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Ex-lawyer Cohen assails 'conman' Trump, gives no direct evidence of collusion


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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


Perhaps a rat, but a rat with some honor. He decided enough was enough. Tens years of covering up for this man was enough. And of course, there was the matter of prison. Most RICO cases, and many of the mafia godfathers were brought down by rats. It is the nature of the judicial system to use rats, to squeeze out the real gangsters. Trump is finished. He is toast. His life of crime is finally catching up with him. Hopefully, Don Jr. and Ivanka will also see the inside of a cell. America deserves that justice. 





he didn't decide enough is enough he was busted and decided to try for a book deal... lol

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14 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Yet another smoking gun turns out to be a damp squib. Clearly this Cohen has cracked under pressure and some serious mental illness is presenting itself. A lawyer calling somebody a "conman" and a "cheat", I loved that part. Give him a course of lithium and put the poor guy out to graze in some asylum, there is no point in hounding him any more.

 Now as per the title - "no direct evidence of collusion" from an insider. Once again may I humbly suggest there was no collusion, and even if certain Russian nationals wanted Trump to win, this did not cause Hillary to lose. Hillary did that all on her lonesome. The sad excuses and employing spymaster Mr Steele to gin up some plausible excuses as to why it wasn't Hillary's fault and the rest is history.



Your post could have  possibly more relevance perhaps if you were  a USA citizen.    But...


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15 minutes ago, watcharacters said:



Your post could have  possibly more relevance perhaps if you were  a USA citizen.    But...


This post of his is imo nonsense, as are most of his posts. But your contention 'if he would be American his post would have more relevance' is even worse.

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20 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Yet another smoking gun turns out to be a damp squib.

Russian collusion? You bet, dead in the water.

SDNY however? You better believe the Trump Crime Family is losing a LOT of sleep over the VERIFIABLE evidence of financial fraud on many accounts and levels. It's still being debated whether or not a sitting president can be indicted, but in this there is NO grey area - Trump will be indicted once he's out of office and there are NO pardons on state crimes.

Edited by quandow
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5 hours ago, Thomas J said:

Also it tells you a lot when the Democrats who control the proceedings are limiting the questioning to only areas they believe will be detrimental to Trump. 

No. The Dems asked the questions they wanted and the Repubs asked theirs, though I saw MUCH more grandstanding and political posturing than actual questions being asked by the Repubs.

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6 hours ago, Lacessit said:

IMHO Cohen is not alleging anything about Trump that most of the world does not know about him already.

As well, Cohen has actual evidence to corroborate much of his testimony including tax fraud, insurance fraud, abuse of the Trump charity, and paying off his mistresses while in office. Think about that - WHILE IN OFFICE!


When will enough be enough for Trump supporters?

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6 hours ago, tlandtday said:

he didn't decide enough is enough he was busted and decided to try for a book deal... lol

And Cohen was questioned by several Repubs about promising not to benefit from said book deal, to which he said, "No. I'm taking the deal." Probably the first honest thing he's said going forward.

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Those that hoped he was the "answer to all their prayers" in removing Trump are AGAIN sadly mistaken.

Not this time.

Certainly the Russian collusion question is just about put to rest. As stupid as Trump is, he was smart enough to keep layers of insulation between him and any direct link. However, he left enough evidence over financial crimes to put him and his family into a mandatory stay at the gray bar hotel for quite some time.

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6 hours ago, watcharacters said:

Your post could have  possibly more relevance perhaps if you were  a USA citizen.    But...

If I was not from the US and of anti-American sentiments I would be a DT supporter.  I feel that way of anyone else.

"Death to America" is no longer a threat, it's a wish that the country will commit suicide, which it seems to be in the process of doing.  MAGA, baby!



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11 hours ago, Ulic said:

Of course, Cohen is telling the truth. Those who don't believe him and believe Trump probably believed Lance Armstrong when he said he never took drugs, or that Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, and Mark Maguire never too drugs either. That said I don't really care. I think Trump is a dufus but the American voters put him in office and he has done or tried to do everything he said he was going to do. From moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, lowering taxes, appointing conservative judges from his named list weaken EPA standards and streamline regulations. People may not like what he stands for or his policies, but he has in his bull in a china shop ham-handed way delivered or is trying to deliver on his promises. Do I think Cohen is right on all of his assumptions, no. I don't believe Trump is a racist. I believe he is not sensitive to the issues of blacks/Hispanics, and he holds poor people in low regard, regardless of race. He likes and gets along with wealthy successful minorities, couldn't give a shit about the rest. He is a silver-spoon shameless self promoter-bullshiter egomaniac, but then again I believe almost everyone who runs for president of the USA has to be a bit of an egomaniac. Just my opinion. :coffee1:

You said much I agree with, but no one except Cohen knows if he is telling the truth, so I don't agree with your first sentence.

However, if he comes up with a valid tape recording, or some other incontrovertible proof, that would be a different story, but so far no such proof exists, right?

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You said much I agree with, but no one except Cohen knows if he is telling the truth, so I don't agree with your first sentence.

However, if he comes up with a valid tape recording, or some other incontrovertible proof, that would be a different story, but so far no such proof exists, right?

We already know that Cohen had a habit of recording telephone conversations.


We already know the Mueller team have those tapes.


Brace yourself.

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17 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The first verification of testimony given by Cohen has already arrived;




More to follow.

If that's all they've got, Trump need not lose any sleep. Much ado about nothing in the most litigious country in the world.

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53 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

We already know that Cohen had a habit of recording telephone conversations.


We already know the Mueller team have those tapes.


Brace yourself.

Given that every phone call is being recorded, IF Trump is guilty of something and was stupid enough to incriminate himself on a phone call, he probably should be booted. It behooves us all to remember that "someone" has access to everything transmitted by electronic media, including everything we write on here.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given that every phone call is being recorded, IF Trump is guilty of something and was stupid enough to incriminate himself on a phone call, he probably should be booted. It behooves us all to remember that "someone" has access to everything transmitted by electronic media, including everything we write on here.


Every phone call is NOT recorded, OBVIOUSLY. trump famously uses his own unsecured phone.


Cohen has at least "A hundred tapes" of CONVERSATIONS.


Feel free to brush up on the Giuliani interview...


“Even If He Did Do It, It Wouldn’t Be a Crime”: Rudy Giuliani on President Trump




Because I have been through all the tapes, I have been through all the texts, I have been through all the e-mails, and I knew none existed. And then, basically, when the special counsel said that, just in case there are any others I might not know about, they probably went through others and found the same thing.


Wait, what tapes have you gone through?


I shouldn’t have said tapes. They alleged there were texts and e-mails that corroborated that Cohen was saying the President told him to lie. There were no texts, there were no e-mails, and the President never told him to lie.


So, there were no tapes you listened to, though?


No tapes. Well, I have listened to tapes, but none of them concern this.







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BTW, here is a copy of the check aka "the smoking gun." The date on the check is 1 Aug 2017. Trump was inaugurated 20 Jan 2017.


And this is just the beginning. The Trump Crime Family is going DOWN.


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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If that's all they've got, Trump need not lose any sleep.


Meh. Not so sure. Seems trump lost a lot of sleep worrying that his SAT scores would leak. I'm guessing south of 400, so can understand his desire to suppress this information. Weird he never mentions Fordham, just his two years at Penn?


See if you can guess trump's 'tell' when he lies...HINT: his lips almost always move.




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