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Children’s subsidy ‘will empty the country’s coffers’


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7 hours ago, smedly said:

giving cash to Thais is a bad idea


perhaps some form voucher perhaps - limited to purchase certain things


or spend the money on useless submarines :post-4641-1156694572:

And tanks (and perhaps useless planes for a useless aircraft carrier?). The military have a history of shoddy purchasing but, hey, someone's making a few baht because of it.

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3 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

on the other hand, each child also represents a future motocy gang member, ya ba addict and lost-face killer.

Improve your society first, before flooding your nation with more "potentials".

Not true at all.


There is a chance that a small percentage my end up that, but the majority of children that I know through my 14 year old son are nothing like that at all.




2 hours ago, robblok said:

Wrong post. Sorry


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6 hours ago, mok199 said:

  Thais don't court, woo,send chocolates or romance ,its 30 minutes of redicurous flirting then ,straight to the ''short time hotel''....Valentines day thai style..

WOW! You seems to be an expert on Thais.

Enlighten the foreigners more with your treasure trove of Thai knowledge!


There are more top experts herein, perhaps you all could join and form a society for the upliftment of Thailand...

Edited by ravip
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7 hours ago, mok199 said:

  Thais don't court, woo,send chocolates or romance ,its 30 minutes of redicurous flirting then ,straight to the ''short time hotel''....Valentines day thai style..

From what I've seen the young lads just seem to hover lazily around the girls, ready to hide the salami any time the opportunity occurs. Some might bother with pakwan.

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7 hours ago, mok199 said:

  Thais don't court, woo,send chocolates or romance ,its 30 minutes of redicurous flirting then ,straight to the ''short time hotel''....Valentines day thai style..

I learned that from Thais, took me a while but it works for me too.

(You forgot the leave 1,000bht on the pillow after)

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5 hours ago, BuckBee said:

This will produce more unwanted kids poorly educated and living with other family members as mum/dad not mature enough be parents .

Yes, can anticipate one of the biggest spikes in birthrates in history, alongside a corresponding spike in down payments on new cars. 

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9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...Women would be given Bt3,000 per month for all nine months of their pregnancy and another Bt10,000 to cover delivery expenses. After birth, the child will be provided a monthly subsidy of Bt2,000 until it turns six. Each family would receive a total Bt181,000 per child.."


It is hard to argue that Thai infants/children don't need a helping hand; most modern research into human development places huge emphasis on what occurs between the ages of 0-6.




"...He pointed out that this amount was much higher than the Bt180 billion earmarked every year for the Universal Healthcare scheme, which covers 47 million people..."


There is also great validity with the above; it does not make a lot of sense to treat an infant properly, then dump him/her into a hugely sub-standard school system and progress into a life of menial labour with sub-standard health care.


If Thailand is going to attempt to care for its infants/people properly, then it should make a commitment to care for all its people properly. Get rid of the Bureaucracy's and Military's private health scheme and have ONE, UNIVERSAL health service that is properly funded. Reform the Education system so that overall quality and regional disparities are dealt with. Create policies which allow for economic development in ALL areas of the country. Enact a tax system whereby the wealthy actually pay their fair share, and include property taxes. Reform the Police, the Bureaucracy, the Military and State employees (I.e. the ENTIRE State Apparatus) so that they act within their purview and provide proper services to the general populace. Etc Etc. Etc.


Yes, I am dreaming, but if Thailand is serious about creating a good society, then the aspirational goals should be a rule of law based society, equal access to social services, and respect for the Thai people delivered through allowing proper, fair elections.


As much as I would like to believe that there is some serious intent here, it looks like political lip-service which will be forgotten if the military continues in power after their "election".


"...“I agree that every party needs to come up with policies to win votes, but this one is not only going to bankrupt our country; it clearly looks like Phalang Pracharat is planning to use our tax money to buy votes,” he said..."


Hard to argue with the last comment above...


The civil servants and social security schemes do collect premiums.

The 30-baht scheme only gets income from the 30 baht payments.

A combination of the three schemes would either mean everybody must pay a premium, or nobody does.

Which means only taxpayers will have to foot the bill.

Not many Thai however, pay income tax nor health care premiums.

And I doubt very much if former democratically elected governments did anything, really worthwhile that is, for the people.

I can't escape the impression democracy was used for personal and group gain.

Like in most so-called democratic countries where voting doesn't mean or bring anything for the people in general. 

Edited by hansnl
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6 hours ago, robblok said:

I thought so to however he is totally right in his calculation. The first year it might be cheaper but it compounds. So his math is correct in year 6 you got 6 x 700.000 kids. So yes its correct. I could write it all out for you but I think if you look at it again you will see he is right for the cost per 6 from year 6 on.

Furthermore, if the policy is to pay for any children that are under the age of six which I think would be only fair then it would cost the full amount already from the first year.

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14 hours ago, YetAnother said:

where is the problem ? they never intend on fulfilling those promises

However...if they are able to set up and launch the program they will have an easy target to siphon off funds following the age old Thai tradition of claiming to protect the helpless while helping themselves to a premier trough location.

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