer Immigration Offices, just like before. 

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4 minutes ago, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

Perhaps have them get a letter certifying them from their embassies that they are of sound character and have a clean record. 

Do you think that rehabilitated ex-criminals should be discriminated against?

I don't.

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3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Cambodia is a lawless corrupt, brutal place. Go there and you will be treated as a sexual predator or criminal by your home country.

Sorry to inform you but living in Thailand often comes with the same sexual predator stigma.  


Thailand is also lawless and corrupt. Not as bad as Cambodia, but not too far behind. 


That said, I personally wouldn’t live in Cambodia. It’s too hot, too dusty, and too much development taking place. 

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