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U.S. House committee seeks Trump tax returns from IRS


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and the electoral college




Lol,,,I’ve been thinking about the Democrats calling to abolish the Electoral College system and what a shock it would be to them if they still lost under a national popular majority takes all, which I think is possible.

My logic is that I believe Democrats are already highly motivated to vote in blue or red states and therefore we’ve seen their near their top line turnout numbers,,about three million more than republicans last election.

The theory is if it was a popular vote disenfranchised republicans from traditional blue states would turn up in large numbers as well as red states who usual don’t vote knowing their neighbors will carry the day.

Just an exercise in watching out for what you wish for.

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1 hour ago, riclag said:

He doesn't need too produce a letter

Good point.  The IRS has already stated that being under audit does not prevent him from releasing his tax returns, so why should he provide proof of his discredited excuse?

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10 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

A few simple questions need to be answered:


1.) Are any trump (personal) returns currently under audit?

2.) If yes, which year(s)?



Then the president must release any returns not currently under audit, as he has said he will do many, many, many times.



It is understood that Mueller already has trump's returns and that Andrew Weissmann has reviewed them.


Like the Mueller report, if you have nothing to hide why not release returns, whether under audit or not.


And please don't claim privacy, the president is not an ordinary citizen and should be transparent.


If you are innocent, then you must prove you're innocent.


And we always thought it was innocent until proven guilty. But apparently that only applies to Democrats and other left of center liberals who are beyond the law.

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4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

What a difference a House Majority makes. 


The founding fathers really knew what they were doing when they established the separation of powers. 


Indeed. They also knew what they were doing when the established the principle that the president shouldn't be elected on a simple majority! 

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7 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

Were holder and lynch lackeys too? 


We certainly have some shady actions by them. 


Just wondering if you have this same view of other AG. 


Interesting to ponder that. Wonder what his view was of the lackey AG who met a former POTUS on the runway of an airport at a time when his wife, a candidate for POTUS, was under investigation.


All above board of course. It's not right or wrong, or if it's against the law or not, anymore. It's all about having the right politically correct views!

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9 hours ago, pedro01 said:

PMSL - this is so funny. The Mueller report didn't turn anything up - so now the idjits on the left want to dig for dirt in his tax returns.


For you guys salivating at the prospect of finding evidence of tax fraud in a tax return - I hate to break it to you - but a tax return is literally the last place on planet earth that you will find evidence of tax fraud. A little common sense should tell you that. 


All that is happening is that the Dems want his tax returns to dig for anything they can use against him. So if (for example), the bar in one of his hotels purchased Russian Vodka, no doubt they'd claim it proves collusion.


It's a classic witch hunt. They have the man, they just don't have a crime. So they dig & dig & dig. The excuses they use "we just want to ensure everyone is the same under the law" are nonsense. They don't believe that, yet they expect the man/woman in the street to believe it.


The Dems remind me of Thai politicians - thinking they will automatically be believed, regardless of how hair brained their excuses are.


This is going to cost the dems a ton of votes. Can you imagine the next Trump campaign? He can simply point to 4 years of Democrats doing nothing but chasing wild conspiracy theories. Game.Set.Match.

Lmao.....  “so now the idjits on the left want to dig for dirt in his tax returns”


you must be living under a rock.... they have always wanted the tax returns, but the republican majority would not allow it. But.... a couple of months ago, a little something called an election changed that dynamic, so now they get what they want vs being stonewalled by Republicans. Checks and balances has been partially restored


and... that rock your living under must be some kind of tax haven utopia.... al Capone went down for tax fraud, not murder or (????????????) collusion/ conspiracy.


and... if one of his bars purchased vodka from Russia, without paying excise, then I guess that would be a crime


regards dems spending four years... lol... to date, they have been preventing from investigating, so the time frame will be two years, if they find nothing.... but then, looking is their job, so even if they find nothing, at least they can say they did their job, unlike A45, which appears to have achieved less than any past admin.

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Subpoena those returns and then leak them to the mass media. Not sure that's fair or right. Somebody in congress is saying their tax experts are better than IRS tax experts. I doubt the IRS wouldn't popped Trump the first chance they got way before his run for the presidency.

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2 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

Subpoena those returns and then leak them to the mass media. Not sure that's fair or right. Somebody in congress is saying their tax experts are better than IRS tax experts. I doubt the IRS wouldn't popped Trump the first chance they got way before his run for the presidency.

You don't get it. He's president. It's not only about tax issues. It's about policy issues he's pushed and passed that may or may not directly benefit him. There are a number of other conflict of interest issues with his presidency.  That should not be allowed! He's obviously corrupt. The question is how corrupt. 

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3 hours ago, heybruce said:

Good point.  The IRS has already stated that being under audit does not prevent him from releasing his tax returns, so why should he provide proof of his discredited excuse?

Can you tell me the IRS agent(current),no formers, that says that. Because any tax attorney will tell you not to release your tax return,for any years during a audit!

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2 hours ago, riclag said:

Can you tell me the IRS agent(current),no formers, that says that. Because any tax attorney will tell you not to release your tax return,for any years during a audit!

" Donald Trump can release his tax information while he is being audited, the IRS said on Friday."

"Federal privacy laws bar the Internal Revenue Service from discussing individual tax concerns, but "nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information," the agency told USA Today in a statement. "    https://www.newsmax.com/Headline/trump-release-tax-returns/2016/02/26/id/716367/


I'm sure all attorneys would advise against voluntarily releasing tax returns under any circumstances.  However every president since Nixon has done so voluntarily, until Trump.


Voters should demand that a candidate for high office meet such standards of transparency.  Unfortunately a large minority of voters have low standards.

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12 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


And this ability to examine anyone's tax returns; is it an arbitrary abuse of power or must there be some justification for doing so?



Private citizens have a right to privacy.  Civil servants and military personnel with contracting powers are required to disclose personal financial information in order to identify potential conflicts of interest.  People seeking or holding public office should be required to do the same.

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56 minutes ago, heybruce said:

" Donald Trump can release his tax information while he is being audited, the IRS said on Friday."

"Federal privacy laws bar the Internal Revenue Service from discussing individual tax concerns, but "nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information," the agency told USA Today in a statement. "    https://www.newsmax.com/Headline/trump-release-tax-returns/2016/02/26/id/716367/


I'm sure all attorneys would advise against voluntarily releasing tax returns under any circumstances.  However every president since Nixon has done so voluntarily, until Trump.


Voters should demand that a candidate for high office meet such standards of transparency.  Unfortunately a large minority of voters have low standards.

The original quote

“I’m sure a careful tax attorney would advise him not to disclose it in the middle of an audit,” Thorndike said of Trump. “But an attorney would say not to disclose it anytime.”




It's not mandatory(law) so why give the people who hate you dems and MSM, ammunitions to dissect everything thats already been audited

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13 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

at the "root" ? no, encouraging it's perpetual existence, certainly

Ok, show me an article or clip showing a progressive encouraging its perpetual resistance. Should be simple if it is as prevalent as you claim. I can show many clips of progressive lefties stating why they do not agree with the establishment left's obsession with election collusion.

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I don’t know about others, but when I file my taxes I’m done with any auditing.


Right there at the bottom where your ‘signature’ goes is the statement that under penalties of perjury that the return is true, correct and complete.


‘Old tax returns still under audit’


Hogwash lies for dumb folk to


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7 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Chomper Higgins thinks his simpleton tax returns are comparable to a billionaires tax returns. 


Kinda funny really, the absurdity of it. 

My bet is they share a requirement under penalty of perjury to be true, correct and complete.


What idiocy is it to believe an individual audits their taxes after submission?!

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12 hours ago, heybruce said:

" Donald Trump can release his tax information while he is being audited, the IRS said on Friday."

"Federal privacy laws bar the Internal Revenue Service from discussing individual tax concerns, but "nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information," the agency told USA Today in a statement. "    https://www.newsmax.com/Headline/trump-release-tax-returns/2016/02/26/id/716367/


I'm sure all attorneys would advise against voluntarily releasing tax returns under any circumstances.  However every president since Nixon has done so voluntarily, until Trump.


Voters should demand that a candidate for high office meet such standards of transparency.  Unfortunately a large minority of voters have low standards.

LOL. Every politician probably has loads of things they don't want the public to know about. Kennedy and his women would be such a one, Reagan and the Contras another. IMO there is no such thing as real transparency when it comes to politics.

Even the beloved Obama kept his association with a dubious religious person very quiet.

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4 hours ago, quandow said:

For crying out loud, THEY'RE POLITICIANS! Trump volunteered for the gig, if he can't stand the heat, get outta the kitchen. At this level of politics, tax returns are fair game. Sure, it's political, but it's to see if he's honest (we already know he's not, his father born in Germany can attest to that), and/or if any foreign enemy has leverage against him so as to influence his decisions. There isn't any black and white evidence to that yet, but there sure is an awful lot of smoke!

LOL, that's called "fishing", and Trump ain't stupid enough to fall for it.

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