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Thai Government to take a cut of rescued soccer team's major movie deal


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2 different issues here:


1) Whether the government deserves to be reimbursed for the costs they incurred during the rescue.


2) Whether the money will actually be spent on government programs as opposed to disappearing into the pockets of some officials.


It wouldn't make a very good movie had the government not spent millions of public domain baht supporting the rescue efforts...  



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Given that the  Thai Government   spent  possibly  unknown amounts in total and that a a Movie Maker expects  to  cash in on the traumatic  events  who  can  really object. 

What really  matters is that against the odds  the  kids  survived. That is  their  true  reward.

Heroes were acclaimed. ( Some somewhat  dubious).

Move  on  !



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To be fair the Government have spent a huge amount of money rescuing the kids, so if it can recoup some money from the film deal I'm not going to be critical. If I were a parent of one of the kids I'd be very grateful to them.


One thing ... I do hope the family of the deceased Navy Seal get some money from this venture.


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6 hours ago, warrima said:

Who's playing Vern? - Bruce Willis!


More seriously i Personally i think its in very poor taste for anyone to be cashing in on this. Officials, the families or otherwise. 


I think they've lined up Garry Glitter for that role. 




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18 hours ago, Enoon said:

They were children under the direction of an adult.


They and their families owe the State nothing.

They owe the state everything along with the international help... without which all these lads would still be entombed within the cave along with their "adult leader"

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21 hours ago, petermik said:


I cannot agree,the actions of the boys cost one rescuer his life and substantial cost to the government...only fair and right in my opinion that some of this should be recovered :thumbsup:

Yes there was a substantial cost to the government. That would have included flying in the PM for a guest star appearance along with his entourage of flunkies and personal media staff and camera crews to record for posterity his vital intervention to help save the boys.

Then there would be the fleet of limousines and assorted military vehicles to get him and his army of footmen and security staff to the site. All that wouldn't come cheap but for sure his appearance and assistance was life-and-death as was his assistance in the kitchen barking orders to the kitchen staff and testing the quality of their food. All they managed to do was get in the way of everyone else trying to do their job while they went rambling through the rescue site tripping over everything. 

So the question needs to be asked; does that substantial cost need to be recovered by stealing money under the guise of movie rights.

I wonder who will play the important role of the PM in the movie; I suspect Mr. Hollywood himself will put him name forward for that job. 

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2 hours ago, Buriramfelang said:

By the time the Gov officials buy some new watches and the kids parents waste the rest by giving it away to their parasite relations and anybody else who puts their hand out, the kids will be lucky enough to have enough left to get a new football. 

Agree. Don't forget a shopping trip for the officials Mia Noi. For the families - Brand new Toyota Hilux all round id say.

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There is a easy way around this - they film in studios and in locations outside the country.

Once they have the consent and signatures of the boys parents they can make payments / royalty transfers abroad - they can film anywhere they like.

If any dispute should arise they just don’t market/ screen the movie here - the Thai market is of very little interest to large movie companies because of copyright preaches and pirating.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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21 hours ago, cmrichsw said:

Government assistance in many ways counts for Nothing?? come on use your head 

Other governments besides Thailand's also assisted. But I doubt that any money will be going to them for reimbursement of the material and personnel they sent.

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The movie will be absolutely rubbish for sure...I think this is more about the government wanting to control the story and how it is told.


This right here is the most brilliant account of the rescue (the start of it) anywhere and is very very revealing. Just google “it was utter chaos inside the cave rescue that nearly didn’t happen”.


Tells you everything you already knew but wanted to hear from a reliable source.

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On 2/21/2019 at 1:33 PM, 4MyEgo said:

What a selfish comment.


It would be common decency for the families to thank the Thai government for returning their loved ones to safety after putting all their's and the international communities efforts into it, at a cost to the Thai's, the money spent could be returning as a % of the monies they are about to receive from the movie deal, for without the Thai government's HELP, they would not be here, would they.


But as one can see in society, it's all about the money, money, money, or what one can get for one's self, not remembering the cost and who bore it, isn't it.

The Thai government rescued the kids? You sure about that?

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I just love the bit in the story about the 4 Thai cave rescuers who fell asleep in one of the chambers and woke up to find it flooded!!! <deleted>!! Only these guys could do something like that.


So the first 4 people that the Brits had to rescue were 4 of the Thai rescuers because they couldn’t help having a sleep!! You couldn’t make it up and pretty sure that won’t be going in the movie (the bit about the Army denying it ever happened is extremely revealing and so very very Thai...they actually told the recscuers that the rescue they had just completed didn’t actually happen!! Truly TIT for those of us who have ever had to try and reason with a Thai when they are in the wrong).

Edited by bowerboy
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Why don't the parents of the boys demand as an express condition of any deal with an incoming film maker that an offshore (outside of Thailand) trust be set up and the deal money be deposited therein for the sole benefit of each of the team members and their coach.


By what legal right does the Government have any claim over the boys deal money?



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On 2/21/2019 at 10:51 PM, impulse said:

2 different issues here:


1) Whether the government deserves to be reimbursed for the costs they incurred during the rescue.


2) Whether the money will actually be spent on government programs as opposed to disappearing into the pockets of some officials.


It wouldn't make a very good movie had the government not spent millions of public domain baht supporting the rescue efforts...  



They have taxes to recover their money. Going after the boys windfall is just greed and corruption at play.

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1 hour ago, Khaeng Mak said:

Why don't the parents of the boys demand as an express condition of any deal with an incoming film maker that an offshore (outside of Thailand) trust be set up and the deal money be deposited therein for the sole benefit of each of the team members and their coach.


By what legal right does the Government have any claim over the boys deal money? 


They have taxes to recover their money. Going after the boys windfall is just greed and corruption at play.


So, you figure handing the royalty money over to the kids whose antics cost hundreds of thousands of tax dollars (and the life of one heroic rescuer) is the appropriate thing to do?


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Disgusting if it is a money grab.  Laudible if some profits go to the rescue foundations.  But more importantly will the movie even deal with the issue of what the heck the coach and other involved adults were doing forcing or coercing young boys into doing such a dangerous activity?  Has there been any news or fall out or law suits against the coach(s)? 

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19 hours ago, Justin Side said:

The Thai government rescued the kids? You sure about that?

We all know it was an international effort, and your point is ?


What cost do you think this amounted to ?


There are roads that need fixing, hospitals that need fixing, medicines to be purchased for Thai's, the list goes on, so what, allow them to walk off scott free, give me a break, it is because of their rescue that they are going to make millions, only right thing to do is to make them pay back what it cost so those funds can go back into the system, corruption or not, some of it will filter through to where it is supposed to go.

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