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Student union petitions Democrats to join Pheu Thai-led coalition


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6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Thaksin the honest; Yingluck the Innocent. Champions of democracy who'd stand shoulder to shoulder with demonstrators when the bullets fly and be willing to die on the field of democracy.


As long as it didn't clash with a overseas luxury shopping trip to one of the world's most expensive capitals!


Get real. Recognizing the crooked Thaksin and his crooked family for what they are isn't supporting the Junta. And your continued attempts to discredit any who post against the Shins by claiming they must be undemocratic fascist closet Junta fans is, well, transparently pathetic.

is, well, transparently pathetic. true.

Edited by pornprong
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12 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Agree - neither can be trusted as the are both self serving. Why some want to pretend PTP aren't is just silly.


As we are now seeing, being untrustworthy seems a qualification for politics anywhere in the world!

Your inability to make statement about the junta without referencing Thaksin exposes you.

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17 hours ago, pornprong said:

I have responded to a member using Asiancorrespondent before. Crap source, bunch of bloggers, find a better source, get a more accurate result. Don't obsess.

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3 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

I have responded to a member using Asiancorrespondent before. Crap source, bunch of bloggers, find a better source, get a more accurate result. Don't obsess.


Here you go Human Rights Watch. Not exactly a group of bloggers attempting to make a buck. Extremely accurate and fair though. As I said, take a deep breath an don't obsess.

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11 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

I have responded to a member using Asiancorrespondent before. Crap source, bunch of bloggers, find a better source, get a more accurate result. Don't obsess.

Whatever the true number of killed people, there should be an extensive investigation about this event. It will never happen.

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Just now, candide said:

Whatever the true number of killed people, there should be an extensive investigation about this event. It will never happen.

I see similarity with Thaksin war on drugs resulting in deaths and Ahbisit/Suthep killings of the red shirts. investigations were completed but none implicated. Thailand remain trapped in the shadows of despair.  

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20 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

I have responded to a member using Asiancorrespondent before. Crap source, bunch of bloggers, find a better source, get a more accurate result. Don't obsess.

Hahaha, this from someone who takes the likes of Suthep and Prayuth at their word.


Asian Correspondent is an independent news source that aims to bring the most important stories in Asia to an international, English-speaking audience. We combine original features from writers and bloggers across Asia with some of the world’s best reporting from the Reuters wires. Asian Correspondent’s coverage offers insight into politics, media and education from Bangkok to Beijing and brings you the stories that rarely make it into English media.


Yeah, lets dismiss a reputable news organisation whilst at the same time believing an old clown who says his dead friend lent him 25 watches - geez you junta boys are something else.

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16 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Its good to see the Thaksinistas back with their "Its Not About Thaksin" mantra. Nostalgia Time. Odd move though by Thaksin to try and rope in an inappropriate person to run for PM although it didn't work out too well. Surely Thaksin hasn't run out of siblings and other relatives? 

Then you got to credit the first posting to try divert and confuse by bringing Thaksin into the conversation when all media described this election as pro-democracy against pro-military fight. 

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22 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Then you got to credit the first posting to try divert and confuse by bringing Thaksin into the conversation when all media described this election as pro-democracy against pro-military fight. 

Actually you and Pornprong are doing a lot more 'confusing' by deliberately attempting to claim, perversely, that Thaksin is not involved in PT and their parties. Others here have made it clear that Thaksin's record of rule bore very little of the pillars of democracy, so it doesn't need repeating.


Having said that I do think the students are right in trying to get the Democrat party into supporting te PT/FFP coalition. If the coalition were to come out and guarantee - in writing - that there would be no more 'amnesty' attempts, that would be a very attractive move & might sway enough Democrat party members to support them.

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20 minutes ago, bannork said:

Pheua Thai have tried to paint the election in those terms, describing themselves as pro-democracy.

The owner isn't but he could be described as more democratic than Uncle Tu. It's all relative.


The academics were already labeling this election as pro-democracy against pro-military even before official campaigning started. The media were reporting almost daily between these 2 election sides. Just one for your consumption below.




The narrative that it was PTP that coined that was only propagated by Thaksin haters as it was just so convenient to blame all to him. Nothing is relative between one who stand for election and one who seized power and rigged the rules in order to steal an election; period.


And the bit about Thaksin's involvement is rich. EC has been trying to find evidence to link Thaksin's influence in order to dissolve the party but unable to find anything but yet we have posters here that will swear that he was involved. 





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20 hours ago, Brigand said:

The "Democrats" have an image issue with their name and it needs to change as it does not sync with their MO/actions. You can't call yourselves "The Democrat Party" and then support a military junta or a rigged election...come on. 

The Democrats did not support the military government, and there was never a rigged election. You obviously weren't here at the time. Abhisit was fairly elected as PM by majority of MPs and did not need the military's help, because the only person opposing him was an unknown police officer. 

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16 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

The academics were already labeling this election as pro-democracy against pro-military even before official campaigning started. The media were reporting almost daily between these 2 election sides. Just one for your consumption below.




The narrative that it was PTP that coined that was only propagated by Thaksin haters as it was just so convenient to blame all to him. Nothing is relative between one who stand for election and one who seized power and rigged the rules in order to steal an election; period.


And the bit about Thaksin's involvement is rich. EC has been trying to find evidence to link Thaksin's influence in order to dissolve the party but unable to find anything but yet we have posters here that will swear that he was involved. 





Proving involvement in a court of law is a lot harder then knowing it. Unless you think Thaksin is that stupid. 


Only a fool would think that Thaksin has let control of the PTP go.  Proving it in court, that is a totally different matter. 

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7 minutes ago, gamini said:

The Democrats did not support the military government, and there was never a rigged election. You obviously weren't here at the time. Abhisit was fairly elected as PM by majority of MPs and did not need the military's help, because the only person opposing him was an unknown police officer. 

Abhisit did not support the military, lol. Actually the military helped to put him into power, and in turn he made everything he could to make sure that Prayuth would be appointed army chief in 2010.

He also played his part in the 2014 orchestration of events that prevented elections to be held and led to the coup, even if he was obviouly less visible than Suthep.

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7 hours ago, crazykopite said:

At the end of the day there has been an election regardless who has won I have to ask why has the military not returned to barracks there is no longer a need for them as long as they are on the streets then the junta is in charge and the good people of Thailand did not vote for that.

Why, have to keep the peasants and the non-believers in order.... 

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1 hour ago, gamini said:

The Democrats did not support the military government, and there was never a rigged election. You obviously weren't here at the time. Abhisit was fairly elected as PM by majority of MPs and did not need the military's help, because the only person opposing him was an unknown police officer. 

You obviously aren't here (real world) now.






Isn't it fascinating how history keeps repeating itself.

When the day eventually arrives, I wonder how closely Prayuth's obituary will resemble that of General Sunthorn Kongsompong



Edited by pornprong
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19 minutes ago, bannork said:

Here's part of a letter Korn's brother wrote to The Financial Times. Funny how he doesn't mention, at least in this part, the millions of votes Future Forward got. The Young Dems have got a struggle on their hands with opinions like these .https://www.ft.com/todaysnewspaper/uk

Korn's brother.jpg

This peanut would want to start churning out a shitload more letters if he is to keep the ongoing farce that is the bumbling junta, fumbling election commission and grumbling army chief off the front pages of the world's press.


He is right about one thing though, the election was about the country's stance on military rule.

Stamp of approval, not really is it.

Failure to win your own rigged election is more a "stamp of incompetence" I would think.


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On 4/1/2019 at 9:15 AM, pornprong said:

No, it will be a coalition with a very strong junior partner - Future Forward and should the Democrats join, there would be 2 very strong junior partners.

I suspect neath wants to have there image tainted by joining the Phew Thai in a relationship of any sort out of concern for their long term possibilities for attracting voters.

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46 minutes ago, chama said:

I suspect neath wants to have there image tainted by joining the Phew Thai in a relationship of any sort out of concern for their long term possibilities for attracting voters.

Well then, you would be suspecting wrong in regards to Future Forward as they have already joined Pheu Thais coalition.


Long term issues are not really anything that the Democrat Party has to worry about anymore as they won't be around for much longer - they danced with the devil and lost.


Thailands best hope for the future is to be represented by Pheu Thai on the Left and Future Forward on the right. These two parties, respecting the will of the voters, dutifully alternating between government and opposition as the ballot box dictates - there is no room for the Democrats or Palang Pracharat or Abhisit, or Prayuth or Suthep or Prawit and so on.

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

Proving involvement in a court of law is a lot harder then knowing it. Unless you think Thaksin is that stupid. 


Only a fool would think that Thaksin has let control of the PTP go.  Proving it in court, that is a totally different matter. 

So how do you KNOW it?


If it cannot be proved in a court, and they have a lot more information than you, from a lot more sources, all you have is your opinion.


Your opinion is worth just as much as anybody else's.


For instance I could say that Thaksin is as pure as the driven snow, but it would be only my opinion.


Do you not think that by now the government would have shut down the PTP if they could prove it, even in the courts as bent as they are in Thailand?


They have had YEARS to obtain the evidence but has there been a prosecution yet?

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6 hours ago, khunken said:

Actually you and Pornprong are doing a lot more 'confusing' by deliberately attempting to claim, perversely, that Thaksin is not involved in PT and their parties. Others here have made it clear that Thaksin's record of rule bore very little of the pillars of democracy, so it doesn't need repeating.


Having said that I do think the students are right in trying to get the Democrat party into supporting te PT/FFP coalition. If the coalition were to come out and guarantee - in writing - that there would be no more 'amnesty' attempts, that would be a very attractive move & might sway enough Democrat party members to support them.

The current government was not bothered about a late night attempt about an amnesty.

One of there first acts after taken power was to grant themselves an amnesty for ALL past, present and future actions.


They did not bother about a 4 am vote, they just openly did it, not worrying in the slightest that it was just another illegal act.

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2 minutes ago, billd766 said:

The current government was not bothered about a late night attempt about an amnesty.

One of there first acts after taken power was to grant themselves an amnesty for ALL past, present and future actions.


They did not bother about a 4 am vote, they just openly did it, not worrying in the slightest that it was just another illegal act.

Rather irrelevant to the point I was making. I'm not disputing what you said but what dictatorship anywhere in the world wouldn't do that?

The topic is about the students' petition so have you anything positive to contribute to that?

BTW The military didn't find any (or sufficient) evidence to disband PT but they sure as hades did for PT2 (Thai Raksa Chart).

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It would be wise and only option to get rid of uncle and his cronies . Change the constitution and then can go your separate ways.


sometimes bending your principles or biting your tongue for a short period of time for the sake of the future is the only way forward 

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On 4/1/2019 at 7:27 PM, Bluespunk said:

Yeah right, give power to a thaksin controlled govt.


I have no time or illusions about the current regime, but PT are in many ways no better.


People are free to vote PT into power [or should be], but the Dems voter base chose not to put PT into power through their choice at the ballot box.


PT would chew up, spit out and stomp on the remains of the Dems if they were idiotic enough to ally themselves to them.


Dream on...

Thaksin and Co with all their corruption and stealing still did more and gave more for the people and the country than current lot has on 4 years.


not white washing thaksin and co but fact remains , while they were stealing the also allowed for everyone else to have a piece of a pie, current mob have taken triple as much and have not shared an inch

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11 minutes ago, BestB said:

Thaksin and Co with all their corruption and stealing still did more and gave more for the people and the country than current lot has on 4 years.


not white washing thaksin and co but fact remains , while they were stealing the also allowed for everyone else to have a piece of a pie, current mob have taken triple as much and have not shared an inch

Completely share your assessment of the current govt.


I do not share your positive view of what the thaksin and his subsequent puppet regimes did.


The only good things were the minimum wage (and that was set way too low) and the health scheme. 


Their treatment of the rice rice farmers in the second year of the scheme is unforgivable. 


Don’t get me wrong, I have no time for the current regime and believe the people have every right to vote his parties, or whoever they wish, into govt, but I do not believe pt to be trustworthy with power.  

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2 hours ago, BestB said:

It would be wise and only option to get rid of uncle and his cronies . Change the constitution and then can go your separate ways.


sometimes bending your principles or biting your tongue for a short period of time for the sake of the future is the only way forward 

The priority must be to get rid of the guns and uniforms, the entitlements and the medals.

Shut the barrack gates, put on the padlocks and fill them with superglue.

There will be no support from those who think 1932 was the start of the rot.

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