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And another issue at airport : w re-entry retirement legit visa

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7 hours ago, Pilotman said:

actually, the  most impolite and miserable Immigration officials I have ever had the misfortune to interact with have been in US Airports. Thai's don't come close.  

Damn skippy! And the ones working 'Secondary Inspection' are even worse.

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15 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

yeah, last December, and imagine the face of the people behind me, she moved to the side and call somebody to replace her at the counter, forgot to say that she also claimed I had too many stamps, that I traveled too much and why did I stay so long in China & Macau

Yep, in my large experience at immigrations in the world, some are not asking (legit or stupid) question, they just play the power abuse thing. But it's (very) rare in most countries i think (well not sure but in my experiences).


In 30+ years of many travels, i only had problem in Vegas, as i said for no reason other than a frustrated IO, once but after 1hour+ a supervisor gave a green light, pissing off patently the bad IO ; actually another time long ago in LA but less longer, just a ton of questions, no obvious intend to make problem ; and in Jamaica a few years ago : here on the pretext i had no return ticket to France ! (i had a legit continuation ticket though), a bad IO denied me, i was never able to see a supervisor (or to be checked by) : low order-standard country...

That's all, i pass the "not welcome feeling" or stupid questions here and there sometimes, no big deal and usually quick, i can talk.


My post and worries are more related to the general feeling Thailand does not want expats anymore, and a legit visa could be kind of a lottery at airport if so. I may be wrong, or not, i just don't know but that one was weird considering all the changes they made recently toward farang not in a tourist pack of Chineese ????


Anyway in countries who pretend to have "order" (like USA for the big example), such disorder in the forces, even rare, is really bad (police, immigration, homeland...). Not much better than anarchy or communism (joking... maybe...).


Somehow, AI and automated analysis could be better (not susceptible to abuse power for frustration or a bad day - or whatever very human, if no strict order and supervision inside the forces -)...

Or worse.

Well, we will see, the AI and total surveillance revolution has started here and there in the world.

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2 minutes ago, Sambotte said:

Yep, in my large experience at immigrations in the world, some are not asking (legit or stupid) question, they just play the power abuse thing. But it's (very) rare in most countries i think (well not sure but in my experiences).


In 30+ years of many travels, i only had problem in Vegas, as i said for no reason other than a frustrated IO, once but after 1hour+ a supervisor gave a green light, pissing off patently the bad IO ; actually another time long ago in LA but less longer, just a ton of questions, no obvious intend to make problem ; and in Jamaica a few years ago : here on the pretext i had no return ticket to France ! (i had a legit continuation ticket though), a bad IO denied me, i was never able to see a supervisor (or to be checked by) : low order-standard country...

That's all, i pass the "not welcome feeling" or stupid questions here and there sometimes, no big deal and usually quick, i can talk.


My post and worries are more related to the general feeling Thailand does not want expats anymore, and a legit visa could be kind of a lottery at airport if so. I may be wrong, or not, i just don't know but that one was weird considering all the changes they made recently toward farang not in a tourist pack of Chineese ????


Anyway in countries who pretend to have "order" (like USA for the big example), such disorder in the forces, even rare, is really bad (police, immigration, homeland...). Not much better than anarchy or communism (joking... maybe...).


Somehow, AI and automated analysis could be better (not susceptible to abuse power for frustration or a bad day - or whatever very human, if no strict order and supervision inside the forces -)...

Or worse.

Well, we will see, the AI and total surveillance revolution has started here and there in the world.

merci et bonne chance

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8 hours ago, SammyT said:

1) I know how much IO's earn, and it isn't much for the volume of work they are required to do. Ever seen the lines at BKK airport?


2) What rational reason does an IO have to decide "I'm gonna pick out this farang and just be an <deleted> to him because I don't like the look of him". We have no idea what information the IO had on our original poster. We are relying on one side of the story. But let's believe the farang because all Thais are inherently geared to make our lives more difficult, right?


My question is - do you expect the immigration officers in your home country to do their jobs and ask questions of people to make sure everything stacks up? I'm gonna presume yes. So why should you expect Thailand's immigration officers to be any different? Because you're a westerner you couldn't possibly be a criminal, right?

To answer your question, yes I do, but I also expect them to know the rules and apply them evenly.  They are also the representatives of my Country.  Whether they like it or not, they may be the first citizen of my country that visitors meet. They should therefore always  be polite and friendly, unless they need to be otherwise. That is as much a part of the job as the basic IO work.  I mainly find the UK IOs to be okay  Pity other IOs in other countries are not the same.  

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19 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

We are on to your "ways" - trying to set up an illegal toothpaste-importing scheme right under their noses like that.  For Shame!!


Good idea, since few Thais would be proud to say that scams run out of govt options fit into those categorizations.


The dodge won't work.  Citizens from Nations which offer Higher Wages don't come to Thailand to seek out illegal jobs.


Immigration is corrupt in many parts of the country.  Thailand is otherwise a very nice place to live, given most Thai people are not at all like the bad-apples that we are discussing within immigration.


Our nations have higher wages than Thailand.  Rich people from our nations retire in Geneva, Swizerland, and similar - not Thailand. 

The rules were changed on those already here without grandfathering, which was underhanded and cruel to those encouraged by Thailand to retire here.


It's a dangerous amount to carry - period - and totally unnecessary anywhere but entering Thailand-immigration.  I use travelers checks to mitigate the risk.


You keep mixing up the wages of Western nations with people - intentionally.  The readers are not so stupid as to be confused by this mis-framing.


Wages are higher in the West, so we don't come here to take under-the-table illegal jobs.

The cost of living here is lower, so most expats come to enjoy more "good-life" for lower overhead-costs.   Someone with a good head on their shoulders would see the value in this decision.

Wages are higher in the West, so we don't come here to take under-the-table illegal jobs.

The cost of living here is lower, so most expats come to enjoy more "good-life" for lower overhead-costs.   Someone with a good head on their shoulders would see the value in this decision.


Undoubtedly the wages in the West ARE higher than in the 3rd world. But unfortunately it does not allow a certain category of people to live comfortably in their own homes. These drop outs come with the 'big' money to the 3rd world countries and try to live in their Ivory towers and show their high noses to the poor - their arrogance and their attitude...(NOT ALL)

Especially as the top wage earners advance in their years, their own country's weather make them miserable and undergo untold sufferings. Hence, is it something surprising to see so many whinners pounding on their keyboard bashing the Thais and their country while living 'comfortably' in Thailand.

Do you really imply, that a human-being, in the evening of his life, will be living happily in another country away from his own family and friends amongst foreigners with whom they can hardly speak? It is obvious that it is mostly by compulsion, rather than choice that these elderly foreigners are relocating.

Your phrase "Someone with a good head on their shoulders would see the value in this decision" can be taken as an excuse to justify this unhappy situation.

To say USD 650/= to be dangerous to carry around is a good joke indeed, especially from a high wage earner.

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The thing that I find weird, is that Thai IOs cannot get their head around why someone under 50 might not be working. Let's say you're only 40, sold your business or a property, or had a large inheritance. So you no longer need to work, and enjoy spending your new found wealth in Thailand. They just cannot understand that you chose to not work because you no longer need to. They don't seem to understand that people in Western countries with a professional job can accumulate enough money to stop working before 50, especially if they move to a country where the cost of living is far, far lower.

Edited by pr9spk
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24 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

Dont worry they are vastly out numbered by the Thai-hating clique here on TV :+)

Thai-hating, or corrupt/rude IO hating?  Big difference.


6 minutes ago, ravip said:

Hence, is it something surprising to see so many whinners pounding on their keyboard bashing the Thais and their country while living 'comfortably' in Thailand.

Somehow, I always see valid critiques of immigration's corruption, and rudeness tied to that corruption, as defended under attacking the poster as "bashing Thailand and Thais."  Why?  Thais get shafted by the corruption more than we do, so hate it - and having to kiss-a to it, more than we do.  We and the Thai people are on the same side on this issue.


There are a few people who deride Thais in this forum, but I am not one of them.  As to the comments on the news-articles, I am often surprised how openly those comments attack Thailand - but that's another story.


11 minutes ago, ravip said:

Do you really imply, that a human-being, in the evening of his life, will be living happily in another country away from his own family and friends amongst foreigners with whom they can hardly speak?

Families can be reached online, and an increasing percentage of personal relationships are also online.  I miss some friends back in my passport-country - yes - but they would be here too, if they could.  They did not see what was coming via globalization, and did not have the where-with-all to start businesses that can be operated via an internet-connection.  They cannot afford to escape until they hit 62 or so (though will probably be to Mexico or Vietnam, since Thailand doesn't want us any more). 


11 minutes ago, ravip said:

 It is obvious that it is mostly by compulsion, rather than choice that these elderly foreigners are relocating.

I disagree.  There are many inexpensive places one could live in the USA, for example.  Even on just Social-Security; no meals would be missed.  But, the quality of life compared to living in Thailand (or Mexico) - yes, can live much better here (or there), on the same amount of income.  Eat out more, live close to a beach, see more movies,  more left-over to shop with, etc.


14 minutes ago, ravip said:

To say USD 650/= to be dangerous to carry around is a good joke indeed, especially from a high wage earner.

Higher-wage country is not the same as "high wage earner within a high-wage country" - which is what the other poster was attempting to do, by twisting what I had written. 
We are "high wage earners" relative to median Thai wage earners.  Each of us spends multiple median Thai salaries of foreign-sourced capital into the country.  This doesn't make us "gods" or something - just relatively well-off, and with spending that creates jobs/wealth here.


As to $650 USD - yes, would really suck to simply lose that much money - poof and gone - especially considering how much enjoyment one could have in Thailand with that sum, and given one might need $50 to get from the airport to their hotel and catch a meal en-route.  The hotel would be paid with plastic, of course - and the meal as well, if a more expensive one.  And if you really needed more cash, for some reason, will probably pass 200 ATM machines between the airport-gate and the hotel.

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@Sambotte OP apologies but I have to ask the question. What is your ethnicity.? Are you White Caucasion? I know it should be irrelevant, but in Thailand we all know that isnt the case and might have an effect on the way you were treated. Also, I see you mention Jamaica and have visited Panama in South America, so if the IO was profiling, she may have felt she was on too something. No offence meant.

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16 minutes ago, jimn said:

@Sambotte OP apologies but I have to ask the question. What is your ethnicity.? Are you White Caucasion? I know it should be irrelevant, but in Thailand we all know that isnt the case and might have an effect on the way you were treated. Also, I see you mention Jamaica and have visited Panama in South America, so if the IO was profiling, she may have felt she was on too something. No offence meant.

I know it should be irrelevant, but in Thailand we all know that isnt the case...

In which country on this planet is that irrelevant? I mean really.

Would really like to know that paradise on Earth.

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had similar last year on re entry, the officer(male) got upset because the re entry permit number was written in pen(they always do this) on the visa so he started going through all my stamps and muttering as he did, 15 minutes later he went to speak to someone else then came back and queried me on the amount of times I leave the country(only 2 or 3 a year), explained I visit my daughter and family in Australia or go away with my wife, he kept muttering then finally stamped it. Dont know what his problem was, maybe didnt get a bit before work but being Thailand I am used to the attitude


Edited by seajae
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19 hours ago, balo said:

I have a problem to believe this story . If you really have a normal 1 year visa based on retirement and a valid re-entry , immigration should not ask you any questions. I would call Big Joke directly if this had happened to me.



ive never had a problem thank god.

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13 hours ago, yuiop said:

Let's not talk about lack of respect for local customs and traditions

Nor double pricing, bill padding, targeting of tourists for traffic stops, nor searches without warrant, nor refusing to use taxi meters or imprisonment without charge or raiding bridge games or police extortion. Let us not talk of these things. 

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10 hours ago, pr9spk said:

The thing that I find weird, is that Thai IOs cannot get their head around why someone under 50 might not be working. Let's say you're only 40, sold your business or a property, or had a large inheritance. So you no longer need to work, and enjoy spending your new found wealth in Thailand. They just cannot understand that you chose to not work because you no longer need to. They don't seem to understand that people in Western countries with a professional job can accumulate enough money to stop working before 50, especially if they move to a country where the cost of living is far, far lower.

It might be more that whilst they realise it, they resent the fact. This is a recent trait of immigration and the authorities here, and quite lamentable. 

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11 hours ago, JackThompson said:

No, no - quite the opposite.  They give us married-to-a-Thai types the Nth degree at many offices.  Many retired-guys who try to switch to marriage will be finding out about this soon.


I was unable to get an extension at Jomtien, then again up-country, as they used 2 different "dodges" to avoid processing my application.  The only thing we having going for us is the availability of a Non-O-ME Visa, obtained close to Thailand. 


As to the sex-industry, that is mostly fueled by short-term tourists, who receive easy-access by immigration upon entry.  But a visitor seems to be "sticking around" and might lining up to marry a Thai gf, then they start putting the screws in, to drive them away.  And don't get me started on the level of farang-hatred at some amphoe-offices, when you are trying to get married.


All they had to do was ban agents, if that was their game.  Instead, they wrote new rules that offer the exact same loophole the agents were already using.  Swiss bank accounts are being filled by the guys running this immigration *-show.  Have to give them credit for thinking "Big" with their ambitions - and with uncompromising ruthlessness - willing to do immeasurable harm to their own country's citizens' opportunities to get their loot.

have not seen any corrupt officials demoted nor bad agents banned.  of course, it depends on your definition of "bad."  so far i've only read about two agents being picked up for selling fake visas. 


i'm sure it's purely coincidence that these two baddies were NOT sharing their ill-gotten gains with immigration.......

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10 hours ago, balo said:

Yes in fact I do have his office number. 

Everyone's got his number, but he's warned people not to use it frivolously. I'm paraphrasing btw - there's obviously no chance he could pronounce frivolously...



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2 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

have not seen any corrupt officials demoted nor bad agents banned.  of course, it depends on your definition of "bad."  so far i've only read about two agents being picked up for selling fake visas. 

There was a post by @Tanoshi referring to Buriram (I believe) about a number of IOs being sacked and several foreigners who had received Extensions being called in, after a review found some discrepancies. 

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11 hours ago, ravip said:

Undoubtedly the wages in the West ARE higher than in the 3rd world. But unfortunately it does not allow a certain category of people to live comfortably in their own homes. These drop outs come with the 'big' money to the 3rd world countries and try to live in their Ivory towers and show their high noses to the poor - their arrogance and their attitude...

What on earth are you on about?

Thais treat those with less money than them as dirt to be kicked and slapped around.

Next you'll be claiming you aren't banging a local you bought with your 'big money' either, which is what we all really came here for.

Edited by BritManToo
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1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

There was a post by @Tanoshi referring to Buriram (I believe) about a number of IOs being sacked and several foreigners who had received Extensions being called in, after a review found some discrepancies. 

thanks!  wasn't aware of that.  i'll have to look into it...

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