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Angry over Brexit delay, 'Leave' supporters march through London


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5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

   Its highly likely that they only targeted him , because they wanted him in jail for exposing child grooming gangs in UK towns

You really ought to look at the timeline of his conviction, many of which predate any political activity.


8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

His "mortgage fraud " conviction was the result of him introducing some potential house buyers to a mortgage broker who supplied fake payslips for them to obtain a mortgage to buy a house  , (he also loaned thee people  40 000 GBP as a deposit) and onve ce the people had gotton the loan from the bank , they would have paid the money back to the bank .

  Although this is illegal (to supply false payslips) , it is generally overlooked or the mortgage is refused .

They may be overlooked if one presented amateurish fake documents where they will just be turned down told to go away and never darken their doors again, but when he was supplying fake documents to others for gain, that is a different ball game.

the reason is these checks are there to prevent people getting mortgages that can not afford to maintain them. 

You say "they would have paid the money back to the bank:cheesy:


I do not know what percentage of mortgage defaulters actually manage after their property has been repossessed actually manage to clear any outstanding debts but I would imagine it is a low figure particularly in the case of fraudsters. 


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American here with a possibly dumb suggestion.


Suppose UK held a general election, likely coming up soon anyway, where one party, likely Labor, ran on a single big platform, that Brexit was ill-informed and they will revoke it if voted to power, effectively wrapping a second referendum, awkward to justify on its own, into an election.


Could this work?

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8 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

no deal has already been voted out  ????

So, rush to tell the EU what you really wants, as.. 12 April and no sight on a solution = OUT ( finally; should have been doen with Thatcher already ) . Remind: "you need two for tango". And with that, I do NOT mean: "Conservatives & Labour". 

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7 hours ago, vogie said:

I just wonder if France dare give their citizens a referendum on leaving the EU. 

All polls in Europe show, there is only a (small) minority for leaving the EU. So, why the fuzz to organise a referendum ?

Second: Thanks to the Brexit disaster entire Europe is now very well informed, what the consequences might be. Even Salvini ( Lega Nord) is completely convinced.

Third: the British NEVER had any attraction to the EU, but always with their minds half-a-way in the Atlantic. You can even see it when they open their mouth… NEVER: "excuse me, do you understand English", but.. even when they meet extra-terrestal life in a film, start to address themselves in English..

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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

Well , the reality about Dyson is that just TWO Dyson employees moved to Singapore and that is to concentrate on Asia growing markets and Dyson will continue to invest in their UK factories and nothing in the UK will be closing down, infact , they plan to expand their UK factories 

But I thought that one of the chief points of Brexit was that it would enable the UK to compete more successfully and conclude more advantageous trade deals than those that the EU has negotiated, Apparently, Dyson doesn't think so.

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56 minutes ago, Bang Bang said:

American here with a possibly dumb suggestion.


Suppose UK held a general election, likely coming up soon anyway, where one party, likely Labor, ran on a single big platform, that Brexit was ill-informed and they will revoke it if voted to power, effectively wrapping a second referendum, awkward to justify on its own, into an election.


Could this work?

As everyone broke their manifesto promises at the last attempt I doubt if any would believe them.

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9 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

All polls in Europe show, there is only a (small) minority for leaving the EU. So, why the fuzz to organise a referendum ?

Second: Thanks to the Brexit disaster entire Europe is now very well informed, what the consequences might be. Even Salvini ( Lega Nord) is completely convinced.

Third: the British NEVER had any attraction to the EU, but always with their minds half-a-way in the Atlantic. You can even see it when they open their mouth… NEVER: "excuse me, do you understand English", but.. even when they meet extra-terrestal life in a film, start to address themselves in English..

So why don't you give it a try and really see if they want to remain, what are you scared of? ????????

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9 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

The UK electorate will get another chance (The EU will do anything they can to reverse a vote) to get the right result, that the EU want. Even if you are right, what happens if you lose again. Mass suicides because you didn't get your own way.

Look at it from another point of view (which maybe difficult for you)  the UK electorate can now get another chance, to see how manipulative the EU are and how the politicians have done their best, to ignore the first result. Then people can see just how stupid it is staying in the EU. I almost wish it would happen, so we can have 20 Nigel Farages in the EU Parliament every week, telling the EU the truth.

See in Goolge with "polls brexit regret", and you will see quite some British finally opened their eyes instead of believing Boris the Liar Johnson with his "£350M/wk for NHS".

Never the EU did anything to reverse this referendum. Why should they ? A LOT of UK businesses moved or are going to move to the EU, so.. a marvelous deal.

And the British... have till 12 April ( = <2 weeks) to find a way, as without… there will be no Nigel Farages nor any Brit voted into the EU parliament. Even Salvini ( Lega Nord) is completely convinced: NEVER leave the EU.

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7 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

A tough border between Scotland and England would take the whole Brexit process forward. Maybe they should give priority to the independence vote of the Scots.

That is suddenly not democratic anymore, as.. the Brexiteers could LOOSE that election. Hadrian would turn in his grave, laughing: "His" part of Brittania out of the New Roman Empire", and what HE left out, is in ...

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Would it be fair to say that you hold a grudge against the British/English ?

Maybe feel dominated by London and have a misguided sense of inferiority ? 

What is the sense to keep a nation divided as it is in Ireland. 

Even Germany with their democratic and communist part managed a successful reunification. 

Only this misleaded and crushed empire can't give freedom.

Is this the kind of democracy UK is said to be famous for. 

I think the time of emperors has passed (same kings or queens) 

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6 hours ago, stephenterry said:

Of course they voted for May's deal on the expectation, if passed, she would resign and both Boris and Gove would be candidates for PM, with Mogg backing Boris.

Did everybody forget Boris was a "remainer" till he discovered, switching sides could bring HIM the PM's position ?

What is good for the country… no British PM seems to care. Party interest and.. personal interest.


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4 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

What is the sense to keep a nation divided as it is in Ireland. 

Even Germany with their democratic and communist part managed a successful reunification. 

Only this misleaded and crushed empire can't give freedom.

Is this the kind of democracy UK is said to be famous for. 

I think the time of emperors has passed (same kings or queens) 

Are the Irish people in favour of a united Ireland ?

Some of the Eireians that I know have no desire for a united Ireland , way too much trouble and issues for that to happen

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

Are the Irish people in favour of a united Ireland ?

Some of the Eireians that I know have no desire for a united Ireland , way too much trouble and issues for that to happen

As you said... SOME. I know the remaining 99.9%

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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

The UK needs house prices to fall , so what working people can afford to buy houses again.

Do not worry… with all these Industrial jobs going to the EU, Agricultural exports to EU in problems, soon house prices will fall. If the Brits still have an earing/wages even to pay for these much lower priced houses… that's another question.

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9 hours ago, Topdoc said:

Oh look, the former Bank of England Boss Mervyn King says:

"No Deal Brexit Is the Answer, Project Fear Is a Myth"



Source: Breitbart. Makes Trump look like a snowflake lefty. You're avin' a giraffe.

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Would it be fair to say that you hold a grudge against the British/English ?

Maybe feel dominated by London and have a misguided sense of inferiority ? 

Dominated by London ? ?  They even are not able to let somebody finish his argumentation, as everybody shouts through it. In the British Parliament I have to hear often "order, order " a day as in any Dutch / Belgium / German parliament an years. Maybe because we have a democratic reflection of the population/voters and not as in the U.K.: the winner per constituency gets all. Imagine.. 2 big + 3 minor parties: just needed a 40 % of the votes in 50%+1 constituencies and with 20% of the votes, you have absolute power in the U.K.

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11 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Source: Breitbart. Makes Trump look like a snowflake lefty. You're avin' a giraffe.

Brietbart isn't the source, Mervyn King is (I saw his interview yesterday)'

Edited by evadgib
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6 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Like insisting on another referendum result as they are already because they didn't like the result from the first one.

Bit like May insisting on three votes on her deal, didn't like the results and is now trying for a fourth vote.


What's good for the goose is good for the gander. So that's three referendums to go then.

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4 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Haven’t you been reading any of the previous posts in TVF?
Mortgage fraud that it appears the banks didn’t even know or care about.
Contempt of court instances that nobody else was charged with, lead to his illegal imprisonment.
He is being politically persecuted because the establishment is so afraid of the potential implications.

When you say “Haven’t you been reading any of the previous posts in TVF?”


You are of course referring to your own posts, because there is only you that posts this hogwash on here.


We all heard it before, because.... you keep bleating on about it.

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4 hours ago, denby45 said:

Please get your facts right. Tommy Robinson is nothing to do with the far right. He left the EDL because of the infiltration of far right supporters. You slag off the media for fake news and twisting the facts and then believe them when it comes to Tommy. Also he has just as much to do with the march as everyone else there. He also wants to see justice for the people.


Do some research on Tommy please.




I have done my research on Tommy Islam. He's a racist little thug with a criminal record as long as your arm. Rather than leaving the EDL because he thought that it had gone too far right, he went for a bigger platform and then took that to the far right. The main reason Farage left UKIP.


As to seeing justice for the people, he and his supporters claim that his mission is to expose Moslem rapists and paedophiles. He hasn't exposed one. He waits until the media and the courts expose them then jumps on the bandwagon to get hits for his YouTube site, which is where he makes his money.


A disgusting little lowlife.

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2 hours ago, Bang Bang said:

American here with a possibly dumb suggestion.


Suppose UK held a general election, likely coming up soon anyway, where one party, likely Labor, ran on a single big platform, that Brexit was ill-informed and they will revoke it if voted to power, effectively wrapping a second referendum, awkward to justify on its own, into an election.


Could this work?

No because a lot of Labour supporters voted to leave and although the swing to them from remainers would be considerable, the majority of Conservative voters wouldn't vote for Labour, no matter what. Same goes for the other way round. It seems that Brexit is all encompassing when it comes to British politics but it is only part of a much deeper problem.  The country is broken and it will take many years to heal this, if it is ever possible.  There has always been a divide, dressed up with different handles.  "North South Divide" and Rich versus Poor Divide" are just a couple of the favourite labels.

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2 hours ago, Bang Bang said:

American here with a possibly dumb suggestion.


Suppose UK held a general election, likely coming up soon anyway, where one party, likely Labor, ran on a single big platform, that Brexit was ill-informed and they will revoke it if voted to power, effectively wrapping a second referendum, awkward to justify on its own, into an election.


Could this work?

any majority in parliament can revoke A50 at any time, as long as A50 is around


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3 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

Wish I was as lucky as you. Unfortunately I am not , having British nationality half of our population are bigots who provide supports to wealthy tax fraudsters that have a supporting political party called the Conservative party. When I was a youngster growing up immediately after WW2  most of the country were struggling yet we still managed to consider that being British was something to be proud of  yet also fully recognized that the British Empire was in the past.


In 1962 my Father was ridiculed by many of his friends for buying a Mercedes-Benz car. As he said it was the best car he ever owned, he fought the Germans in WW2, as was his duty, but somethings should be left in the past but lessons learned. That lesson was for Europe to unite together to prevent further conflicts.



That has succeeded and Europe should be proud of that unity. However there are still some who were either not born in those days and hence not party to the deprivation that war brought about, or else have grown up in an Alice in Wonderland world that the British empire will return.  Get over it, it won't in this century or ever again. We are all Europeans and have lived almost peacfully together longer than any other period in modern history.  That peace has also provided opportunity. Opportunity for general education and prosperity for most. Not perfect I know but a damn site better than it was before.


The delusional dinosaurs who still maintain that Brexit is good for the UK hopefully one day will follow the path of those dinosaurs, become extinct. Simply because I was lucky enough not to directly witness the atrocities and bloodshed of European warfare, I and many millions of others have benefited from the sacrifices of members of my own family during that period and most certainly do not want to provide another opportunity for such despots to return and potentially bring about such partisan arguments that could impact my children and grand children lives and plunge Europe into the darkness of those years ever again. Europe has learned its lesson from history and is now united. As I said not perfect but damn better then it has ever been.  Brexiteers intent is to turn the clock back 100 years and I hope I never witness what can only be anologised as the action of migrating Lemmings.

image.png.32834942ff2b8633e6a516d22c546d34.pngWhich one is you ?


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41 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Haven’t you been reading any of the previous posts in TVF?
Mortgage fraud that it appears the banks didn’t even know or care about.
Contempt of court instances that nobody else was charged with, lead to his illegal imprisonment.
He is being politically persecuted because the establishment is so afraid of the potential implications.

ABH, for which he did 12 months. Several offences relating to football hooliganism. Assaulting a police officer, 3 months. Yep, a little angel.

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