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Trump tax returns from 1985 to 1994 show $1 billion in losses - New York Times


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6 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


What? Grifter in chief is surrounded by other grifters? Say it ain’t so, Joe!

I wonder if after this grifter gig as President, Wharton will invite him to be a guest lecturer in the MBA program. He will re-write the entire business curriculum with his new business model of losing more money than anyone. Students will lining up after hearing that profit is no longer the aim of smart businessmen.  Wow, amazing.

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18 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

This has descended into pure comedy. For 3 years it's been bash bash moan whine and more bash. They said we KNOW Trump was avoiding taxes. And now it has been shown he did not avoid taxes, he in fact lost a whole heap of money. The exact 180 degree opposite of what the haters had been claiming. And yep, you know it. They will now do the bash, whine and moan because he lost money. There is just no pleasing some people. This is the 2nd nothing burger in a month after the Russia collusion hoax deflated more spectacularly than the Hindenburg.


 I hope Trump takes his this chance to get his ducks in a row so when he leaves office he can swell his bank accounts. I really appreciate his sacrifice taking time away from the cut and thrust of international business to Make America Great Again. If he can trouser a few dollars in the meantime so much the better. Not as if the haters are going to ask for any more tax returns!

He will go to jail for either tax evasion or bank fraud, take your pick.

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2 hours ago, Emdog said:

I imagine Trump backers are somewhat like first timers over here, taken in by bar girls' stories and still in denial over how they have been played.

"But this one's different......"

55555...but at least these newbies in Thailand get it eventually.  Trump supporters will never get it.

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In 1989:

  • Trump's businesses reported a loss of nearly $182 million
  • Trump spent $365 million in 1989 to buy a shuttle operation from Eastern Airlines that lasted3 years and never turned a profit.
  • Failed offer of $7.5 billion for AMR Corp., the owner of American Airlines with up $1 billion for AMR from Trump and borrow the rest from US banks (who declined as they apparently decided that they had better things to do with their capital).


  • Trump received a "mysterious" $52.9 million in interest income.


Now the IRS wouldn't likely care as interest income is taxed at the same rate as 'ordinary income.' If the reported 'interest income' was actually from another source such as a default on a non-recourse loan, a bribe or gambling income, again the IRS wouldn't care as the tax is the same. But from a political perspective, this much interest income in the same year of questionable business success does require further scrutiny for potential criminal behavior.

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Kudos to the NY Times for breaking a story every American was already well aware of because Trump himself already wrote an entire book about it called "The Art of the Comeback" over twenty years ago. Real grade A journalism there. I know there are a lot of foreigners on here who maybe don't know a lot about Trump's history, but this is truly embarrassing stuff. 

Edited by usviphotography
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53 minutes ago, fvw53 said:

Why need proof if Trump himself admitted the losses...and called it a "sport"


Because Trump is a pathological liar that cannot be trusted; even in this tweet he goes from “no problem because everyone did it” in the first sentence to “Fake News” in the next one. 

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18 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Any proof for that? Of course not. 


is it tax avoidance or tax evasion? in the UK at least, one is allowed, the other is a crime.

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17 hours ago, Longcut said:

I just wish I was rich enough to lose a billion dollars and not worry about it. 

Exactly. All these libtards denigrating Trump, have *they* got a billion to lose? I didn’t think so. They *wish* they were as successful at losing money as he is! YOU try losing $321,000 a day, every day, for ten years? Doesn’t seem so easy now, does it, Bubba? I can’t even imagine that amount of money, and to be clear, the amount I can’t imagine is *negative one billion dollars*


*you* try being born on third base and stealing second! It ain’t easy, lemme tell ya!


Warren Buffet, Bill Gates—have they ever lost that kinda dough? Of course not, the failed-ass businessmen that they are!


Please buy my book: “Losing is Winning: Broke ass businessman runs for president as a marketing ploy hoping to not lose too badly, but accidentally wins”

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16 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

More liquid for Trump haters who insist on pissing into the wind...


Warning them has no affect...they seem to enjoy being all wet!


I don’t know what kinda circles you move in, but my circle lets it all out into a central bucket, which we collect and donate to sperm banks.

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19 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

This has descended into pure comedy. For 3 years it's been bash bash moan whine and more bash. They said we KNOW Trump was avoiding taxes. And now it has been shown he did not avoid taxes, he in fact lost a whole heap of money. The exact 180 degree opposite of what the haters had been claiming. And yep, you know it. They will now do the bash, whine and moan because he lost money. There is just no pleasing some people. This is the 2nd nothing burger in a month after the Russia collusion hoax deflated more spectacularly than the Hindenburg.


 I hope Trump takes his this chance to get his ducks in a row so when he leaves office he can swell his bank accounts. I really appreciate his sacrifice taking time away from the cut and thrust of international business to Make America Great Again. If he can trouser a few dollars in the meantime so much the better. Not as if the haters are going to ask for any more tax returns!

The report only covers 1985-1994, how about the years following that?

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20 hours ago, soalbundy said:

real losses (A) or tax evasion (B)? either way he doesn't want anybody looking too closely before he has had a chance to tank the world economy.

if this was a A & B question/answer.... I would select B answer

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19 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Not for everyone.



“While Donald Trump reported hundreds of millions of dollars in losses for 1990 and 1991, Fred Trump’s returns showed a positive income of $53.9 million, with only one major loss: $15 million invested in his son’s latest apartment project.”


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9 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

my father always told me...if you have nothing to hide just let them see it and move on



What is Trump hiding in the rest of his tax forms?


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19 hours ago, Silurian said:

Looks like the con man who couldn't make a dime from 1985 to 1994 doesn't like to be conned himself.


Trump campaign issues statement condemning deceptive fundraising organizations


Inside a top Trump adviser's fundraising mirage



Yep, all the best people...



A political organization run by David Bossie, President Trump's former deputy campaign manager, has raised millions of dollars by saying it's supporting Trump-aligned conservative candidates — but has spent only a tiny fraction of that money supporting candidates.


wasn't this also done by the Clinton organization....all politicians are crooks

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2 hours ago, Thakkar said:


I don’t know what kinda circles you move in, but my circle lets it all out into a central bucket, which we collect and donate to sperm banks.

We definitely do not run in the same circles...????

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21 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

This has descended into pure comedy. For 3 years it's been bash bash moan whine and more bash. They said we KNOW Trump was avoiding taxes. And now it has been shown he did not avoid taxes, he in fact lost a whole heap of money. The exact 180 degree opposite of what the haters had been claiming. And yep, you know it. They will now do the bash, whine and moan because he lost money. There is just no pleasing some people. This is the 2nd nothing burger in a month after the Russia collusion hoax deflated more spectacularly than the Hindenburg.


 I hope Trump takes his this chance to get his ducks in a row so when he leaves office he can swell his bank accounts. I really appreciate his sacrifice taking time away from the cut and thrust of international business to Make America Great Again. If he can trouser a few dollars in the meantime so much the better. Not as if the haters are going to ask for any more tax returns!


The point being that he claims to have been successful when in reality he lost more than any other American firm over that period, losing a billion of daddys money over a decade is not what anyone could call a success. 


Now, lets see the next two decades of returns, does he even have anything left?  If only he had of held onto to the 20,000 apartments his daddy left him instead of selling them to build all those big ugly things with his name on top.


As for, trousering a few dollars in the meantime, interesting that you fully support Trump violating the constitution, so much the better you say, yes but not for America.

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7 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

This old tax revelation means absolutely nothing. 

Besides, the years in question are when NYC real estate values went into the dumper. 

Don't let the truth get in the way if a good story! Ah! Ah!

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usa, who cares, we live in thailand, dare to point some things out here and you are in jail for decades..how come all senators overhere have multi million dollars on a government salary ?  the land of a 1000 millionaire generals, etc...

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