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Do you believe in God and why

ivor bigun

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17 minutes ago, Dene16 said:

Religion has been the cause of millions of deaths throughout history and was the cause of most wars.

A lot has changed in the last century and even more so in the last half century

Belief in a god is a drying ideology  within the western world but still thrives in other cultures

My father, a hard line atheist, suddenly became a born again Christian. When i asked why he basically said he was bored of his same old life and one day he just had some sort of dream that gave him more purpose to his life.

So i believe that without the belief that something exists beyond your present life, there would be mass suicides all over the world, when times get hard.

I personally don't believe but have always left my children to make up their own minds

Nope, I dissagree, religion is the pact of allies, but still the need for resources, the need for security, and the aim for power and conquer the enemy or a future enemy is the reason of all wars. Not religion, but religion as a pact of allies and fuel as a tool is more likely. 


For edit note, put in pride and stupidity as well of egocentric Naracissistic leaders as well. 

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34 minutes ago, transam said:

Thought marriage was a man made thingy, in fact, not many creatures of our planet stay with the same mate for life...????.....Plus, many creatures show their offspring the door at a certain age/time....????

A bond between one man and woman have also been a survival strenght during harder times, but still monogami is not natural for us, but more a survival skill. 

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1 minute ago, transam said:

You missed the words 'not many creatures of our planet'....????


In fact, I am one of those creatures that believe humans are no different to any other creature on the planet, except we have evolved with a brain that can figure stuff out and hands that can produce from those thoughts.

Other than that there is no difference, if there was I wouldn't have hairs keep growing out of my nose, toe nails would not need cutting etc.


Humans think they are not animals because they can think, but I reckon all creatures think, that's how they survive, no god for them, that's a man made thingy...????



I didn't miss it at all.


Our bodies are just animals, but we are the only animals that have a brain with free will.

The entire thing about belief in God is that some of us believe that the spark of "us" lives on after the body dies. I believe the "spark" that gives me free will came from God and goes back to God after the biological machine that carries "me" around dies.

The problem with being carried around by an animal is that our genes are no more advanced than 50,000 years ago, so we still kill the "other", compete for the females to spread our genes around, grow hairs in unwanted areas of our bodies, etc.

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1 minute ago, Tagged said:

A bond between one man and woman have also been a survival strenght during harder times, but still monogami is not natural for us, but more a survival skill. 

Men are programmed to breed with as many females as possible and women are programmed to breed with the alpha, but mate with a beta to raise the alpha's children.

50,000 years ago there was no marriage, no monogamy, and best of all no PC or social media.

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1 minute ago, Tagged said:

A bond between one man and woman have also been a survival strenght during harder times, but still monogami is not natural for us, but more a survival skill. 

My aunt was with her husband for near 70 years, both lived till mid 90's. They were indeed 2 peas in a pod. Now my mum, her sister, was different, married 3 times and passed away single..????

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1 minute ago, transam said:

My aunt was with her husband for near 70 years, both lived till mid 90's. They were indeed 2 peas in a pod. Now my mum, her sister, was different, married 3 times and passed away single..????

I did once meet my soul mate, but she was already married. My loss.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I didn't miss it at all.


Our bodies are just animals, but we are the only animals that have a brain with free will.

The entire thing about belief in God is that some of us believe that the spark of "us" lives on after the body dies. I believe the "spark" that gives me free will came from God and goes back to God after the biological machine that carries "me" around dies.

The problem with being carried around by an animal is that our genes are no more advanced than 50,000 years ago, so we still kill the "other", compete for the females to spread our genes around, grow hairs in unwanted areas of our bodies, etc.

All creatures of our planet must have your 'spark' then, we are no different in our structure, except you think more about stuff, and they look a bit different, well some don't..????



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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I didn't miss it at all.


Our bodies are just animals, but we are the only animals that have a brain with free will.

The entire thing about belief in God is that some of us believe that the spark of "us" lives on after the body dies. I believe the "spark" that gives me free will came from God and goes back to God after the biological machine that carries "me" around dies.

The problem with being carried around by an animal is that our genes are no more advanced than 50,000 years ago, so we still kill the "other", compete for the females to spread our genes around, grow hairs in unwanted areas of our bodies, etc.

If we start counting what we really want to do, and things we do not want to do, but we still do, we will see how much free will we really have. I also dissagree that we really do have a free will, since inside of us, same as animals we still have dna memory that goes back further than we have been humans. On top of that we are formed by the society around us, which brainwash you and me, and you might think you have free will, but you see it on america got talent every season how easily manipulated our brain is, to make decissions we are not aware of is manipulated. Just think of it, how comercial impact us, daily news, for instance just minutes after 9/11 how they repeately played the towers falling, adding music, and play it over and over, and look at us now? What could have been done different? 


How many wars could have been avoided if handled differently, how much wasted security have been added that have absolutely no purpose except make tax payers pay more, and so on? But we accept all of it, because it have convinced us it is a important purpose to make us feel more safe, but really, are we more safe? 

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Men are programmed to breed with as many females as possible and women are programmed to breed with the alpha, but mate with a beta to raise the alpha's children.

50,000 years ago there was no marriage, no monogamy, and best of all no PC or social media.

So 50 000 years ago we where still monkeys? 

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1 minute ago, transam said:

All creatures of our planet must have your 'spark' then, we are no different in our structure, except you think more about stuff, and they look a bit different, well some don't..????

Indeed, what makes anything "live" is the spark of life and that spark lives on after the body dies. Even a single cell amoeba has the spark.

At the molecular level all life is the same, IMO.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No, 50,000 years ago we were humans. Homo Sapiens existed 315,000 years ago ( google is your friend ).

Humans were probably never monkeys. Apes, monkeys and humans probably evolved from a common ancestor.

Haha, well how could I know ????, some religius say 6000 or mor or less?


Who is Google?


We do really not know how the family structure was back then, we can only guess. But at some point before of religius purposes, the humans understood the importance of staying together as a couple for survival. Remember we was selected with different qualities during the evolution, men stronger physical, and woman could handle more things at same time. Just as examples. 


Religion do give us some important lessons in social structure that once was important, and some still is, + rules that also suits and benefit the kings, or the state. Call it the rulers!

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32 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Men are programmed to breed with as many females as possible and women are programmed to breed with the alpha, but mate with a beta to raise the alpha's children.

50,000 years ago there was no marriage, no monogamy, and best of all no PC or social media.

happy times????

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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No, 50,000 years ago we were humans. Homo Sapiens existed 315,000 years ago ( google is your friend ).

I just googled "Does God exist"

It said "NO"  (google is my friend) ????

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6 hours ago, Elad said:

I just googled "Does God exist"

It said "NO"  (google is my friend) ????

Googling the opening-hours of your local supermarket is convenient.

Using Google and expecting definite answers to existential life-questions is madness.

Yes, I know your message was meant as a joke but it seems that the 'Computer Says No' syndrome is gaining track, e.g. the unwarranted trust in Wikipedia with their ultra-skeptic stance in all matters spiritual.

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15 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

Googling the opening-hours of your local supermarket is convenient.

Using Google and expecting definite answers to existential life-questions is madness.

Yes, I know your message was meant as a joke but it seems that the 'Computer Says No' syndrome is gaining track, e.g. the unwarranted trust in Wikipedia with their ultra-skeptic stance in all matters spiritual.

Everything is balanced one way or another! The spiritual matters is and will be a personal thing, since it is all just thoughts, dreams, expectations, Madness, some science and self fulfilling by own or others clairvoyance, and not a matter wiki As on argan can speculate in or state what it is. 


Ying Yang when one side is overloaded, the tendency is collaps or it will finely turn the other way. People what to be or better way of saying it some people like to be an individual, and when you have enough indiviualists and not to forget the right individualist an leader, it will lead people a new direction The opposite way. 


American politics is an good example, new truths new law! However religion is a very good example where christianity have evolved in to thousands of different fractions of churches and minority believers of Jesus, Maria and God. Even Maria Magdalena have her believers and churches around the world. 


We make the truth we want, or we listen to the truth that is convinient for us, either to belong somewhere, to oppose, or just because we find our selv in a situation we need to believe in something, and that can be of many different reason from boredom to depression, or we just want to influence something or someone. 


Why the hell do state leaders meet up with the pope? 

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On 8/23/2020 at 9:09 PM, partington said:

But, according to modern biblical scholarship, the book of Isaiah was written by different authors at different times from the 700's BC through the reign of Cyrus in 500's BC and later, and especially that Isaiah 45 dates from around 536BC, that is, during the reign of Cyrus.


So to believe this is a prophecy you must ignore or refute the scholarship that assigns the different parts of Isaiah to very different time periods.


This seems to be a generally uncontroversial view as it's in the Encyclopedia Britannica (compiled by experts in the various fields and not considered a radical source) :



"Book of Isaiah, also spelled Isaias, one of the major prophetical writings of the Old Testament. The superscription identifies Isaiah as the son of Amoz and his book as “the vision of Isaiah . . . concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.”


According to 6:1, Isaiah received his call “in the year that King Uzziah died” (742 BC), and his latest recorded activity is dated in 701 BC. Only chapters 1–39, however, can be assigned to this period. Chapters 40–66 are much later in origin and therefore known as Deutero-Isaiah (Second Isaiah). Sometimes a further distinction is made between Deutero-Isaiah (chapters 40–55) and Trito-Isaiah (chapters 56–66).


Chapters 1–39 consist of numerous sayings and reports of Isaiah along with several narratives about the prophet that are attributed to his disciples. The growth of the book (1–39) was a gradual process, its final form dating from perhaps as late as the 5th century BC a date suggested by the arrangement of the materials and the late additions.


Deutero-Isaiah (40–55), consisting of a collection of oracles, songs, and discourses, dates from the Babylonian Exile (6th century BC).


Trito-Isaiah (56–66), coming from a still later period, reflects a Palestinian point of view, with the latter chapters in particular addressed to the cultic concerns of the restored community. The diversity of materials in these chapters suggests multiple authorship. How the three “Isaiahs” came together is not known."



Isaiah 1:1 identifies the author of the book of Isaiah as the Prophet Isaiah and was written between 739 and 681 B.C.  The Prophet Isaiah was primarily called to prophesy to the Kingdom of Judah. Judah was going through times of revival and times of rebellion. Judah was threatened with destruction by Assyria and Egypt, but was spared because of God’s mercy. Isaiah proclaimed a message of repentance from sin and hopeful expectation of God’s deliverance in the future.


Jesus regarded the Bible as the “Word of God.” He insisted elsewhere that it contained the “commandment of God” (Matt 15:3, 6). The same truth is implied in his reference to its indestructibility in Matthew 5:17–18.


Elsewhere, Jesus’ disciples call it “the oracles of God” (Rom. 3:2; Heb. 5:12).


Jesus ascribed ultimate supremacy to the Old Testament. Jesus often asserted the ultimate authority and supremacy of the Old Testament over all human teaching or “tradition.” He said to the Jews: “Why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? . . . Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition” (Matt. 15:3, 6). Jesus believed that the Bible alone has supreme authority when even the most revered of all human teachings conflict with it. Scripture alone is God’s supreme written authority.


You would be wise to put your faith in God's word (Bible) and not the Encyclopedia Britannica.

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On 8/24/2020 at 4:17 AM, yodsak said:


 Research reveals that Biblical literalism is strongly correlated with a host of social maladies and inhumane world-views. For instance, people who think the Bible is the literal word of God are more likely to physically abuse their children, harbour hatred of homosexuals, deny the evidence for climate change, love semi-automatic assault weapons, oppose women’s equality, oppose humane treatment of animals, oppose universal-subsidised health care, and to vote for incompetent, unintelligent, unhinged men for president. 


 The Bible fosters moral-outsourcing, which is when an individual does not base their moral decisions on their own conscience, or on matters of harming or helping others, or on empathy and compassion, but on simply and blindly obeying the commandments of a magic invisible deity. — Psychology Today  

Maybe you should hold that thought and let us know how it works out for you on the day of judgement kneeling before Jesus Christ.  It is hard to believe how you can believe what is written in "Psychology Today" over what is written in the Bible.  




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If your heart desires to know Jesus, pray something like this: 


Lord Jesus, I know that I have sinned and that I am not worthy of Your forgiveness. But the Bible tells me that You died to forgive all my sins. I know You promise that if I turn from my sins and trust in You, You will grant me forgiveness. 


I confess my sins and I profess my faith in You.  I believe that You died for my sins and that You rose from the dead. I desire to know You. I ask that You forgive my sins and grant me eternal life with You, and help me to live my life in a way that pleases You.  


In Your name, I pray.  Amen.


Once you take your last breath it will be too late to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins.



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5 hours ago, Peter Denis said:


Instead of a guilt-ridden prayer about the 'sin' of not having totally submitted to Jesus as son of God, one could also choose for the christian prayer inserted below, which is of a totally different caliber and universally applicable.

Note: It was posted some time ago by @Neeranam - thank you for that.


Lord, make me a channel of Thy peace;

that where there is hatred, I may bring love;

that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness;

that where there is discord, I may bring harmony;

that where there is error, I may bring truth;

that where there is doubt, I may bring faith;

that where there is despair, I may bring hope;

that where there are shadows, I may bring light;

that where there is sadness, I may bring joy.

Lord, grant that I may seek rather

to comfort, than to be comforted;

to understand, than to be understood;

to love, than to be loved. 

For it is by self forgetting, that one finds.

It is by forgiving, that one is forgiven.

It is by dying, that one awakens to Eternal Life.



You should read the Bible Peter.  In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


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19 minutes ago, yodsak said:

“You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?” — Mark Twain

I was thinking of changing beer brands.  Would that help? 

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4 hours ago, yodsak said:

“You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?” — Mark Twain

I guess they had magic rhoooms back then to, and mental poeple with great energy and gifts who took them out of this universe. 

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6 hours ago, yodsak said:

“You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?” — Mark Twain

Did you know the Bible is the only book in the world that has accurate prophecy?  When you read the prophecies of the Bible, you simply have to stand back in awe.  There are over 300 precise prophecies that deal with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament that are fulfilled in the New Testament.  To say that these are fulfilled by chance is an astronomical impossibility.


The Bible is one book, and yet it is made up of 66 books, was written by at least 40 different authors over a period of about 1600 years, in 13 different countries and on three different continents.  It was written in at least three different languages by people in all professions.  The Bible forms one beautiful temple of truth that does not contradict itself theologically, morally, ethically, doctrinally, scientifically, historically, or in any other way.


The Bible is truly God’s Word and is supernaturally protected by Him.  It should not surprise us that, no matter how the Bible is attacked, it always comes out unchanged and unscathed.  After all, Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away” (Mark 13:31).  After looking at the evidence, one can say without a doubt that, yes, the Bible is truly God’s Word.

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