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A mysterious fall from grace - The rise and fall of 'Big Joke' Surachate Hakparn

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16 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

More than anything, it was his criss-crossing the country to never miss a photo op which built his image as a one-man crime fighting Superman. In hindsight, he appears to have been hogging the spotlight just about every time the police department made a bust. Hard to believe this practice would have made him popular with subordinates.

You think so ?


Well perhaps there is actually other reasons. Do you not think it unusual that he was living in the Pullman Hotel in Bangkok ? Check the room rate out. Cost an arm and a leg , if he was paying himself it would cost him far more than his monthly salary.   That hotel is owned by King Power.  Hardly a company held in high regard by the PM and others who support him.  Remember 2 weeks ago Prayut pulled the original auction bid for the new round of licensing and recently reintroduced it with some major changes.


But his pal Prawit is reported to be supportive of King Power so it appears the PM and the DPM were poles apart so hence did BJ side with Prawit, thus upsetting the PM and his main supporter hence the sudden move ?  Begs the question, asked previously by another poster in another thread, is Prawit  next in line for the chop when the PM becomes PM again which is and always was a foregone conclusion? A case of Humpty Dumpty.

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said this before and will say until i am blue in the face, its about the money, too much money pouring into immigration via the back door, he upset too many people, with his clamp downs, thats my view

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

This is absolutely brilliant news! The biggest joke was censured! A bit like a modern day caning. Hallelujah! He deserved all of that. He was a saboteur, and a stick in the mud. He was slowing Thailand down, with his incessant blabbering about the evils of foreigners, the crimes we were all committing, and the ways we were degrading Thai society. Exactly what we all wanted to hear, right? All of our lives will be better without him. He was a stage hog, and wanted the spotlight and he was doing great harm to the nation, in the process. Good riddens. Few will miss him. It is a rare thing for me to praise Prayuth, but this is one of his more intelligent decisions.

You probably wrote 10 similar posts in last 4 days. All with very serious accusations, but very vague ones. In none of your messages you give any precise example of what (you think) he made wrong :ermm:. So could you please explain why you seem so happy of what's happening to him? and why you think he was such a devil for Thailand? :ermm:

1 minute ago, Pattaya46 said:

You probably wrote 10 similar posts in last 4 days. All with very serious accusations, but very vague ones. In none of your messages you give any precise example of what (you think) he made wrong :ermm:. So could you please explain why you seem so happy of what's happening to him? and why you think he was such a devil for Thailand? :ermm:

You really do not know? His constant crackdowns on foreign scammers, and cheats, and anyone who he did not think as up to his standards, created an incredibly toxic atmosphere, and scared away alot of tourists. It also caused alot of people to decide to move from Thailand. Of course there were other factors too. But, when you have a highly ranked official making the kind of nasty, rude, obnoxious noise he did, about foreign crime, it starts to create a mentality among the common people, which is not good, not helpful and not beneficial for anyone involved. That is just the tip of the iceberg. I just do not see how anyone bought into his charade of being a crime fighter. 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, in his capacity as head of the ruling National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), issued an order dated yesterday transferring Surachate from Royal Thai Police to a civil servant in the Prime Minister’s Office.


Perhaps Prayut saw him as a threat, e.g. Big Joke got more media attention than Prayut did as far as I am concerned, Prayut obviously not wanting to share the limelight, booo hooo

2 hours ago, dcnx said:

He’s moved to a civilian post so that he can be promoted to a much higher ranking government level. 


If you thought he was tough at immigration, wait until he’s running things.

Head of the new Electoral Commission before the recount starts!! 5555

2 hours ago, dcnx said:

He’s moved to a civilian post so that he can be promoted to a much higher ranking government level. 

Except that according to the article, the wording of the order transferring him states that:



Surachate is among state officials who have been moved to other jobs because they are undergoing investigation or have problems regarding personnel.

That doesn't fit the scenario of him being promoted to a higher level.


In addition, in the other thread about this it's mentioned that:


"PM Prayut has placed the Lt-Gen on a list of civil servants under investigation.


He has been stripped of all duties and special salaries and now finds himself a "common civil servant", reported Daily News."


Again, this doesn't fit with the idea of someone who's about to be promoted.


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Do your job above and beyond the call of duty, restore a bit of credibility to the RTP, and basically you get stiffed by the grown ups.


Obviously stood on the revenue generating toes during his meteoric rise to fame.


Its enough to make you turn to corruption..

38 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

said this before and will say until i am blue in the face, its about the money, too much money pouring into immigration via the back door, he upset too many people, with his clamp downs, thats my view

Be careful,  what you wish for.

Hell sexy man.  won't becoming around much if you do. :giggle:

But must agree, I would not be surprised, if money was not, at the

root of it all TIT. 



1 hour ago, toenail said:

I talked to a young Thai policeman 12 years ago that was stationed in Pattaya. (He was a cousin of one on my Thai buddies I got to know at work.) The 26 year old spoke basic English and was full of enthusiasm, but.... After we reached our comfort zone in conversations, I asked him about the corruption with “some” of the police. His face turned grim & he said that when you try to be a honest policeman, it makes the older ones uncomfortable. You do not report dishonesty or corruption or you will be treated like shit and never get promoted. It was an interesting but sad conversation seeing this young Thai policeman seeing “reality” in his profession. 

And, if you'd asked 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 every single one of them would have said the same thing with the same look on their faces. 


They are actors and experts at telling people what they want to hear. 


It would he RARE to find a Thai actually thinks corruption is bad and would not take the chance to benefit from it if given such a chance. 

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31 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

You really do not know? His constant crackdowns on foreign scammers, and cheats, and anyone who he did not think as up to his standards, created an incredibly toxic atmosphere, and scared away alot of tourists. It also caused alot of people to decide to move from Thailand. Of course there were other factors too. But, when you have a highly ranked official making the kind of nasty, rude, obnoxious noise he did, about foreign crime, it starts to create a mentality among the common people, which is not good, not helpful and not beneficial for anyone involved. That is just the tip of the iceberg. I just do not see how anyone bought into his charade of being a crime fighter. 



you mean something akin to "toxic masculinity" ?

4 hours ago, Lingba said:

I think we all have a pretty good idea what this is about

Pray tell, oh learned one, what Surachate deed you know about, but which we lesser mortals don't.

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  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Comforting to know that there are so many "knowledgeable experts" on this subject amoung us....and there was me stupidly thinking that, like myself, most of us came here to get away from the "rat race" and enjoy our retirement away from the hassles of the world we moved away from?



You mean the real world?

4 hours ago, Lingba said:

whats the mystery?.....I think we all have a pretty good idea what this is about

I don't know what the mystery is andhave no idea what it is about.

Please enlighten us mere mortals.

What is it that you know?

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3 hours ago, dcnx said:

He’s moved to a civilian post so that he can be promoted to a much higher ranking government level.

That interpretation makes no sense whatsoever. He's been added to the junta's list of influential figures under investigation. If the goal is to promote him, surely there would have been more glorious ways.

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That reminds me of my old job whenever someone would get in trouble and recalled back to headquarters in DC if they had no where to put them they would often just create a new position for them where they would either stay until whatever they did could be swept under the rug IF they were friends and or in good with the right people in the “good ol’ boy” system, or they’d stay in a created position with absolutely no responsibilities at all until they could be sent back to the regular Army.  If it was a civilian it would be until they could pull their security clearance and fire them or force them to resign because it’s almost impossible to get rid of a United States government civilian employee but in a position of National Security if you take away their security clearance you’ve taken away the job as well.  The story sounds really familiar and not much different from the United States Government.  


As far as the indecision about a replacement I have a pretty good guess about that.  The election results are still being disputed and are supposedly going to be officially decided in early May.  So that might have a huge effect on their decisions possibly.  For example if there’s a new Prime Minister incoming in May which is somewhat possible then whoever they appoint as a replacement might change again very soon.  So yeah they’re being very quiet about it, apparently at least but they just might actually be trying to make decisions in the best interest of Thailand which never seems to cross anyone’s mind.  Especially with the uncertain political future of Thailand, with the election dispute this really happened at a very bad time for them.  I predict that he’ll probably be forced to retire but from what little I’ve heard he’ll be lucky if that’s all that happens, I know some people who have information about it and what little I was told sounds pretty bad.  He could be in a lot of trouble but his current situation at his job indicates a possible early retirement very soon.  At least earlier than he’d like as ambitious as he was.  

5 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Appearing in the spotlight more than your Boss is never a wise move.

YES EXACTLY that’s another thing but not the reason why this is happening.  I was thinking that as well he’s what’s referred to in the military as a “spotlighter” or a “spotlight Ranger” I believe was the term if I remember right and military Commanders absolutely HATE THAT.  I’m sure that’s probably no different the world over.  

6 hours ago, YetAnother said:

because he is a fool and ridiculed at every opportunity

Still trying to get the wrinkles out of his yellow shirt !

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