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McCain family punches back at Trump's latest Twitter tirade


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18 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

trump blames McCain for turning over the Steele Dossier to the FBI, which partly initiated the Special Counsel's investigation. That investigation is bearing down on trump causing him to act out.


Blaming McCain at this point seems wildly unproductive, as is claiming he gave McCain a huge funeral and didn't get a thank you.


His tweet/retweet storm over the weekend was alarming even to supporters.

I think you give them too much credit.

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3 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Just watched his speech made in Lima, Iowa. What an absolute disgrace of a human being; dancing on Sen. Mcain's grave. He is obsessed with the Senator. ("I never got a thank you from the family")!!!!

and this is POTUS and his big EGO he can't accept anybody receiving more praise than him...pity, pity

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John McCain, a principled warmonger. Never heard of a war that he didn't want the US involved in. Lots of concern for America but no concern for the foreign civilians being bombed or the carnage and misery left behind.  

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23 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


A person cannot owe more than they are worth.

really? and that's based on what. FYI I know many of them and have 2 of them on my US family,

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33 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

trump blames McCain for turning over the Steele Dossier to the FBI, which partly initiated the Special Counsel's investigation. That investigation is bearing down on trump causing him to act out.


Blaming McCain at this point seems wildly unproductive, as is claiming he gave McCain a huge funeral and didn't get a thank you.


His tweet/retweet storm over the weekend was alarming even to supporters.


I don't read (or write on) Twitter and I tend to have a bias against those that do.

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12 minutes ago, Ulic said:

John McCain, a principled warmonger. Never heard of a war that he didn't want the US involved in. Lots of concern for America but no concern for the foreign civilians being bombed or the carnage and misery left behind.  


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12 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

What's even more alarming is Trump's deficiencies are now on full display for the world to see.  And his minions STILL support him.  When this is all over, I hope there will be medical studies to determine how so many people can be so detached from reality.   

Then there is of course the alternative which they had for president.

In many ways Hillary is of course not as bad as Trump. But in other ways she is worse than him.

Many Americans just tried to vote for the lesser evil.

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5 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

We're not talking about the election.  We're talking about the present day.  Aside from the constant lying and corruption, Trump has demonstrated that he's mentally unfit.  Yet, his hardcore supporters will explain away all of his craziness, even if it makes no sense.

Trump didn't change much since he was elected.

Nobody can say they were not aware of his character before he was elected.

Now we just see the consequences of having someone like him in charge.

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4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Trump didn't change much since he was elected.

Nobody can say they were not aware of his character before he was elected.

Now we just see the consequences of having someone like him in charge.

I think his base are reasonably happy with him. If attacking McCain was a problem, it would have been so before the election.

They elected him, IMO, to cause a ruckus in the Washington "swamp", and he's succeeded 100% in that.

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10 minutes ago, oldrunner said:

McCain and his daughter are has beens. McCain and his daughter stoked the fires of hate with President Trump and McCain, despite his treason, dearly sought the Presidency, for which he was ill qualified.

My opinion, for what it's worth, is that McCain was clearly the wrong choice to represent the GOP. Had a better candidate been available I doubt Obama would have won. HRC's tragedy is that she would have been a shoo in had she been the Dem's candidate, and even I would have supported her back then.

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1 hour ago, ballpoint said:

The odds are split between impeachment, finishing his term and not running again, or being the first president to be certified insane on the job, and dragged out of the White House by men in white coats, to the newly opened Donald Trump wing at the local psychiatric institution, where, fitted with a strait glove to prevent tweeting, he can howl at the walls as he bounces off of them.


It begs the question; where will the Trump Library be? And who will be the donors that cough up the several hundred million these things tend to cost?

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McCain was another hater Of Mr. Trump gone viral! God only knows what  McCain was concocting(thumbs down on  doing away with Obamacare vote) before and after he  received a copy of the Unverified ,unvetted Steel Dossier from those so called CAREER PROFESSIONAL INTEL top officials. Judging from the comments in the last couple of days,Mr. Trump knows now

A judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida unsealed the records last week". 

"New details about the late Sen. John McCain’s role in distributing a salacious 2016 dossier involving President Donald Trump were revealed in recently unsealed court filings and have unleashed a new round of Trump fury against McCain seven months after the senator’s death".



Edited by riclag
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55 minutes ago, ding said:


The fact that 41% of Americans think Trump's OK is a function of the corporate media propagandizing a distracted, dumbed-down, misinformed, and a coarsened populace.



No question. And if a Democrat (most of the ones we've seen so far anyway) wins, it will be for the same reasons. A lot of you people don't seem to get it. It's the people that are <deleted> up. The candidates are merely a reflection of that.

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9 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


No question. And if a Democrat (most of the ones we've seen so far anyway) wins, it will be for the same reasons. A lot of you people don't seem to get it. It's the people that are <deleted> up. The candidates are merely a reflection of that.

Feel better? Now, what are you gonna do about it?

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2 hours ago, Ulic said:

John McCain, a principled warmonger. Never heard of a war that he didn't want the US involved in. Lots of concern for America but no concern for the foreign civilians being bombed or the carnage and misery left behind.  

You could say the same about many American generals and politicians............although "Commander Bonespurs" wouldn't have fought!!!



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1 minute ago, Becker said:

Feel better? Now, what are you gonna do about it?

What I've done about it in the past is I always voted for the best candidate, regardless of their chance of winning. That used to be Ralph Nader. In the most recent election I wrote in Bernie Sanders. What I NEVER do is vote for the least worst candidate, as that only assures worse candidates to come in the future.

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2 minutes ago, xylophone said:

You could say the same about many American generals and politicians............although "Commander Bonespurs" wouldn't have fought!!!



I agree with your lampooning of Trump but so far fewer Americans have been killed in combat under his administration and just as importantly American combatants are killing less others as well.

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