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Buying Safe for Condo in Pattaya


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There are threads about this topic, but they are either old or not specific to Pattaya.


We need a Safe to go in our new condo. Not a hotel safe type but something better. Will be installed in a cubbard near the floor. It needs to be bolted down to the floor passing the bottom of the cubbard. Assistance is needed to do that. This service must be bought from the shop selling the safe.


It would be advantageous to have the supplier in Pattaya. We want a good one that can really serve its purpose.


And while we are at it: Safety box suppliers outside of the house are required as well - to safeguard important documents against fire. Any recommendations ? Of course a box with one dimension of 7.5cm will not do. Must acccomodate A4 and maybe the even bigger Chanote format.


Any hints appreciated ! Thanks.

Edited by moogradod
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There is a shop that sells only safes in Pattaya Klang just up from Foodland but on the other side of the road. Not sure if they will install but they should know someone if you ask.


I purchased a safe that is (suoosedly) fire proof/resistant so does both jobs.

Edited by topt
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2 minutes ago, j8k said:

Better off keeping anything valuable away from Thailand, particularly Pattaya which has more criminals than anywhere on earth (and thats just the locals, let alone the Russians etc).

What a completely nonsense post. I can understand the Pattaya bashing part but If you live somewhere presumably most people will have (to them) "valuable" items that they will need to store somewhere........:wacko:


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Depending on what you are securing.

Might you be better served by a safety deposit box at a bank?

I have not read much about B&Eing in Pattaya. Might a better approach be a more secured entry.

That being said, as mentioned, the shop opposite Foodland have multiple safes available, and the staff speak great English and seemed knowledgeable.

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6 hours ago, j8k said:

Better off keeping anything valuable away from Thailand, particularly Pattaya which has more criminals than anywhere on earth (and thats just the locals, let alone the Russians etc).

Paranoid delusional??

Edited by bkk6060
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7 minutes ago, bahtboy said:

First thing I did when I came to live in Pattaya was to buy a safe, and I bought it from the shop on Pattaya Klang as mentioned above. Their service is excellent.

Generally speaking:

better go to such a specialist so that you don't get crap like seen in post #6 where a crowbar or chissel can be applied.


Think twice whether you want to rent a bank safe and what to put in there.

I prefer a safe at home, accessible 24/7. Simple turn-wheel plus key, no battery driven gadget.


Even if the banks would have those 24/7 (?) accessible safe boxes, the entrance mechanism still might be down when you need it (had such in Germany).

Also it seems very difficult to find available bank safes?


Another critical point: you need trust in a shop/service that comes to your home for installation.

You might guess why.


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Sitting in a bar and chatted with a guy that lived here for about 2 years, never had a safe and never had a break-in or theft, then one day he decided to buy a safe and have the shop he bought it from deliver it, many of his neighbors saw it being delivered and guess what, 2 days latter his place was broken into and the entire safe was hauled away.  

Buy a safe? Sure no problem, but be discrete about it. 

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19 hours ago, moogradod said:

It needs to be bolted down to the floor passing the bottom of the cubbard.

Global house not only sell safe's but the means to secure them to the floor as well. 

Requires a bit of DIY skill, but do you want a stranger knowing that you have something worth stealing in your home?

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9 hours ago, KittenKong said:

For me one of the plus points about living in a condo is that I dont need a safe at all.

Agree basically, we have 7x24h security and key cards and cameras as well but every bit of additional security helps. And it would be quite difficult to transport an even "lighter" safe many floors down to the ground without a lift. So you had to open it on the premises. Depending on what safe you buy this should be difficult.


Some suggest here to be careful about the company that would transport it to the home, the visibility of the delivery or the service that would fix it to the ground or wall or both. This is a main concern.

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On 2/6/2019 at 4:08 PM, DeeMak9 said:

Use siamsecure.co.th ????

They seem to have been gone out of business. At least they are not anymore at Welcome Town (what kind of ghosttown that is - we have been there today). The advertised telephone number does not work either. And if you fill in the contact form on their (still existing) website, you get no feedback.


A pity actually, I liked the idea to split your "valuables" between things you do not need often (like a Chanote or a social security paper) and the rest (to be kept in a safe at home for immediate access).


Does anybody use an alternative ? Cheap and secure Safety Boxes ?

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23 hours ago, moogradod said:

They seem to have been gone out of business. At least they are not anymore at Welcome Town (what kind of ghosttown that is - we have been there today). The advertised telephone number does not work either. And if you fill in the contact form on their (still existing) website, you get no feedback.


A pity actually, I liked the idea to split your "valuables" between things you do not need often (like a Chanote or a social security paper) and the rest (to be kept in a safe at home for immediate access).


Does anybody use an alternative ? Cheap and secure Safety Boxes ?


I have been today to enquiry at Siam secure for a safe. Everything up and running.

Was open, and all the small size safe are already been taken.

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1 hour ago, marino28 said:

I have been today to enquiry at Siam secure for a safe. Everything up and running.

Was open, and all the small size safe are already been taken.

Was this in Welcome Town or elsewhere ? Not that it would matter actually - since I am only interested in the small size safe - but I could have a look anyway. But they do not answer to enquiries via the web, nor was the telephone number operational yesterday.


Today, I have been in the shop opposite Foodland. And the lady there seems to know what she is talking about. They would as well install the safe - for THB 1'000.--. A good shop.

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On 2/6/2019 at 12:25 PM, j8k said:

Better off keeping anything valuable away from Thailand, particularly Pattaya which has more criminals than anywhere on earth (and thats just the locals, let alone the Russians etc).

Nothing funny in writing such B.S. :post-4641-1156693976:

Not only it's fully wrong,

but Condos are also very safe.

Never heard of a theft in my condo in more than 10 years.

Thieves will prefer isolated houses to protected condos in a city.

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3 hours ago, moogradod said:

Was this in Welcome Town or elsewhere ? Not that it would matter actually - since I am only interested in the small size safe - but I could have a look anyway. But they do not answer to enquiries via the web, nor was the telephone number operational yesterday.


Today, I have been in the shop opposite Foodland. And the lady there seems to know what she is talking about. They would as well install the safe - for THB 1'000.--. A good shop.



yes, there is only one Siam secure and is in Welcome Town

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On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 11:46 PM, KittenKong said:

For me one of the plus points about living in a condo is that I dont need a safe at all.

Maybe the safe is not for the purpose of stealing … some buy a safe for the purpose to protect some important things from fire.

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20 hours ago, marino28 said:



yes, there is only one Siam secure and is in Welcome Town

Sorry for my own fake news here on TV. Siam Secure is in Welcome Town and still operational. It is just very much in the beginning on the right side of the soi Welcome Town. Yesterday, the coffee shop a bit more up the street did not know them, and their information on the net is outdated (telephone number). We did just overlook them.


But today we went there and did rent a small box long term. They make a very good impression.

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