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Hundreds of thousands march in London to demand new Brexit referendum


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The general view of a typical remainer: "17,4 million voters are stupid just because they don't agree with me".


What a desperately condescending and arrogant approach.


Far be it from me to defend a remainer, but it is - although by a very slim margin - better to vote against a free Britain due to what can only be described as cosmic incompetence and blatant lack of intellectual capital than to do it after claiming to have analysed the options carefully.


And there's the obvious possibility of Sod's law - maybe they're just plain unlucky when they try to think - and we've seen plenty of examples of that here lately...no names disclosed. So don't be to hard on them.


My €0.02....


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3 hours ago, malagateddy said:

There you go again..stupid and old people..best to remember that OLD saying..pride cometh before a fall!!
By the way..how's your flavour of the month coming along.." no surrender "..you should really get out a bit more like Brexiteers do..enjoy the weather..relax etc etc

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the figures prove the old ones voted hugely for brexit,and the weather means little to brexiteers snuggled up in a spoonies until its time to go outside for a rolly/ciggie which will of originated in the EU and cost less than half the price of UK duty paid equivalent,not moaning about the EU where that is concerned are they.Scroungers and tax evaders is what they are,a true patriot would pay his/hers,taxes/duty.

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28 minutes ago, bomber said:

the figures prove the old ones voted hugely for brexit,and the weather means little to brexiteers snuggled up in a spoonies until its time to go outside for a rolly/ciggie which will of originated in the EU and cost less than half the price of UK duty paid equivalent,not moaning about the EU where that is concerned are they.Scroungers and tax evaders is what they are,a true patriot would pay his/hers,taxes/duty.

I bet it will be Brexiteers the first to moan when the booze cruises are no more, the end of under the counter cheap baccy and booze. ????

Edited by Basil B
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20 minutes ago, bomber said:

it will all be the EUs fault, i will give you an example,last year a group from my local mostly brexiteers went to corfu and returned moaning about it being €4.00 for less than a pint they said the quicker we leave the EU the better as €4.00 was too much,i explained it would of been cheaper as the ex rate was worse because the pound was weaker because of brexit,he said i was talking <deleted> ???? so i suggested why dont you go to turkey as its cheaper,we wont go to any muslim countries was his reply.....this is your typical baldy brexit bulldog clown and the UK is awash with them.

I presume these were resort prices... if they bothered to explore away from the resort the price would have been a lot lower ????

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12 hours ago, nontabury said:


 Well this is why many Brits voted to leave this so called union. Where you eligible to vote?


There were many reasons, of course, but each one derives itself from a single source - taking back control of our country! We only have to look at the self serving trotters in Westminster, who have their noses firmly in the trough. As one example, have they purposely forgotten they were instructed to carry out the will of the people? Or would it be more truthful that our votes and opinions are viewed as worthless - until it fits in with their own political agendas or narrative?! 

Then there's the undemocratic European Union - the attitude of 'our way or no way'. Why the leftwing can't see the connection between Brussels and the New World Order shows ignorance on an astonishing level! Why would a trading block need full autonomy and governance over its member countries? Why do they seek more power and sovereignty from its members? Why do they need to infiltrate and meddle with its members political systems? Why do they command that their laws and regulations are adhered to - and dictate who a nation can and cannot trade with? If that hasn't set the alarm bells ringing, they now OPENLY admit to having plans all along for an EU army. Surely the penny has dropped by now?! Have we not already been down this path before? When a megalomaniac thought he could take over his neighbours' country - with dramatic consequences to any resistance - what would be different this time around? I can assure you that nothing happens in Brussels without having Germany’s approval first. The difference this time around is that it's not Nazis storming the streets, it will be an army of Europeans following the instructions of the NWO. Because you are being conquered passively at present, doesn't mean you're not under attack and surrendering to a foreign power. What do you think will happen when you refuse to obey or follow orders? Just look at what's happening already in France! The right to protest has been withdrawn - not to mention free speech in our own country! You can't even define what kind of terrorists are attacking you - unless they're white!

Brexit is about accountability. No more sneaky Prime Minister's   given away British assets via stealthy treaties - and no more slimy politicians accepting backhanders or incentives, if we are being polite to do the bidding of globalists. We may have evolved regarding technology and medicine etc, but as a society we are being deliberately forced downwards - and to breaking point - to introduce new sweeping laws right across Europe in its entirety. If we remain politically tied, or under the control of Brussels, the British people will unfortunately share the same fate and punishments as those our media hide - and refuse to broadcast on! Europe is heading into a recession it cannot recover from - and wants us to shoulder the costs! It was their self arrogance and indulgence that doomed them - resulting in where we find ourselves today. The only way Britain can protect itself - from the continuous bombardment of EU rules and policies - is by removing ourselves from the equation. A clean exit can deliver this. After we leave, we can then begin to redress our own issues and problems on our doorstep - so Britain can once again serve the British people!

The thing is that, after what you call "clean Brexit", leavers will not be able to put the blame on the EU for anything they don't like. They will have to blame their own government, as they should have done before.


Having said that, can someone explain me how a low-tax hub of free trade agreements worldwide will be LESS subject to globalist pressures?

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

And there are also many videos of the 'typical' young voter coming out with absolute rubbish.....


Which is why most of us ignore these types of stupid efforts to support our arguments.....

I could post more ... the problem for you is that these people are telling the truth about why they voted Brexit ... immigration, some of which has nothing to do with being in the EU. 

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42 minutes ago, Forethat said:

Am I the only one noticing that a majority of the media tends to blame UK Parliament for...whatever we should call this circus. It is clear to me that the reason for the domestic political issues is that the EU refuses the UK to leave on reasonable terms. The deal is as bad as a deal can get. It's not even a deal, the UK is being bullied into submission. Instead of being reasonable, the EU officials are doing everything they can to damage and hurt the UK economically and politically. They want to state an example to prevent anyone else from even considering to leave. In my view, this is not someone you'd want as your partner, this is someone you want to stay the he** away from. 


I think Brussels is effectively driving the public opinion towards a "<deleted> off EU"-mentality by insulting, threatening and directly damaging the UK. This country has been threatened before and it didn't end well for the aggressor.


To be perfectly honest, I think a majority of this country is now ready to accept a massive recession (if that happens) just to get away from the bully-EU.

Incredible, still blaming the EU at this stage for the shambles the UK is in. If the UK wanted to be out, it would have happened last Friday. The EU would not - and could not - have stopped you if the UK had done that.

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26 minutes ago, Forethat said:

Well, that's exactly what this is all about, isn't it? The EU can't afford to see the UK leave and are trying to bully them into submission. I'm not surprised the deal is revoked as only an idiot would vote for that so-called 'deal'. 


That you find it incredible...well...oh, forget it, I won't be able to explain this even if I spent 100 years on here...

Don’t bother to ‘explain’, please, you’ll only make your argumentation more ridiculous. If the UK had wanted to leave last Friday, it could have done so and no EU would have been able to stop it.

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2 minutes ago, damascase said:

Don’t bother to ‘explain’, please, you’ll only make your argumentation more ridiculous. If the UK had wanted to leave last Friday, it could have done so and no EU would have been able to stop it.

Thanks for proving my point.

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10 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I partly agree, as I tend to beleive that it’s not solely the fault of the unelected Bureaucrats in Brussels, who are simple trying to protect their little empire. I blame our own M.P’s who are trying to overturn a Democratic decision of the British people, by a mixture of waffle and underhand methods. 





If Brexit had had a plan that plan ought to have considered the likely responses of the EU.


But that's rather academic since Brexit never had a plan. 



Nevertheless, once again we see Brexiteer arguing 'it's all someone else's fault'.


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10 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Meanwhile in the Houses of Collabators :- 


Fury as disgraced ex-Labour MP Fiona Onasanya helps Remainer rebels to victory by ONE VOTE on law to stop No Deal Brexit



That's democracy for you. The majority won.

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