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Hundreds of thousands march in London to demand new Brexit referendum


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1 minute ago, Liverpudlian said:

100s of thousands ?? Yahoo reports 1.5 million ! porky pies in the skys news.

It is very difficult to judge but I would say the Met & TFL should be able to asses the numbers to about 5% with a high degree of accuracy, it was definitely hundreds of thousands... but whether 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15? lets see who says what.

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1 hour ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I would love to know (1) what “EU government”; (2) what “rights”; and (3) how exactly. 

I leave that up to you to find out,not so difficult really.


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1 minute ago, Basil B said:

It is very difficult to judge but I would say the Met & TFL should be able to asses the numbers to about 5% with a high degree of accuracy, it was definitely hundreds of thousands... but whether 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15? lets see who says what.

Was that a Freudian slip "asses the numbers" ????????????

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59 minutes ago, yuiop said:

There's already been a referendum, people voted to leave.

As they don't like the result, they're now asking to vote again.

Vote and vote and vote until the result is what they want it to be!

And this people's calling themselves democrats LOL.

EU is a financial dictatorship, UK is still half lucky as didn't adopt the euro currency.

An unelected lobby (the European Commision) pretends to rule our Parliaments and our life.

Lots of misinformation spreads out by the media to brainwash and scare people.

A german-centric criminal organitazion made by two weights and two measures, where rules apply to someone but not to someone else.

I could go on and on but I don't want to spoil my Sunday more than what already did.

Maybe you should spend what remains of your Sunday on trying to understand what the EU really is and how it functions. Might raise the quality of your contributions too.

Edited by damascase
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we in Britain have been redefining the relationship with our European neighbours, every few decades for over 1,000 years.  I see us leaving the EU as just one more of those redefining moments.  We have never been comfortable, or stable, as a member of a wider European alliance (or France when we owned most of it). I adhere to the saying that those that ignore the mistakes of history are fated to repeat them.  We are always better out of the 'club' than in it.   

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Just now, damascase said:

News for you: there is no sUch institution as an ‘EU government’......

I agree with you,same as there is no retirement visa but most intelligent people know what is referred to.

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Just now, AlexRich said:


Almost three years ago the TV Brexit zealots were predicting that the EU would collapse imminently. It looks more likely that the UK will split ... no more Great Britain.




What is that based on ?


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18 minutes ago, damascase said:

Maybe you should spend what remains of your Sunday on trying to understand what the EU really is and how it functions. Might raise the quality of your contributions too.

haha that made me laugh.  It's a undemocratic institution, run by geriatric idiots, that has not had its accounts signed off by its auditors for over 20 years;  that supports corrupt and degenerate Eastern European members, who have no cultural links with Northern Europe at all.  We know how it all works;  badly! 

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

What is that based on ?


The Theory of Everything - Stephen Hawking.


Everything you need to know in there, you'll never need to ask a stupid question again.

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1 minute ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I did ask. Feel free to answer. 

I have, please do read my previous posts, here and elsewhere on TV.   Not that I'm trying to convert anyone to my view, or the view of 17.4 million other Brits, It is what it is, thank goodness.  Leave won the referendum and we will leave, that's enough satisfaction for me, for now. 

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Just now, AlexRich said:


You think "no deal" would go down well in Northern Ireland, especially amongst the young? Ireland reunification is not that far away. Same with Scotland ... if there is another vote, a bad Brexit outcome will take it over the line. When the history books are written Brexit will be considered the trigger ... unintended consequences.



Fine by me, a united Ireland is long overdue. Too many died trying to defend the indefensible.  

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