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My thoughts tell me if wrong . Have been in many relationships over past 9 years with Thai woman both in Thailand and my home country , not really a bargirl type although enjoy the scene . No relationship or Thai real even if the girls average or in her 40s with teenage children its about $$ their Thai family and how they appear on facebook . I am now 49 yrs its my belief that I shouldnt compromise or expect anything real go for the stunner enjoy and get out .  

Edited by Slipperyone
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6 minutes ago, Puchaiyank said:

For many...if not most...it is all about the money...everyone may be in on the deal...the girl is expected to squeeze you regularly for baht...often she shares a fair amount with relatives...who keep in touch to stay in the money loop.


If you want to test your relationship...and her families...stop giving out baht...her phone will stop ringing...what is the point of calling if their is not going to be a baht distribution?  


The girl will either whine for awhile but continue to stay...or show her true colors and cut and run...


Either way, It's all good!   ????

No, don't stop giving it after a while.

Never start to give it!

Because once you start they (she, family, whoever) gets use to it and obviously it's a lot more difficult to tell people they won't get anymore what they had compared to not starting with this in the first place.


I give from time to time a little money to the family. Maybe for a new school uniform or something like this. But it doesn't happen so regular that they get used to it.

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1 hour ago, Puchaiyank said:

For many...if not most...it is all about the money...everyone may be in on the deal...the girl is expected to squeeze you regularly for baht...often she shares a fair amount with relatives...who keep in touch to stay in the money loop.


If you want to test your relationship...and her families...stop giving out baht...her phone will stop ringing...what is the point of calling if their is not going to be a baht distribution?  


The girl will either whine for awhile but continue to stay...or show her true colors and cut and run...


Either way, It's all good!   ????

I don't agree with you not every Thai women is after money, yes

many are I know that I have been married to a Thai for 15 years

unfortunately divorced now because of my own stupidity now

I am dating another Thai women she has her own business and

makes a good living and when I had money problems (I told her)

because we talked on camera every night she did send me money

she has just a daughter and a son they both make good money 

and yes they all live in Pattaya don't give me that crap every women

lives in Pattaya is a hooker she is to old for that and she only moved

to Pattaya a year ago


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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

You should be dating women at least 20 years younger than yourself.

At 60+ I still want women in their 20s, no point in paying for a product I don't really want.

I would say 20's are about right irrespective of your age.  A bit like a bottle of milk, look at the sell by date. Shelf life can vary. I can assure you having been married 5 times , 2 Brits, 1 French and 2 Thais it is always one thing that makes them tick. Doubt at my age there will be a number six but whilst number 5 remains on spec then guess there will not be a number six to find out what it is  ????

Edited by geoffbezoz
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21 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

My Wife is my age (actually, 3 years younger than I)....  plenty of differences and plenty in common... just like any other normal and healthy relationship we'd see back in our home countries. 

An age difference of 3 years is good. Your marriage sounds normal. Good for you. 


An age difference of 10 years can work in Thailand [been there, seen it, done it], but 15 years is pushing things [been there, seen it, done it].


Once you get to differences of 20 years or more you're just a sugar daddy [AKA: sap]. And it's only about $$$$$$

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4 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

I would say 20's are about right irrespective of your age.  A bit like a bottle of milk, look at the sell by date. Shelf life can vary. I can assure you having been married 5 times , 2 Brits, 1 French and 2 Thais it is always one thing that makes them tick. Doubt at my age there will be a number six but whilst number 5 remains on spec then guess there will not be a number six to find out what it is  ????

You have outdone me as I am on number 4 and do not expect to catch up to you. But you are right about the age difference of 20 years not being a problem.

One of the charms of living in Thailand is that the values/ethics in a rural community is about about the same as when I grew up in my teens. There are bad women and very good women and if you know anything about life you can tell the difference (until they/we change).


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1 hour ago, Kenny202 said:

I find the older I get the less I want a steady relationship with a woman, Thai or otherwise. I can cook and clean and take care of myself just fine. I have a 3yo son also. I actually find it easier just living my son and me. Dinners cooked and cleaned up in about 30 mins. (No oil etc splashed up the walls and all over the floor). Housework to a minimum as I just don't make to much mess. I don't throw clothes on the floor after wearing them for 10 minutes etc. I love the feeling of waking up in the morning and not needing to consider what someone wants to eat or what they want to do today. I just find myself compromising my own happiness to please someone else. I often chuckle to myself when I think of the poor guys who buy into their relationships with dowries and homes for everyone. Huge money. All in many cases to saddle yourself with a woman who is next to useless and needs everything...including transport and entertainment. The women here who say they want farang....most would not have a chance with a Thai bloke unless the woman was supporting them. I've lived here for 5 years and I don't think I know of one case where a Thai bloke has saddled himself with someone else's kid / kids, extended families or issues. Many of us end up with the rejects, why Thai people think farang are stupid. 


I have had many relationships here and mostly they fall into two categories. An educated girl who has a career or professional job. Usually works 10 - 12 hours a day and 6 days a week. Meetings on days off etc. Then she needs time with her girlfriends, family etc. Means much of the time you are sitting around twiddling your thumbs, when you can be out chasing new tail. The other type of girl is one who has no work, usually can't drive....sits around all day and you become her sole means of transport, entertainment...everything. People who have nothing need everything. Neither relationship really makes sense to me. It's not like it's hard to find a GF here. Sex is a huge thing for me and lets face it usually after the first 2 weeks to 3 months the thrill is gone. Most of us older blokes have been to the mountain and a girl has to be pretty special to keep my interest for long. 


I don't see anything wrong with people who want a relationship and see value in that. It's just not for me. There is just too much choice here to put up with a girl who is anything less than stellar and if it's a relationship where the ledger is not even or anywhere near in your favour, I just don't see the benefits 



The situations you have described I like to refer to as structural issues.  You can try to render over them to hide them or make them more pleasing to the eye but sooner or later they will cause your house of cards to collapse.


One of my first relationships here in Thailand was with a beautiful and smart young lawyer.  She was from a dirt poor family and had put herself through Chula on a scholarship. There was a huge gap in our ages but we got along just fine and had lots of fun together.  The problem was that three years into the relationship she wanted to have kids.  And the thing is that she deserved to have kids.  She had worked hard to pull herself out of poverty, get educated and secure a good job. Problem was that I didn't want any.


That is what a structural relationship problem looks like.  No amount of talking, listening, or dancing around the issue will resolve it.


We broke up.  It was not easy for either of us.  And the saddest part to this story is that she is now in her mid thirties and still searching for a decent guy with whom she can start a family with.

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

No, don't stop giving it after a while.

Never start to give it!

Because once you start they (she, family, whoever) gets use to it and obviously it's a lot more difficult to tell people they won't get anymore what they had compared to not starting with this in the first place.


I give from time to time a little money to the family. Maybe for a new school uniform or something like this. But it doesn't happen so regular that they get used to it.

Common sense. When I met my missus, redshirts were running riot and transport was mucked up. I spent several hours each day travelling across Bkk by bike to pick her up and ferry her from/to work and generally took care of her. She paid fuel and dinner. Now she pays the house and bought a car while I stay home and take care of my son.

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2 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

I find the older I get the less I want a steady relationship with a woman, Thai or otherwise. I can cook and clean and take care of myself just fine. I have a 3yo son also. I actually find it easier just living my son and me. Dinners cooked and cleaned up in about 30 mins. (No oil etc splashed up the walls and all over the floor). Housework to a minimum as I just don't make to much mess. I don't throw clothes on the floor after wearing them for 10 minutes etc. I love the feeling of waking up in the morning and not needing to consider what someone wants to eat or what they want to do today. I just find myself compromising my own happiness to please someone else. I often chuckle to myself when I think of the poor guys who buy into their relationships with dowries and homes for everyone. Huge money. All in many cases to saddle yourself with a woman who is next to useless and needs everything...including transport and entertainment. The women here who say they want farang....most would not have a chance with a Thai bloke unless the woman was supporting them. I've lived here for 5 years and I don't think I know of one case where a Thai bloke has saddled himself with someone else's kid / kids, extended families or issues. Many of us end up with the rejects, why Thai people think farang are stupid. 


I have had many relationships here and mostly they fall into two categories. An educated girl who has a career or professional job. Usually works 10 - 12 hours a day and 6 days a week. Meetings on days off etc. Then she needs time with her girlfriends, family etc. Means much of the time you are sitting around twiddling your thumbs, when you can be out chasing new tail. The other type of girl is one who has no work, usually can't drive....sits around all day and you become her sole means of transport, entertainment...everything. People who have nothing need everything. Neither relationship really makes sense to me. It's not like it's hard to find a GF here. Sex is a huge thing for me and lets face it usually after the first 2 weeks to 3 months the thrill is gone. Most of us older blokes have been to the mountain and a girl has to be pretty special to keep my interest for long.  


I don't see anything wrong with people who want a relationship and see value in that. It's just not for me. There is just too much choice here to put up with a girl who is anything less than stellar and if it's a relationship where the ledger is not even or anywhere near in your favour, I just don't see the benefits 




I have had many relationships here and mostly they fall into two categories. An educated girl who has a career or professional job. Usually works 10 - 12 hours a day and 6 days a week. Meetings on days off etc. Then she needs time with her girlfriends, family etc. Means much of the time you are sitting around twiddling your thumbs, when you can be out chasing new tail. The other type of girl is one who has no work, usually can't drive....sits around all day and you become her sole means of transport, entertainment...everything. People who have nothing need everything. Neither relationship really makes sense to me. It's not like it's hard to find a GF here. Sex is a huge thing for me and lets face it usually after the first 2 weeks to 3 months the thrill is gone. Most of us older blokes have been to the mountain and a girl has to be pretty special to keep my interest for long. 


agree. i have only experienced the former relationships, i have no time or bar/lazy girls, but you got it right, except to add that more often than not the girl starts to create problems where there are no problems - usually to check your reaction; big reaction you care about her, little reaction you dont care... or they get jealous. either way all the pleasure gets sucked out of the relationship and she ends up getting dumped - i used the three strikes with fair warning method. now i look for normal girls who just want some fun; suits both parties

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4 hours ago, grollies said:

BS, my missus is +5 years on me, lived in the UK for 25 uears. Would I want to be hanging round a Thai woman 20-30 years younger than me? Er, no thanks.

No man can live with the same woman for more than 20 years it just ain't natural. ????

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5 hours ago, Slipperyone said:

Have been in many relationships over past 9 years with Thai woman both in Thailand and my home country , not really a bargirl type although enjoy the scene . ...

Why are you knobbing Thai totty in your home country then?


PS. "Because I can" isn't a valid answer.

Edited by NanLaew
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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Yes I fully believe you, around 50% of ThaiVISA posters appear to want mothers, and the other 50% want lovers. 

To me it's more like 50% of TV members appear to want mothers and the other 50% already are.

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3 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

I find the older I get the less I want a steady relationship with a woman, Thai or otherwise. I can cook and clean and take care of myself just fine. I have a 3yo son also. I actually find it easier just living my son and me. Dinners cooked and cleaned up in about 30 mins. (No oil etc splashed up the walls and all over the floor). Housework to a minimum as I just don't make to much mess. I don't throw clothes on the floor after wearing them for 10 minutes etc. I love the feeling of waking up in the morning and not needing to consider what someone wants to eat or what they want to do today. I just find myself compromising my own happiness to please someone else. I often chuckle to myself when I think of the poor guys who buy into their relationships with dowries and homes for everyone. Huge money. All in many cases to saddle yourself with a woman who is next to useless and needs everything...including transport and entertainment. The women here who say they want farang....most would not have a chance with a Thai bloke unless the woman was supporting them. I've lived here for 5 years and I don't think I know of one case where a Thai bloke has saddled himself with someone else's kid / kids, extended families or issues. Many of us end up with the rejects, why Thai people think farang are stupid. 


I have had many relationships here and mostly they fall into two categories. An educated girl who has a career or professional job. Usually works 10 - 12 hours a day and 6 days a week. Meetings on days off etc. Then she needs time with her girlfriends, family etc. Means much of the time you are sitting around twiddling your thumbs, when you can be out chasing new tail. The other type of girl is one who has no work, usually can't drive....sits around all day and you become her sole means of transport, entertainment...everything. People who have nothing need everything. Neither relationship really makes sense to me. It's not like it's hard to find a GF here. Sex is a huge thing for me and lets face it usually after the first 2 weeks to 3 months the thrill is gone. Most of us older blokes have been to the mountain and a girl has to be pretty special to keep my interest for long. 


I don't see anything wrong with people who want a relationship and see value in that. It's just not for me. There is just too much choice here to put up with a girl who is anything less than stellar and if it's a relationship where the ledger is not even or anywhere near in your favour, I just don't see the benefits 



So you're (still) a monger then.


No big deal.


What does your lad do while you're out chasing tail?

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13 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Do you enjoy it?

love it more every day , we are friends and partners . mind you i feel its not worth posting any more ,there are so many losers on here that seem to not really like or trust Thai women ,why do they live or come here?

Edited by bert bloggs
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