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Neighbors trying to kill my Tookays

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My God, don't you know that these vicious creatures are DEADLY? I cannot believe that you are leaving your family and pets exposed to these deadly beasts.


Where have you been? How long have you lived here? Goodness, any Thai will tell you how deadly these beasts are - They sit up high just waiting to pounce on you as you walk past. They have huge teeth that will lock onto you and will not let go. You will need to go to hospital with the Toktaw still attached and doctors will have to cut off its head to try and release its grip. Violent, wicked animals.


Listen carefully to what your Thai neighbours tell you, they know all about these things. Why just last night I was visited by ghosts, I know this because my dogs were barking wildly, and everyone knows that barking dogs mean that ghosts are approaching.

See if you can get some amulets from your local temple, they will protect you from the Toktaws, and if you can agree a small sum, you can get amulets that prevent bullets from hurting you and stop your car from crashing.


 Not always easy to find the saffron clad brigade in the temple, it might be worth having a look out the back as they like to tie dogs to trees and shag them.

Edited by Formaleins
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On 3/13/2019 at 8:39 PM, marcusarelus said:

I'm their only friend

I know how you feel dude. I too take solace in lesser life forms. I prefer invertebrates, they move slower.

Edited by Nyezhov
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The bigger ones sound like they are saying F### you, F### you. Usually at 2 - 3 am in the morning.

I don't mind them as they consume mosquitoes. My GF hates them because they leave lizard shit in the outdoor kitchen.

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39 minutes ago, Vacuum said:

I take it that you're not the one who does the house cleaning.

I really don't mind them outside, apart from when they hang on the ceiling above the outside dining table and crap on the food.


I do take exception to them in the house as they crap everywhere. Dirty little things, impossible to house train.


They do eat flies, termites and mozzies so do provide a service, so I wouldn't try to get rid of them. But keep them as pets? Are you mad?

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18 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

The bigger ones sound like they are saying F### you, F### you. Usually at 2 - 3 am in the morning.

I don't mind them as they consume mosquitoes. My GF hates them because they leave lizard shit in the outdoor kitchen.

Anything or anyone that says F# to me at 3am and shits in the kitchen is OK as long as it is a Mosquito eating machine. Priorities. 

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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

Personally I would just get rid of them...

  Are they really worth the hassle of being disliked by those around you...."Better to understand, than be understood".

I told my neighbor if she sees one to call me and I'd take care of it.  Last time she called two guys who had to ride 3 miles to get there.  I'm closer.  I take care of her snakes and skinks as it is so adding tookays is no big deal. 

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8 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Anything or anyone that says F# to me at 3am and shits in the kitchen is OK as long as it is a Mosquito eating machine. Priorities. 

Unlike humans the girl of the species is quiet.  If they make a lot of noise it's a boy. 

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On 3/13/2019 at 11:04 AM, marcusarelus said:



print off a copy of this photo for your neighbor.

tell her this little one captured the nasty, evil poisonous centipede above your bed, saving you from a painful, festering bite.

tell her they were sent by your grandfather to protect you, so it's your responsibility to protect them.

jinkies, tell her they even chase ghosts away!

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On 3/13/2019 at 7:41 AM, marcusarelus said:

My lady neighbor though well educated is afraid of them and has is passing that fear along to her children

But I’m sure they are fine with stray dogs. No problem at all. Not easy to understand the logic behide it. 


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There is a spray specifically to keep tokays away. You could buy your neighbor a supply. Many Thais consider a house tokay lucky to have especially if their croak is nine times. Also if your house and grounds are a safe zone they will stop wandering over into the dead zones. 

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On ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 6:06 PM, NanLaew said:

I think there's a cultural aspect to this national revulsion for tokays. Something to do with spirits or bad joss or some such other hokum.

My neighbors believe that if they make their call 7 times in a row it is good luck.


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On 3/16/2019 at 12:26 PM, dick dasterdly said:

I like Tookays too, which is just as well as there are many around the house.  One comes into the house for a few days every now and again, and I'm always happy to see him.


I've even thought about leaving out some dog/cat food at night for him to eat ????!

There is one that has returned to the outside kitchen , heard him last night but since the kitchen has had a new roof a couple of months ago he is in hiding .  Last year I would go out at night and feed him with chicken skin on a long pole.  Amazing how such a viscous looking critter can sound so cute.

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On 3/13/2019 at 8:06 AM, NanLaew said:

I think there's a cultural aspect to this national revulsion for tokays. Something to do with spirits or bad joss or some such other hokum.

In his book, Tales of the Old Days (Nitaan Boraan Kadi), Prince Damrong reported that many Thais, especially in the South believed that they are poisonous and also aggressive against people. He claimed to have conducted research and discovered he could not find a single case reported to the government of one of them biting a person. Nevertheless, people still believe it.

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8 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Anything or anyone that says F# to me at 3am and shits in the kitchen is OK as long as it is a Mosquito eating machine. Priorities. 

I just knew I should not have posted that comment. Pay attention. I said they say F### you, not F### me.

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Ask her if she prefers roaches, scorpions, centipedes, rats, etc., because that's what she'll get more of if she gets rid of the Tookays. I agree with an earlier post that said if you can somehow convince her that they keep ghosts away, she'll roll out the red carpet for them.

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