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Canadian expats can vote.

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I understand that legislation has been passed to allow Canadians to vote in Federal elections.  Previously any Canadian who has lived over 3 years abroad as a non- resident could not vote.  The theory being- no pay taxes, no vote.  Question:  is this new law in effect and where can one get registered to do so.  Rumours are strong that Jussy will call a snap May election as his ratings have tanked so time may be of the essence.  Thanks.

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I just registered to vote (by mail). I was one who, even though I was paying taxes (a lot of them) was told I wasn't allowed to vote previously as I'd been "out of the country" for too long. Odd too in that I'd left in Sept 2003 and was trying to register for the 2004 Federal election and was denied, despite being out of the country barely a year.


Anyways - once you register and fill in the details at the site (linked below) they are supposed to send you something in the mail and put you on the list of registered voters.


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If applying online they will want some proof as noted below. Scans of your passport (face page) and birth certificate (in .jpg or .pdf format) that can be attached to the online application.

When you get to the block where it says "Exemption to Five-Year Limit (No longer applicable)" the "not applicable" option should already be checked. If not, check it as you no longer require an exemption.

For the required documents:
3. Prepare your supporting document(s)

Attach an image of one of these identity documents:

  • Pages 2 and 3 of your Canadian passport,
  • Your Canadian citizenship certificate or card or
  • Your birth certificate, showing that you were born in Canada.

I also attached a scan of my provincial driver's license to show my home address (so they know which riding you should be voting in). They should know that from your postal code as well but in some rural areas that may not be the case.

I sent my application in a couple days ago but haven't received anything back from them (by email), not even a confirmation that they've received it and that it's under review or anything so I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Maybe give them a couple weeks then go back and see if I'm on the voters list (through one of the links on the site linked in the previous post).

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18 hours ago, Kerryd said:

I just registered to vote (by mail). I was one who, even though I was paying taxes (a lot of them) was told I wasn't allowed to vote previously as I'd been "out of the country" for too long. Odd too in that I'd left in Sept 2003 and was trying to register for the 2004 Federal election and was denied, despite being out of the country barely a year.


Anyways - once you register and fill in the details at the site (linked below) they are supposed to send you something in the mail and put you on the list of registered voters.


Thank you so very much. I wasn't told this by the Canadian consulate in Vientiane even though I am registered and on the email list. There's a new guy and he is useless and totally non-communicative. The lady he replaced answered everything, usually within an hour.


I have registered and spread the word among the ex-pats in Laos.

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Seriously wish there was someone to vote for. I did think there was a financial component in that expats are not contributing to the economy but it may also have been that we don't have our finger on Canada's pulse anymore (if it ever had one). Pretty boy Jay has been a great disappointment, esp when compared to his flamboyant father. Pierre wore full-length mink coats in winter & Margaret, our first lady sent home a kilo of hash on an official state visit to Lebanon...after partying with the Rolling Stones...in her lingerie! Sure miss those days!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just received a letter from Elections Canada !! Almost (exactly) 1 month after I registered online.


I have been officially entered on the International Register of Electors.


This means (according to them) that I will automatically be mailed a special ballot voting kit before each/any Federal electoral event.1238143930_ElectionsCanadaletter.jpg.423c2126d046363ba8912a2124e98f31.jpg


The system works (sort of, maybe - possibly depending on who is in power at the time and which way they think the overseas vote will go).

But remember - it only works if you put the tiny bit of effort into registering ! It's not that hard. It's not time consuming. It doesn't cost a penny (or a baht or a kip or a riel) !

It's like buying a lottery ticket. If you don't buy one, you stand no chance of winning at all.


If you don't register to vote, then you won't be able to (and by rights, have no cause to bitch about the results because you did nothing to change them). 

Lets get a government that actually cares more about Canadians than they do about terrorists into power and then lobby them to put a little effort into making our lives a little better (i.e. by making reciprocal agreements with various countries regarding Visas, land ownership, working and so on). 



Edited by Kerryd
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