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PM to fly to Chiang Mai on Tuesday to discuss haze problem


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1 hour ago, Hayduke said:


Fear not, citizens of Chiang Mai…the timely arrival of the nation’s pre-eminent motivational speaker and legendary song writer will lift your spirits, restore your strength, inspire superhuman efforts and ensure total victory over all challenges. Happiness is but a photo-op away.

But before he does all that , he will add more pollution with his plane and the vast entourage of cars spewing out even more pollution 

1 hour ago, Hayduke said:




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About 4 or 5 years ago, the smoke season in CM was really bad.. The two years previous to 2019, smoke was actually tolerable. This year, back to atrocious.

I would like to know what factors have caused the change this year, because until those are known and addressed nothing will improve.

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There is no answer to this problem. The burning is not just Thailand but also it's neighbors . Short of each country buying a fleet or two of water bombing aircraft all the hand wringing and talk is just hot air. 

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

About 4 or 5 years ago, the smoke season in CM was really bad.. The two years previous to 2019, smoke was actually tolerable. This year, back to atrocious.

I would like to know what factors have caused the change this year, because until those are known and addressed nothing will improve.


Agree, I can't recall seeing, over many years, really specific analysis of what the cause is.


Agee, until there is a specific proven list of the causes any efforts to reduce / stop the pollution are guesses and this also means that causes associated with large scale corruption (very likely the main cause) are also not targeted for serious immediate real action.  


But regardless of the above there needs to be very fast specific action. 


Edited by scorecard
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21 minutes ago, Chris Lawrence said:

So does the PM wear his old army duds still? That is a statement in itself. He is our man...…..


At present his general-iasis is in remission. But as there is no known treatment for this terrible affliction, a severe relapse is just a matter of time.





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35 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

There is no answer to this problem. The burning is not just Thailand but also it's neighbors . Short of each country buying a fleet or two of water bombing aircraft all the hand wringing and talk is just hot air. 

Yes the neighbors are also burning, but Thailand could start by making sure they at least are not burning. Then it would justify them always blaming others.


And right now the fires are actually in Thailand. Otherwise the levels could simply not be this high.

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I can now reveal that the old Elvis Impersonator himself from Krungthep and his sidekick Smokin Supalai the well know "fiddler while the province burns" will be making a public appearance in the food court at Kad Suan Kaew. Time and song list to be announced!


Please come along and bring a face mask to donate to the appeal.


This of course is dependent on the pilot of his Russian built jet not parking it somewhere on Doi Suthep due to poor visibility.

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He should get there on a bicycle rather than flying. We all still can hope that the plane cannot land due to the haze.

Prayut does not need to go there for a cheap PR stunt; nobody in this land is stupid enough to be impressed by that. He rather pulls article 44 and gets some of those hundreds of helicopters in the air and mark burning places. Send some ten thousand (of a total of 230'000 Royal Thai Police) and announce draconian penalties.

If you can lock up (correctly) an alien for 200 pills of a narcotic substance for (possibly too long) 50 years, then you can hammer it into Khon Thais hard head that if he fires up his field one more time he will be locked up - next to the 200-pill-alien. 

Education (albeit provided for in this country for TWELVE years) would teach the kiddies that the entire microorganism fauna is burnt with the rest of the field and in a few years Khon Thai cannot grow ANYTHING there anymore. 

Unless something really happens now it is quite obvious that also this government is making mega bucks on the entire wildfire business - and you can take that to the bank to. I am sick and tired of coughing and sneezing, cleaning fans on a weekly basis and replacing air condition filter mats equally frequent just because of some ignorant corrupt d*ç%"*ç%heads! 

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9 hours ago, brommers said:

Nothing more than a cheap PR stunt designed to create photo ops of him marching around steadfastly, earnestly and with a worried expression. He does this so well, and no doubt he will sing a song to soothe our concerns and make a televised speech to the masses before returning to the task of arranging the so-called democtratic election.


To refuse to declare this situation a disaster because it will tarnish the image of CM and have a negative effect on tourism is a wanton act of cynicism. Do the idiots who think this not realise that the image is already damaged by constant media coverage, social media discussion and world-wide inter-personal dialogue. Businesses are already reporting a noticeable decline in revenue of 20 - 40 percent and it will get worse. Does he not realise that when planes bringing tourists are diverted, like the Spring Airways plane was yesterday, that those passengers will not only be angry at having their holidays ruined but will pass on their feelings to many back in their own country?


This situation is the result of government deriliction of duty, wilful neglect, and individual incompetence. The health of millions is being affected, at an unestimable cost to them and to the economy. And faith in the authorities has been shattered. The years of neglect cannot be rectified with home made air filtering devices, refuge rooms, the handing out of crappy face masks and other palliative measures. It requires massive and meaningful action taken against those who are causing this pollution, individuals and corporations alike.


The people can see that these preening governors and their equally vain & stupid cohorts do not care. There will be retribution. The passive mental barriers of past years have now been shattered and direct action is now seen as the only route that will garner results. The people in the north cat last are seeing that their "masters" in Bangkok are no longer to be trusted to care for their welfare. It is time for street level action, not flying around in jets and convening talking shops.



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It needs to be proactive action,not talking about while the hills burn,

trouble is Thailand does not do proactive,waits until something happens

then tries to figure out what to do,too late this year.


Next year it would be nice to see the police,Army,and any volunteers,

camping out ,patrolling up in the forests,to capture,deter any would

be arsonists,that is the only way to stop the burning,.....will it happen

hell,no.same,same again next year,as in the past. P.S. maybe the PM will

serenade us with a rendition of "Smoke gets in your eyes "

regards worgeordie

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4 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

So does the PM wear his old army duds still? That is a statement in itself. He is our man...…..

Hopefully he will not sport a N95 mask in public.  The country needs him out in the forefront, showing the plebs and the little-people that the air is breathable and there is actually no problem at all.  It's really all in everyone's minds.  All that is needed is to think happy thoughts and pray to Naga for rain relief. 

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4 hours ago, Hayduke said:


At present his general-iasis is in remission. But as there is no known treatment for this terrible affliction, a severe relapse is just a matter of time.





I've heard that million THB time-pieces will hold the disease in check almost indefinitely.  Although to be maximally effective they need to be imbibed with the spirit of an old dead friend whose estate can still lay claim to the asset, so as to channel the spirit's good merit and all.  <wink wink> 

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From another article online....



Earlier, Chiang Mai Governor Supachai Iamsuwan admitted that he could not declare the province a
disaster zone due to technical problems. He explained that, by declaring a disaster zone, the provincial
administration would have to utilise emergency budget, but it is unable to do this because of Finance
Ministry regulations.

So there you have the actual problem. 

Just booked tickets out of CM for tomorrow. Clearly this is not going to end before some time in May.


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9 minutes ago, khunpa said:

From another article online....


So there you have the actual problem. 

Just booked tickets out of CM for tomorrow. Clearly this is not going to end before some time in May.


I highly suggest getting a copy of Catch-22 and passing the time in an air conditioned, air-purified room while contemplating black-humor and the parallels between what is suppose to be fiction and the reality of the nonsense that passes though the mouths of politicians.  Everyone can become part of the Coup Cartel and be issued Cartel Stock shares to help pay for their lung diseases.  Maybe the Chinese can pay the Thai airforce to firebomb the national forests so that there is a huge mushroom sprout next rainy season which will be picked and packed up for Chinese export and all Thai and Myanmar workers will receive Coup Shares for their labor.  Yeah - Catch-22.  Hummm ????

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So today is the day! This morning the AQI is around 350, so good time for a visit.


Now let’s see if the PM truly loves his country, like he says, or he is just full of BS.

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Yep the guy is right across the lane from my Condo and the number of Police, Army and Security forces make getting in and out a eff...ing nightmare. Who am I, why am I trying to get in, where do I live, Id please. Sod Off you Wan..kers. Of course we all know this visit is for show only as absolutlely nothing is going to change and this dangerous haze with continue to plague Chaing Mai. Smoke raises not fall so blaming the forest fires, the farmers burning their fields is simply an easy excuse. It's the red trucks, the Tuk Tuks, the increased number of cars stuck in traffic for up to nine minutes at a time that contribute more. Combine the two and bobs your uncle the brown haze appears. It's only get worse because money talks here in Thailand and the red truck/Tuk Tuk Mafia will make sure they are not forced to comply with smog standards, the Thais aren't about to give up buying/driving their cars due to this "face" B..... S...and let's not forget to add to the mix the continual global warming which will only make things drier. So go ahead with your P. R. stunts, keep on telling everyone you will solve this and by the way be sure to tell them the checks in the mail and pigs do fly.

Sent from my CMR-AL19 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, freedomnow said:

Has been a bit crazy with the visible pea soup last few days and today.

Don’t worry. The PM is there now. He loves his country and people...... and will of course fix this.

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this is no PR stunt.  for many people, and especially today it sure seems to me, the idea that their important leaders share their feelings on stuff is very important to them.  it's not for me and some of us, but for many it is.  and the leader doesn't have to actually do anything and what they say doesn't even have to make any sense.  and it works!  so it's good.     

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