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New Zealand police hunt 'active shooter' after gunman opens fire at mosque


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There is very little difference between this man and the Muslim extremists he blames for everything. If he feels that strongly why not go to Syria and help finish off ISIS?


Like all extremists, he is a coward who needs to use assault weapons against unarmed women and children.


Australia is a lily white country, the last bastion of Anglo-saxons living privileged existence, happily digging up the country and exporting it - a country the same size as USA with only 20 - 25 million people ...there are many there that fear a Muslim invasion, this guy is not alone. 

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2 hours ago, tandor said:

..anyone possessing such images on their devices, footage of death and carnage should be prosecuted..just sickening...this is Police Only evidence to be used at a trial only..not to be put out there for the ghouls who seem to thrive on it...without respect or dignity for the deceased, be they children, women or men..RIP you poor innocent folk.

But this would fly in the face of the new 'Social Media' driven world - no rules!


How do you think the likes of that waste of space geek Zuckerburg would have become a f'ing billionaire if proper controls and identification protocols were required from day one? For instance journalists having to be accredited, news only being reported from reliable sources.


Right wing scum, perverts and stalkers have benefited way more then the common person who show photos of their ugly kitten to their 'friends'. Look how effective the yellow shirt movement in France became - without social media it would have been a non starter.

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5 minutes ago, ParadiseLost said:

But this would fly in the face of the new 'Social Media' driven world - no rules!


How do you think the likes of that waste of space geek Zuckerburg would have become a f'ing billionaire if proper controls and identification protocols were required from day one? For instance journalists having to be accredited, news only being reported from reliable sources.


Right wing scum, perverts and stalkers have benefited way more then the common person who show photos of their ugly kitten to their 'friends'. Look how effective the yellow shirt movement in France became - without social media it would have been a non starter.

..yes i understand where your coming from, but the general public and media users don't have to view/partake in any of that, they can regulate themselves..if FB/Twitter/Instagram/UTube etc etc are so good at what they do then as images/video is uploaded to the web site, the content should be immediately vetted and rejected/accepted, not allowing immediate view until passed..would this work?...i sincerely think so.

After all Zuckerberg created his FB to communicate between two colleges, did he not...hardly his fault..we're in need of more serious regulating and analysis of content.

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3 minutes ago, usviphotography said:

Australia is by no means a lily white country. This is a perfect example of the generational divide that is fracturing Western Politics. The older generation remembers the way things were and lives in a sort of fantasy world of outdated class politics while the younger generation is radicalized by the hard truths of their everyday existence and the racial politics they necessarily bring about. Australia was a lily white country, but like all nearly all Western Countries save a few in Eastern and Central Europe, it is on the fast track to complete Genocide of the native population within a century. 

Native population being the Aboriginals, nobody else there can lay claim to being a 'native' Australian.


And as for today's Australia being any different - check photos of Canberra MPs, observe the ratio of Anglo-saxons to the rest. Also the police, army, town councilors. sports teams, TV presenters, etc. etc. etc. Then come back and deny it is lily-white...

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15 minutes ago, Benroon said:

The next atrocity is coming soon, we just accept it now.

I think they get swept away in the never ending shit-tsunami of data that is uploaded, day after day.


Way too hard to concentrate on real news when you have all your daily gossip and chatter to follow...


May be why extremists feel the need to be even more extreme?


Edited by ParadiseLost
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53 minutes ago, Benroon said:

What’s fascinating is in a public arena such as this there is rightly 99% condemnation, yet if you went into the vast majority of high street pubs in the U.K. (poss the US given Trumps success), the same people condemning this would be massively outnumbered by people who would file this under ‘don’t give a shit’ at best.


Alot of the outspoken condemnation is fake to keep up appearances/fit in, i tune it all out

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57 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

This live streaming feature needs to be regulated a bit more strictly.


Facebook is now complicit in grooming any more would be nutters who watched this sick crap and gave it a 'like'

I agree. If I start broadcasting my own TV channel the regulators will be all over me, but somehow broadcasting on the internet is a free-for-all?


With social media, there should have been a set of groundrules in place, from day one - not to affect free speech, just making sure a person could be linked back to and held responsible for spreading lies and inciting hate online. There should also be a way for affected people to lay charges against hate speakers, like an online class action.


It is also disgusting that there are very few checks on the likes of Google and their advertising policies - they have no qualms whatsoever earning money off the backs of radicals - they generate more traffic!

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2 hours ago, Benroon said:

What’s fascinating is in a public arena such as this there is rightly 99% condemnation, yet if you went into the vast majority of high street pubs in the U.K. (poss the US given Trumps success), the same people condemning this would be massively outnumbered by people who would file this under ‘don’t give a shit’ at best. The underbelly of intolerance has never been stronger.

People don't dare voice their opinions in public anymore as they'll be instantly bullied. Takes cojones just to say you don't like anything muslims do.

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Guest Jerry787

supremacist, racist,  trumpist media brainwash and few nazi mad dogs killing children and women in a very pacific country.



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8 minutes ago, balo said:

It will never happen, even if maximum penalty in Norway is 21 years , there are other laws that will prevent him to walk out as a free man.  There will be doctors who decide if he is mentally ready to face the world.  He will end up in a mental institution. 


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10 hours ago, Galactus said:

this is a clear terrorist attack done by a white supremacist and bc of his hateful ideas which most probably influenced by people like trump or you and other racist dogs around the world.

I am not a racist and has never been.  And I am not a Trump supporter.  I was just trying to tell you that this happens on both sides, it's a war going on. 


Both sides are radical with crazy ideas.  And we have not figured out how to stop them. 


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7 hours ago, balo said:

I am not a racist and has never been.  And I am not a Trump supporter.  I was just trying to tell you that this happens on both sides, it's a war going on. 


Both sides are radical with crazy ideas.  And we have not figured out how to stop them. 


No one with any power wants to stop it. It is a wonderful distraction and a money spinner.

Edited by lannarebirth
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1 hour ago, crouchpeter said:

I thought "usvi's" comment was spot on, and logical. But, of course that's irrelevant to the left-wing fascists, who only want their own politically correct views to be heard. So you trot out the old cliche of racism, and tell him he's got nothing to say!


Sent from my CPH1727 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Never accused him of racism. Pure hate? Yes. Victim blaming, you bet. 

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