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Theresa May to ask EU for further Brexit extension


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33 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I nice selection of impartial media outlets!! it's no wonder brexiteers live in a dream world when they take the aforementioned as fact!! I assume you watch Fox News too?? 

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4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

She will get her extension, Germany doesn't want a no deal exit.

So talking with Labour will get the deal through a 4th 6th 9th time I've lost count and if it does there's no real change on 1st deal which was rejected, makes no sense.

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4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

You had more than two years to learn about the benefits of being part of the EU. 


4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

And yes, I know the EU is not perfect but still a lot better than any alternative.



Not in my opinion........... nor in the opinion of 17m+ others.



Those 2 years have only hardened the sentiment against the EU.


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5 minutes ago, Jip99 said:

Not in my opinion........... nor in the opinion of 17m+ others.

Those 2 years have only hardened the sentiment against the EU.

So then it should be no problem to let the voters confirm that they still want to leave with the available deal, correct?

As far as I see many of the 17m believed many of the lies i.e. about the extra money for the NHS, the idea that the UK will get a very special deal, etc.

In short: People vote for the cake and they want to eat it including lots of cherry picking. And they expected all the unicorns will come out after the UK leaves the EU. What is left of that dream? Anything?

And lets not forget that the leavers violated campaign laws, were financed from outside the country, etc.

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7 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



Your focus on one bus advert is quite pathetic.


I no longer fear a second referendum- it won’t happen, but I do fear it. I know more Leave voters who will now vote Leave, than I do Leave voters who would change.

It’s the former Leave voters that will simply stay at home that will make the difference.


The recent pitiful turnout in demonstrations supporting Brexit is a better measure of public sentiment than what people might tell someone who they know to be an ardent Brexiteer.

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7 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



Your focus on one bus advert is quite pathetic.


I no longer fear a second referendum- it won’t happen, but I do fear it. I know more Leave voters who will now vote Leave, than I do Leave voters who would change.

On a slightly lighter note.  I don't want a second referendum because it would just deepen the wound that Brexit has inflicted on the country.  But I think that remain would win for a couple of reasons.  One is that there are now considerably more young people eligible to vote and a number of old people have popped their clogs since the referendum. ????





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Do you forget Cameron posting pro eu bog paper to every UK household.
He should be charged with GROSS MISUSE OF PUBLIC MONEY.

So then it should be no problem to let the voters confirm that they still want to leave with the available deal, correct?
As far as I see many of the 17m believed many of the lies i.e. about the extra money for the NHS, the idea that the UK will get a very special deal, etc.
In short: People vote for the cake and they want to eat it including lots of cherry picking. And they expected all the unicorns will come out after the UK leaves the EU. What is left of that dream? Anything?
And lets not forget that the leavers violated campaign laws, were financed from outside the country, etc.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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In your dreams

It’s the former Leave voters that will simply stay at home that will make the difference.
The recent pitiful turnout in demonstrations supporting Brexit is a better measure of public sentiment than what people might tell someone who they know to be an ardent Brexiteer.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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21 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s the former Leave voters that will simply stay at home that will make the difference.


The recent pitiful turnout in demonstrations supporting Brexit is a better measure of public sentiment than what people might tell someone who they know to be an ardent Brexiteer.

Yes that was said before the referendum. It is easy to get a jolly boys outing with a bunch of lefty, liberal, tree huggers for a picnic. People should have to prove they are UK citizens. A bit like online petitions. The pen is mightier than the sword, as shown in the last referendum result. I am sure your friends here will continue to put pictures of skinheads in Union Jacks and talk about spoonies.

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11 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Yes that was said before the referendum. It is easy to get a jolly boys outing with a bunch of lefty, liberal, tree huggers for a picnic. People should have to prove they are UK citizens. A bit like online petitions. The pen is mightier than the sword, as shown in the last referendum result. I am sure your friends here will continue to put pictures of skinheads in Union Jacks and talk about spoonies.

Odd you don’t address the declining numbers supporting Brexit marches.



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16 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Yes that was said before the referendum. It is easy to get a jolly boys outing with a bunch of lefty, liberal, tree huggers for a picnic. People should have to prove they are UK citizens. A bit like online petitions. The pen is mightier than the sword, as shown in the last referendum result. I am sure your friends here will continue to put pictures of skinheads in Union Jacks and talk about spoonies.

It still amazes me that people think that leavers and remainers should be slotted into political boxes.  Where I live it is Tory heartland yet 80% voted to remain.  Thousands of them went on the march which attracted a million people.  I am sure some of the twenty percent who voted leave went on the other march as well.  Political leanings have nothing to do with which way people voted.

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7 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

It still amazes me that people think that leavers and remainers should be slotted into political boxes.  Where I live it is Tory heartland yet 80% voted to remain.  Thousands of them went on the march which attracted a million people.  I am sure some of the twenty percent who voted leave went on the other march as well.  Political leanings have nothing to do with which way people voted.

Finally an intelligent response in the last 20 minutes. .????


Well It doesn't mean I agree. So can you give some facts on that or is it an opinion. Not saying opinions don't count. I would have thought that those who put their mark on the paper with an x have a lot to do with political leanings.


How do you know they were UK citizens? As a the press and others use this as an indicator of public opinion which is not accurate.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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1 minute ago, vogie said:

What would the leavers be marching for, the 17.4 million referendum thought they had won the right to leave the EU. Now they see that voting is a sham, the only time our governments listen to the people is when the government gets an answer it wants to hear. Democracy has been put on trial and has lost, it will take decades for it to recover, if ever. 

People whether Tory or Labour will never vote again, and why should they when their vote has about as much validity as one piece of paper on a bog roll. I cannot predict the future but I hope the days of both parties are numbered, I still believe that there are many good MPs on both sides of the house, but they are being brought down by the dross that remains

Well they might want to get off their backsides and march for what they voted for, because right now they are getting zilch.


With respect to all your other points regarding democracy.


One could easily conclude that regardless of whether or not Brexit ever happens, the whole mess has been a very successful effort to undermine faith in the democratic process.


cui bono?

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6 minutes ago, vogie said:

So by your logic, if someone wins the National Lottery they have to march up and down outside Camelot offices with placards stating 'I want to win the lottery', you'll probably get the CEO putting his head out of the window shouting, 'you've already won it ya daft ha'peth, go home'

Brexit as gambling on lottery.... it gets better by the day. 

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