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Finished with Thailand


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OP, no idea what Buddhism has to do with your problem.


Plenty of crimes are committed in America, UK, and the rest of the world by 'Christian' people or other religions, but these crimes are due to bad people not their religion.  No, if the person who stuck the cat to your door but some Buddhist stuff on it I could see your point.


Also, you have no idea why this happened do you?  You are just guessing it was something to do with the market, when it's more probable a more intimate or personal reason against you wife.  How do you know she is telling you the full story, you are not even in the country?


She needs to report this to the police and head man.  Then you need to find out the real reason it happened (which will be hard to do), or just forget it and move on.


If you want to leave... leave.  But, you must be aware that this sort of thing happens in every country around the world.... look at your local news in America and you will see animals cruelty, teenager gangs beating up or killing elderly people, religious people abusing children, etc etc.  





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