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‘Skeletal’ baby elephant forced to bang head to rave music as Thailand zoo visitors laugh


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Skeletal’ baby elephant forced to bang head to rave music as Thailand zoo visitors laugh

Jane Dalton 




An emaciated baby elephant is forced to bang her head to rave music, “play” musical instruments and perform tricks under the threat of painful punishment at a Thai zoo, investigators have found.


Behind-the-scenes footage also shows the young animal chained up and repeatedly sucking on her trunk – a sign of distress – when away from the tourist shows.


The infant elephant, dubbed “a real-life Dumbo”, is made to join “distressing” performances up to three times a day at Phuket Zoo.


Full story: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/elephant-zoo-thailand-phuket-animal-cruelty-rave-music-a8858086.html


INDEPENDENT: 2019-04-07

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8 minutes ago, Hoylake said:

Has anybody contacted The Thai Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ?

There you go. Pick up the phone and let them know.


Thai Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
B.L.H. Building, 9 Floor, 7/1 Wireless Road.
Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
Tel. : 66 (0) 2255 5805-7  
Fax : 66 (0) 2255 5808  
E-mail : [email protected] 
Website : www.thaispca.org
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45 minutes ago, Moo 2 said:

The laughing visitors should be locked up in the zoo for a week and given bananas and peanuts to eat.

Looking at the picture below it is easy to see who the majority of visitors are. The place is probably owned by Chinese Thais, but the audience at this zoo  entertainment centre is largely western tourists and by now probably a lot of Chinese.

I don't blame all Thais as blanket condemnation of the many for the sins of the few is just ignorance. Phuket exists for tourists and as long as the money flows, the mistreatment will go on.


Image result for phuket zoo

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Although I oppose elephants in shows, this article is pure fluff and is only outrage mining.

For starters the elephant is not skeletal, it looks normal. 2 The elephant is not banging its head, but it does shake it in a normal way that elephants do. The music is not rave music, just Thai instruments and why would it matter anyway? 4 there is this spurious suggestion "At one point, trainers were seen scraping the animals with bullhooks – which investigators suspect was a reminder to the elephants that they may be jabbed with the sharp tools." this is innuendo and not observed by the writer. 5 There is the spurious suggestion that the baby elephant sucking its trunk is a sign of distress. When in fact a minute on Google will show you that this is normal behaviour for elephants and is equal to a baby sucking its thumb or a dummy.

I don't mind exposing animal cruelty, but I am opposed to journalists telling lies for clicks,


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6 hours ago, KittenKong said:

These people sicken me. They really are the scum of the earth.

The whole idea of zoos, circuses with performing lions and tigers, bears, elephants, dogs, horses, or sea-aquariums with performing porpoises, seals, Orcas , alligator farms, etc. are unsettling to me. There is widespread animal abuse in all of these venues. Taking animals from their native habitats, forcing them into cages or shackling them to chains staked in the ground limiting their movements to a very small area, training them to do tricks with whips, hooked poles, withholding food as punishment is happening around the world. The owners of these venues state lofty ideals of how they are doing research, bringing these creatures to those who'd never see them, may believe what they espouse. But they are in the entertainment money making business. I certainly hope KittenKong is including ALL of these people when expressing their sentiments and not limiting it to Thais.

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9 hours ago, fruitman said:

I would have never thought that budhists would have animal fights and bet on them on a large scale...the fighting roosters are are in every street on a huge scale. Terrible.

And just why would you think Buddhists are any different to other religions ? One thing makes them tick and one thing only and by any means fair or foul -  Money.   I suspect if the owners/trainers of this poor elephant had one ounce of conscience they would not be doing it, irrespective of their religion.

Edited by geoffbezoz
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