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The long way back. To Thailand?


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50 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

One thing about visiting the home country was you didn't have to stress what sex the person was you were looking at, even talking to.

But then again if I would have to chose between a Thai girl, who wasn't born as a girl, and a "real" farang woman I wouldn't need to think for long...

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7 hours ago, owl sees all said:

The people who wear make-up are insecure without it. I want to return to the old days, before make up and surgery.


I like underarm hair on a lady and if she has a hairy back and thighs then that's a bonus.


Humans are nice as they are.

your being sarcastic-surely??

i once met a lady from sth island-nz...she had hairy legs...that was the biggest turnoff-ever...

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Thank you man you made my day! Live in Switzerland myself and agree to all your observations about life here. Planning about moving to Thailand in 2020. Now I know I'm doing the right thing. Wonder about the view out of your window. Do you live in a condo or house? Can I be your neighbour? Would like to share the nice view with you ;-)

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10 hours ago, steven100 said:

I can completely understand anyone wanting to come back to Thailand after having a short stint in their home country.

Australia is a prime example of this.

High rental prices - You can rent a decent place in Thailand for half the price of that in Aust.

Electricity prices are at the top in the world  -  Electricity here is a fraction of what you pay in A.

Food & restaurant prices are high -  You can eat out for a quarter the price restaurants charge.

Crime continues to increase in most towns -  Thailand does have crime but not as bad as Aust.

Unemployment continues to rise : Thailand has high unemployment but Australia is not developing infrustructure at the same rate as Thailand is.

Drugs are a huge problem in Australia, every town in Australia has a drug problem. Thailand does have a drug problem also.

General cost of living much higher in Australia - cost of living in Thailand is half that of Australia.

Penalty rates being taken, tax increases, rules & regulations, need a licence to fish, need a permit to dig a hole on your land, need a permit to cut a tree down on your land, have to get an electrician to change a lightbulb, cannot BBQ on the beach, PC brigade has gone beserk in Australia.

Thailand does have some rules but generally it's easier to get by everyday without all the regulations as in Australia.

I can put up with immigration rules & jump through their hoops as needed if it means living in a place where at least you know you exist and can do things reasonable free without government rules & regs.  IMO

I experienced this yesterday when I paid registration and insurance on a car here - 1500 baht all up, less than AUD 70. Same car in OZ would have cost about $600.

OP, your comments on boredom and women are part of the reasons I left Australia nine years ago. My Thai GF is keeping me young.

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12 hours ago, swissie said:

I can maintain regular Health Insurance in Home-Country as long as my official adress is in my home country. Covering word-wide health events.

Won't help me much if a get struck by lightning or I fall prey to a jealous Thai Female. equipped with a kitchen knife.

Once you are dead you don't care why you are dead. Mainly because you don't know that you are dead in the first place..

"Eternal sleep" can catch up with you in Monaco or on Walking-Steet in Pattaya. It depends on how and where you spend your "autum of life".  More milage to be had in Thailand than "back-home", me thinks.

To make it worse,  500 years from now, nobody will ask where we died and what the cause of death was.




Problem is that you won't get struck by lightning nor get attacked by a Thai female, but by a heart attack or stroke. This may not end your life but leave you in a state unable to get back to safe heaven home country. 

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1 hour ago, murraynz said:

your being sarcastic-surely??

i once met a lady from sth island-nz...she had hairy legs...that was the biggest turnoff-ever...

No Sir. I like natural. I'm always prepared with a comb.


That lady from NZ; got any pics?

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10 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

And you needed 3 years to figure out that old farang women without makeup are a depressing sight?

Enjoy Thailand!


The real stuff, or ladyboys? Hard to tell from behind. Ahan dtaa.

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I tend to agree wholeheartedly with alot of the sentiments within this post. Most women in the US are unable, or unwilling to manifest the dignity and beauty within femininity. They are far too obsessed with being feminists, to be feminine. That is ugly. And unappealing. There is nothing appealing, about being with a woman more masculine than myself.


Also, society in general feels joyless. At least in the US. The middle class is getting decimated. And most are struggling. Despite the claims that the economy is booming, most struggle. Sure, the top 10% are doing great. But 80% are hurting, and working hard to survive, as the cost of living is rising fast, and inflation is rampant. Just the cost of housing alone is punishing. Health care? Food, entertainment? All are ridiculously overpriced. Most feel disenchanted, bitter, sour, unfriendly, and unfulfilled. Not a place I would want to live. I am here in the US right now, and I am thrilled that I get to return to Thailand next month! Even with all of the issues pertaining to the hapless army, and the dozen different ways they are moving the nation backwards, and running the country into the ground, it still beats living in the US by a huge margin.


Now, if only Thailand can figure out a way to get rid of the useless army, they might be able to really see some progress.

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2 hours ago, Letseng said:

Problem is that you won't get struck by lightning nor get attacked by a Thai female, but by a heart attack or stroke. This may not end your life but leave you in a state unable to get back to safe heaven home country. 

My cardiologist and hospital are here and have saved my life once by getting me from the front door to the ER in less than 2 minutes.  Would it happen at a VA hospital at home?  ????

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16 hours ago, brokenbone said:

thailand is fine beside visum uncertainty and

that the state dont guarantee health care.

if you can afford it, take both.

another catch is an illness in thailand can easily mean you wont make it back to safety regardless of your wealth,

so past a certain age & health decline,

i would stay in switzerland and die at peace regardless, preferably at a death clinic

so i can pick my time

Is the glass half full or half empty.

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Soon you'll be back complaining, as you have done before, that the women in Thailand are fatter and not as beautiful as they used to be.


Bit sad to get to your age, have all your money, and still not know where, or how, to be happy.


'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.



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As with so many things in life , money gives one options. It is far easier to combat or avoid problems in Thailand when having easy access to a bucket full of cash.

If however one has limited capital and lives on a fixed pension, visa regulations , falling exchange rates and inflation could make life intolerable.

Politics , healthcare and a number of other things enter the equation but I would bet that the driving force more often than not is personal liquidity.


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15 hours ago, owl sees all said:

The people who wear make-up are insecure without it. I want to return to the old days, before make up and surgery.


I like underarm hair on a lady and if she has a hairy back and thighs then that's a bonus.


Humans are nice as they are.

Does she also have to answer to the name ' Ling ' ?

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15 hours ago, kenk24 said:

I agree, life is far more interesting here, and life should be exciting and an adventure that you will not get back home, the only part I personally would have problem with is that I find Pattaya to be one of the least interesting places in Thailand... sure, it can be fun for a couple of days, but otherwise over the top, for me anyway. 

To be fair , that would depend where ' back home ' is. 

I live in a village , sorrounded by woodland yet just 15 miles to central London.

From May to September the weather is ok and recreational choices are endless , beats Thailand by a country mile.

The other 6 months swing the other way because the English winter drains the life out of me.

In a perfect world I would spend half the year in each , as would very many people given the opportunity.

Edited by joecoolfrog
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21 hours ago, steven100 said:

I can completely understand anyone wanting to come back to Thailand after having a short stint in their home country.

Australia is a prime example of this.

High rental prices - You can rent a decent place in Thailand for half the price of that in Aust.

Electricity prices are at the top in the world  -  Electricity here is a fraction of what you pay in A.

Food & restaurant prices are high -  You can eat out for a quarter the price restaurants charge.

Crime continues to increase in most towns -  Thailand does have crime but not as bad as Aust.

Unemployment continues to rise : Thailand has high unemployment but Australia is not developing infrustructure at the same rate as Thailand is.

Drugs are a huge problem in Australia, every town in Australia has a drug problem. Thailand does have a drug problem also.

General cost of living much higher in Australia - cost of living in Thailand is half that of Australia.

Penalty rates being taken, tax increases, rules & regulations, need a licence to fish, need a permit to dig a hole on your land, need a permit to cut a tree down on your land, have to get an electrician to change a lightbulb, cannot BBQ on the beach, PC brigade has gone beserk in Australia.

Thailand does have some rules but generally it's easier to get by everyday without all the regulations as in Australia.

I can put up with immigration rules & jump through their hoops as needed if it means living in a place where at least you know you exist and can do things reasonable free without government rules & regs.  IMO

i have to agree with all this. 


state govt' let the power companies do what they want. oz is a user pays system and ultimate nanny state. no thanks

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10 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I experienced this yesterday when I paid registration and insurance on a car here - 1500 baht all up, less than AUD 70. Same car in OZ would have cost about $600.

OP, your comments on boredom and women are part of the reasons I left Australia nine years ago. My Thai GF is keeping me young.

so your not paying for 1st class insurance for accidents?

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2 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Well it's a very very mixed bag of stuff.

For the sexpat, well Pattaya, Phuket beats anything you are gonna get back home.


If you are just the regular married type, it becomes tougher.


The older you get health insurance in Thailand gets outta reach


Children and Grandchildren become an issue when you want to be close to them in your twilight years, sorry a video chat just doesn't equate to giving your daughter a real life hug!


Now this may be a female thing, but once my son, who's dual US/Thai told Mom he was staying in the US after he graduated college, the game was up.

She wanted outta Thailand as fast as the US embassy could process her green card


So it's complicated and individual circumstances dictate what you do

In my experience with over a hundred Thai women (been here and worked here a long time) I'd say you had about one out of a hundred.  She was already out of Thailand (Singapore) when you met her.  My wife and all the professional women she hangs with would never leave Thailand other than a vacation.  PI leave.  Vietnam leave.  Thailand man comes and women stay.  In general plan on staying in Thailand if you have a Thai wife.  If you don't want to stay in Thailand look in CA or another country to meet a Thai women.  I've met a few guys in the airforce in the 60's who have made the transition back to the States with a Thai bride but it's a small percentage of the million men who were stationed here. 

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