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Armed men disrupt school exams after being told to keep the noise down at ordination ceremony


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28 minutes ago, natway09 said:

I think you guys have just about said it all.

These very immature Thai males need to grow some brains & some severe training in self discipline. Idiots


25 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

Hard to imagine this really happened in 2019 with grown men attacking teachers and forcibly kissing a student in school over noise complaint. ????


19 minutes ago, Bournville said:

... and now the accused lie and deny disturbing anyone!! Bunch of lying animals. Taking zero responsibility for thier own actions. Really pathetic. 

I agree with all the above.  Just pathetic individuals!  Brandishing weapons for this is just beyond any reason.  Everyone of them should do some serious jail time.  Thank God, none of these fools fired a round or two off!   No excuse, book'em!

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Disgusting Bags of Puke !

What a “wonderful” example to the WORLD of supposedly Good Buddhists these creatures are.


Hope they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and LOCKED-Up as an example to any other similar morons.


Would also be appropriate to allow any students who so wish, to re-sit the examinations.

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I understand and mostly agree with all the reactions expressed here. What I do not understand is; why would the perps voluntarily present themselves to the police?


There is safety in numbers and the bib are not about to actually put any effort into tracking them down individually! Yes I know about confession and sentence halved, but they did not murder anyone. Half of 500baht and a wai is not a discount worth pursuing.

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"One school executive sustained a broken nose. A female student was allegedly forcibly embraced and kissed." 


"The men – 12 in their 20s, two age 18 and six between 32 and 41 – insisted at Bang Khun Thien Police Station in Chom Thong district they were involved in no violent misbehaviour."


Someone's telling porkies - what a surprise!


Apart from that, the men had no right to be on the school property at all - and ARMED!!! The mind boggles as to what the outcome COULD have been!

Edited by sambum
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5 hours ago, Thechook said:

I can imagine what would if happened if violent and armed men forced their way into a school in places like Australia or the U.S.  the school would be swarming with heavily armed police and I wonder how many would actually get to walk out.

Never in Oz, never has, never will be. Fact. We are an intelligent race and have gun laws. 

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I'm sick and tired of reading of Thai Males on rampant ego trips, and then to return to the scene of the crime claiming they did nothing wrong. Cabinet samashed, desks overturned, female student molested (Oh not me), these men have earned time in prison and if not given, they set the trend for all immature Thai "men".

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Thin skinned, egotistical girlie boy oxygen thieves. How on earth did this happen? So sorry for the victims and I feel empty and gutted by this childish violent reaction. 

A strong response is required but I don’t think these poor people will get any justice from the powers to be. 

Absolutely disgusting but somehow reflective of so many things that are wrong with this country. 

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What race opens up with automatic weapons on school children on a nearly weekly basis, mass shootings common occurrence, opens up on concert goers killing dozens? Not the "Thin skinned, egotistical girlie boy oxygen thieves.".  Your mind needs to be like a parachute, it needs to be open to work. 

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To  carry weapons  into a school is  an act of  violence simply  by the threat. That they  came from a temple  exacerbates the entirety of the whole scenario.

Even by admitting their presence  does  not lessen the  severity of that regardless of  denial as to any  other accusations. If they are  not locked down for a significant time it will be another sad blow to  the Thai society in any expectations of  social order. 

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13 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

To  carry weapons  into a school is  an act of  violence simply  by the threat. That they  came from a temple  exacerbates the entirety of the whole scenario.

Even by admitting their presence  does  not lessen the  severity of that regardless of  denial as to any  other accusations. If they are  not locked down for a significant time it will be another sad blow to  the Thai society in any expectations of  social order. 

Weapons and religions walk hand in hand and have done that since the very beginning ...

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I fail to see how ear-busting music, played at a volume that disturbs school exams, is a suitable or necessary

part of an ordination into the contemplative life of a monk. The immature yobs who stormed the school when a teacher complained will certainly not be admitted into Heaven or Nivanha...

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