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Lady of the Hills: English teacher in Thailand denies murdering Thai wife whose remains were found in UK


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11 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Personally my views are he should be interviewed jointly by the Thai and British police, remember she died in the UK and if he did kill her then the trial should take place in the UK.

It looks like the British police will travel to Thailand to interview her family.


Quotes from today's Daily Mail:


"Cold-case detectives investigating a 15-year-old mystery over the body of a Thai woman found in the Yorkshire Dales have applied for permission to fly to Thailand, where her ex-husband currently lives, to interview members of her family."


"This afternoon North Yorkshire Police announced they had confirmed the body was that of Lamduan, and are now working with prosecutors and the Thai authorities to interview her family in Thailand."





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Unfortunately he may be reading this so I would not go it to any speculation at this time, the less he knows if he is the murderer of what we know and worked out the better, the less he knows of what the police knows will cause his story to fall apart quicker.

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6 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

Why is there such a high percentage of presumptive conclusions that she was murdered by her husband ?   Given the low moral standards and a poor record of Thai marriage fidelity it may be far from the truth.


Her elderly parents are stating the marriage was in difficulties when in fact the last contact she had with them was just before she died and for years prior to that no contact at all according to some earlier reports.  Of course being Thai if the marriage was rocky it must be a Farangs fault as Thais are perfect aren't they and can never be responsible for anything ?


Given that her parents  from Phen in Udon Thani had her at 20 admitting that they were and still are a poor family then one has to ask the question exactly where did he meet this lady (and marry her in 1991) when she would have been 24 herself ? Statistically, coming from Issan, this may provide a clue. At the time he himself would have been around 28.


So, having bagged herself a Farang, no doubt considering herself lucky and hence able to support the family as most Farangs are expected to do.  So far so good, but given the Thai proclivity to BS and losing face, what would she have been thinking when eventually her and her children had to move in with his parents to live ?   Perhaps that may be one reason she didn't contact her own parents for a long time- loss of face perhaps ?


So, upset with her Farang husband possibly not being able to keep her in a lifestyle she dreamed off, she  could have strayed bit.   My presumption admittedly but not unheard of , certainly not unusual for a Thai married to a Farang.  What if she earned herself an income by "entertaining" others and unfortunately her life was ended by one of these nutters ?


A lot has been made as to why he moved back to Thailand.  Well having 2 children , half Thai, his job prospects not being too good in the UK ( hence having to move in with parents),  he thought it best for his children's future to take a teaching post in Thailand when the opportunity occurred. 


So to pre-judge him based on circumstantial evidence is somewhat unfair as much as it would be unfair on her if her previous sexual history were to be  unravelled .


Let's just hope she is resting in peace and the truth can one day be determined.



A lot of "if's". And all from your imagination. 


Interesting how a "theme" develops though.

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12 hours ago, IslandLover said:

Lets look at the facts, shall we?


1) The woman was found dead in the U.K. in 2004, so how could she have moved back to Thailand as you suggest?

2) The husband claimed she had gone missing and had returned to Thailand to marry another man, at least this is what he told his son and other relatives at the time. Was this prior to 2004?  This is not made clear.  So, were the couple divorced?  Because if not, she would be committing bigamy, which presumably is illegal in Thailand.

3) It has not yet been proved conclusively that she was murdered but the likelihood is great.


IMO the husband should be extradited to the U.K. and questioned by the British police.  Did he ever file a missing persons report?  So many unanswered questions.


I find this story very tragic and the fact that the locals in the village near where she was found paid for her funeral and have held a memorial for her every year is very touching.


1. I apologise for not posting clearly. When I said, "She could have easily met another man and decided to move back to Thailand",  I meant that she died after the period of time when she left her husband but before she left the UK.


She told her husband she was leaving for Thailand, but she may not have told him the truth. What if she decided to stay in the UK and work as a massage therapist but decided not to tell her husband so she could get a clean break? What if she met a customer and the customer is implicated? One well known UK serial killer, Steve Wright, is known to have previously visited Thailand. Steve Wright's brother is on record as saying Steve spent 10 weeks in Thailand and returned to the UK after, "Some girl scammed him for everything he had". Steve Wright was jailed for 5 murders he committed in 2006, but like all serial killers, he might be responsible for more than he was convicted of. Did he meet the deceased by random chance one evening? Who knows?


2. If she told the truth about getting married in Thailand she would have been committing bigamy only if she married the second husband on paper. If she intended having a village wedding there was nothing stopping her. Additionally, if she claimed abandonment in Court she would only have to wait for 12 months before she could apply for a divorce and marry at the District Office.


If the police want to extradite the husband they will need a lawful reason to do so. There is nothing stopping the police interviewing him under caution at the British Embassy, should he consent. Quicker, and cheaper, especially as I would imagine he would only tell them what they already know.


If they have enough evidence to charge him then they are legally obliged to do so without delay. The fact that they are travelling to Thailand to conduct interviews tells us that they do not have sufficient evidence to charge at the present time.


Either way it is very unclear what really happened, and with the burden of proof being beyond reasonable doubt then the police might struggle to get enough evidence to proceed.

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Photos and other details allegedly of the person discussed in this thread have been removed. Posting such details contravenes Forum Rule 2.


I would politely remind everyone that this person is resident in Thailand, and as of yet he has not been charged with any crime.


2. You will not use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

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8 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

Why is there such a high percentage of presumptive conclusions that she was murdered by her husband ?   Given the low moral standards and a poor record of Thai marriage fidelity it may be far from the truth.

I such circumstances the husband would be the first suspect, the sooner he is interviewed the better because if he was not the killer (if she was murdered) no doubt his statement may well provide leads for the police to carry out further investigations and hopefully apprehend the real killer (if she was murdered).


I know it is difficult to keep an open mind, but we should.

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10 hours ago, robblok said:

Garry a friend of min was a cop in the Netherlands, the times he complained about cases where the media had it totally wrong were numerous. I am talking about cases he was involved in. I don't see why it would be any better in the UK.



... or Thailand. (including TVF).

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So sorry David.  6 pages of folks speculating and filling their empty hours despite having so little real information, and even less compassion, all adding to your distress.

And your children's.

Do your best. Stay strong. Hope you have some friends.


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She has been back to Thailand for a holiday earlier in the year and when she was found, she was still wearing her wedding ring .

  She may have decided to move back to Thailand permanently after getting back from her holiday .

  She may have told her Husband of her intentions and he got infuriated , after all the time , money and effort to get her to the UK , maybe a fight broke out and he unintentionally killed her and then dumped her body ?

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The murder was in England. Mr. Armitage is now here. How the Brits are going to get to interrogate him depends I guess on the arrangement they have with Thailand. If he's a suspect maybe they can extradite him.


In any case, given that the victim was Thai it's unlikely the man's going to get much sympathy here.


And the fact that he didn't report her missing is pretty damning.

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17 hours ago, animatic said:

Well if she left him and went to Thailand she would not have been found in England.


Did he report her missing in England?


Did he do the usual things you do for a missing person? Like verify they actually left the country?


Was she declared dead by being unfound for X number of years?


Did England not question his leaving with his wife disappeared?

Exactly what I was thinking... lots of open questions to be answered

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1 hour ago, Bang Bang said:

And the fact that he didn't report her missing is pretty damning.

That is the money shot isn't it. I'm surprised, shocked actually, at the restraint shown by the TV detective/police  squad. Almost like they suddenly morphed form the usual 'Hang em High', to a  mix of ACLU and Solicitors Pro Bono Group for the Indigent.


You think it has something to do with the ethnicity of the accused?  :biggrin: 

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7 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

That is the money shot isn't it. I'm surprised, shocked actually, at the restraint shown by the TV detective/police  squad. Almost like they suddenly morphed form the usual 'Hang em High', to a  mix of ACLU and Solicitors Pro Bono Group for the Indigent.


You think it has something to do with the ethnicity of the accused?  :biggrin: 

Dont bring race or ethnicity into it .

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15 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

That is the money shot isn't it. I'm surprised, shocked actually, at the restraint shown by the TV detective/police  squad. Almost like they suddenly morphed form the usual 'Hang em High', to a  mix of ACLU and Solicitors Pro Bono Group for the Indigent.


You think it has something to do with the ethnicity of the accused?  :biggrin: 

If your wife had taken off with another bloke, would you report her missing? Not saying that is the situation, but there could be other reasons why she was not reported missing. 

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1 hour ago, GarryP said:

If your wife had taken off with another bloke, would you report her missing? Not saying that is the situation, but there could be other reasons why she was not reported missing. 


Sure, if he killed her that is a pretty good reason not to report her missing.  :thumbsup:

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At least she has a name for her gravestone now, which was important for the village people that have made sure she wasnt forgotten. Additionally her parents at least know of her demise.


As for the husbands guilt or not, thats in the hands of the police and might end up being adjudicated by the courts.


A lot of positives in finding her, not forgetting her and finally proving her famiIial lineage I think. Well done to many people.

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10 hours ago, sanemax said:

She has been back to Thailand for a holiday earlier in the year and when she was found, she was still wearing her wedding ring .

  She may have decided to move back to Thailand permanently after getting back from her holiday .

  She may have told her Husband of her intentions and he got infuriated , after all the time , money and effort to get her to the UK , maybe a fight broke out and he unintentionally killed her and then dumped her body ?

maybe, maybe, maybe.

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8 hours ago, Bang Bang said:

The murder was in England. Mr. Armitage is now here. How the Brits are going to get to interrogate him depends I guess on the arrangement they have with Thailand. If he's a suspect maybe they can extradite him.


In any case, given that the victim was Thai it's unlikely the man's going to get much sympathy here.


And the fact that he didn't report her missing is pretty damning.

"IF" it was murder???

14 years ago the police explained it away as a tragic mishap, it was only a cold case review 3 years ago that has lead to where this inquiry is today,  at this time Mr Armitage is probably the most important witness, but also there are other people who maybe in Thailand who need to be interviewed, a lot now depends on his and other key witnesses to willingly give statements and answer questions.

At this time it still has not been established she was even murdered so call for him to be extradited for murder are very much premature.

As for what the Thai police can do depends on Thai law, I am thinking their may a number of infringements of Thai law by Mr Armitage but they are only minor (and speculation that I will keep to myself at this time) which may allow the Thai police to interview him on the fate of his wife. 


3 hours ago, oldrunner said:

Do English Immigration records reflect her entry and departure.? Do Thai Immigration records record her re-entry to Thailand? This is a tough cold case designed for BIG COP. 

Lot depends on how long records are kept.

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Walkers found her face down in a stream near the Three Peaks wearing just a pair of light-coloured socks and green Marks & Spencer jeans and with a ripped white bra hanging off her left arm.

A turquoise and white horizontally striped T-shirt was later found nearby but her shoes were never recovered.

Pathologists thought she may have died of hypothermia after getting lost while out walking and although she wasn’t wearing hiking gear North Yorkshire Police decided her death was not suspicious.

Quotes from The Sun above.

Did the police think animals: goats, sheep or dogs had ripped the bra and shirt off?

Presumably there were no visible injuries to suspect foul play.



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16 minutes ago, bannork said:

Walkers found her face down in a stream near the Three Peaks wearing just a pair of light-coloured socks and green Marks & Spencer jeans and with a ripped white bra hanging off her left arm.

A turquoise and white horizontally striped T-shirt was later found nearby but her shoes were never recovered.

Pathologists thought she may have died of hypothermia after getting lost while out walking and although she wasn’t wearing hiking gear North Yorkshire Police decided her death was not suspicious.

Quotes from The Sun above.

Did the police think animals: goats, sheep or dogs had ripped the bra and shirt off?

Presumably there were no visible injuries to suspect foul play.



No question David did it, just lack of evidence.


I've pmed you.I

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48 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

No question David did it, just lack of evidence

Sorry but I feel we must keep an open mind on it.


From what information that is in the public domain I would say he has a lot of questions to answer. 



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