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Singapore Air - the world's best airline. - or not


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Our experience with Singapore Air

For our holidays in Europe we booked our flights BKK - SIN -ZRH -SIN - BKK following numerous mostly positive comments with Singapore Air in business for the price of - after all - 204000 Baht.

Outward flights were ok as expected.

SQ345 ZRH -SIN on May 9 was delayed by 35 Minutes.

Can happen.

Althoug the time for the transfer to SQ370 SIN - BKK decreased to 40 minutes, it could have been possible.

But without previous demand we were rebooked on flight SQ972, 1 hour 55 minutes later.

As the departure of this flight was delayed by 30 minutes, I was aware of coming problems with our connecting flight DD9406 DMG - SNO. Thats why I asked a purser for help.
All smiling he told me that he would send a message to Singapore staff in BKK.
I expected help in form of any support with especially the baggage claim and the transfer to DMG.,
Everything the smiling SQ - Lady was able to help was consisting of
1. There is a regular shuttlebus (every 30 Minutes with a driving period of 60 minutes).
2. A taxi would be a bit faster ( with a queue of 30 minutes).
Both possibilities are known to everybody using regularly BKK and DMG.

Naturally we were - even with a taxi - late.

I could get over the costs of the taxi with extra-tip for speeding (600 baht).
As there was no further flight on this day, I can even come to terms with the hotel in DMG (2800 Baht) and new flight tickets next day (4000 Baht).

Flight delays occur every day.

But the missing possibility of getting home after a long trip and the loss of a day and a night hurt.

And shame on this customer"service" of the world's "best" airline.

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Your flight into Singapore from Zurich was 30mins late. You think you 'could have' made your flight with 40min layover in Singapore.

You were re-booked on a flight from Singapore to Suvarnamubi 1 hr 55mins later

You missed your connection with a different airline. 


You are blaming the Airline because you booked a flight with 70mins transfer time in Singapore?


You must have known 70mins was too close should there be any delays.

SG did exactly what could have been expected of them and placed you on the following flight. 


They are not responsible for ensuring you make any other onward flights which is why when traveling we should allow 'reasonable' time for delays. 





In late Dec we flew into Bangkok from the UK, Via Dubai - we were going to travel up to Tokyo after arriving in Bangkok (last minute plans). I wanted to land in Bangkok, get home, change our backs and get back to the Airport... I thought the 4 hour time window to do this was 'doable'... my Wife sensibly disagreed pointing out that one delay on any of the two incoming flights would result in us missing our flight (with a different airline) to Tokyo...  we changed plans and stayed over night in Bangkok. 


It would have been silly of us to make an onward booking which relied upon two flights and connections to go perfectly.... we are responsible for ensuring we can  make our onward flights, not the airline. 



Edited by richard_smith237
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8 minutes ago, isaantom said:

1. On the occasion of booking Singapore customerservice assured 70 min layover in this booking would be ok. 

2. I don't blame Singapore for the delays. I blame them for the "help" I've got and for their understanding of customer relations.

Customer service informed based on no delays, but that's cutting it so fine as to be impractical but it's not their responsibility to second guess every last nuance of your itinerary. 


Bar calling in a private helicopter then there wasn't much else SQ could do.  You did state that they provided information on the available choices which definitely aren't known to everybody.  


I'm surprised you didn't take SWISS direct to Zurich to be honest.  



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25 minutes ago, OneEyedPie said:

left yourself little time for the BKK - DMK

It may not have come into play for the OP, but I wonder how many travelers are unaware that there are two airports in Bangkok that are not just a few minutes apart.  Not everyone is a seasoned world traveler.

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3 minutes ago, AAArdvark said:

It may not have come into play for the OP, but I wonder how many travelers are unaware that there are two airports in Bangkok that are not just a few minutes apart.  Not everyone is a seasoned world traveler.

Even a clear run with a taximeter travelling at the usual twice the speed of sound is a good 50 minute bump.  

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1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

When I have flow to the UK via Helsinki with fin air - the lay over is 40mins. Its pretty obvious any delays and we will be shunted onto the next 'available' flight. 

... and if you had made the flight then your bags may very well have been on the next available flight anyway [but you know that already, Richard].

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2 minutes ago, OneEyedPie said:
5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

When I have flow to the UK via Helsinki with fin air - the lay over is 40mins. Its pretty obvious any delays and we will be shunted onto the next 'available' flight. 

... and if you had made the flight then your bags may very well have been on the next available flight anyway [but you know that already, Richard].

The flight was booked with Finn Air through their Website. It would seem the connections are designed to be as quick as possible (Helsinki is also a relatively small airport).

No issues with Baggage which all arrived - Had the baggage not made it, I think Finn Air would be bound to deliver to my UK address. 


However, had I an onward flight with a different airline then I am responsible for making sure myself and my baggage can make the flight - its then down to discretion as to how much time we can allow. 


I'm still not sure what the Ops complaint is. It seems he wanted some sort of service which meant he could still have caught his flight within 40mins ???? Op? is this your gripe?



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5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I'm still not sure what the Ops complaint is. It seems he wanted some sort of service which meant he could still have caught his flight within 40mins ???? Op? is this your gripe?

The contract between the OP and SQ obviously ended at BKK.  


I suspect the OP expected the cabin crew to call ahead and have a runner boy on standby to whisk him and his family through BKK and also pick up the baggage in record time and have a limo waiting right outside of arrivals.  Highly impractical and any potential delays should have been carefully considered before booking the original itinerary. 


Had the OP had a through ticket from ZRH to SNO [probably not available] then that would have been slightly different as the airline would have arranged appropriate accommodation for the night and rebooked him on the next available flight from DMK - SNO.  


Though, I could well understand the OP and family are quite tired from yesterday's and indeed today's little adventure and the heat of today has exacerbated thoughts of poor service.  

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isaantom - it would be great to hear your thoughts on the actual hard and soft SQ product as I'd love to fly business on SQ or CX in the future.


I still would have baulked at the circuitous route for THB 204k to be honest when SWISS fly direct and would have surely come in cheaper, dependent on when one has booked.  The direct flight obviously doesn't negate delays but just for the sheer convenience.  

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1 hour ago, OneEyedPie said:

I'm surprised you didn't take SWISS direct to Zurich to be honest.

Unfortunately LH group assigned them a miserable day time flight departing 13:05h.

Risky business to connect from a provincial airport.

Night flight is Thai Airways.

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2 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

Risky business to connect from a provincial airport.

Again, stay in BKK overnight.  SWISS arrives at 1910h local time so hardly the end of the world.  


We're on the same flight next week and will stay in BKK overnight.  Makes for a nice day out too.

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14 minutes ago, OneEyedPie said:

SWISS arrives at 1910h local time so hardly the end of the world.  

? No idea what this remark is about.


I was referring to departure time of 13:05 at BKK and connecting from a Thai provincial airport. Not to speak about flights going to DMK.

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15 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Singapore is good, but my best has been business class on Qatar Airways, great service.

Our favourite was JAL.  They do a mean beef curry and rice in their lounges, too.  



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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I'm still not sure what the Ops complaint is. It seems he wanted some sort of service which meant he could still have caught his flight within 40mins ???? Op? is this your gripe?



4 hours ago, isaantom said:

I expected help in form of any support with especially the baggage claim and the transfer to DMG.,

The OP was changing from front-of-the-bus SQ long-haul to great-unwashed LCC Nok to Banh Nork and expected meet-and-greet and airport transfer by SQ?


In the future, the OP can use any of the two, remaining Suvarnabhumi meet-and-greet services who will be happy to provide gate-to-gate service for maybe around 5000 baht.


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Sometimes connections are tight! even with same airlines

I have just done this myself ...yesterday in fact 

BHX Frankfurt

Frankfurt BKK

First flight delayed by 40 mins connecting in Frankfurt was now 45 mins change of terminal and security required

Frankfurt airport transfer staff  could not care less, however  in fairness security staff did and i made flight sweating with 5 mins to spare!

nothing i could do about if i missed the flight apart from catching the next one

putting into the mix a transfer from another airline and  airport hardly surprising

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Many flights to/from Europe will arrive late since the closure of the India/Pakistan border (no flying over Pakistan coming from/going to India). Detour for all flights to central/northern Europe.

They should really advise/work in not to use tight connections.


About the OP (late departure from Zurich): I read a couple of bad reviews about Zurich airport. It's simply crowded, missing capacities.


Edited by KhunBENQ
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40 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

About the OP (late departure from Zurich): I read a couple of bad reviews about Zurich airport. It's simply crowded, missing capacities.

Having passed through ZRH just a few weeks ago I'll have to say that it didn't appear crowded as such and we arrived from the UK mid-afternoon on a Saturday.  International departures are invariably from terminal E which is set well apart from terminals A, B/D.  Getting from terminal A to E does require a bit of research as it would be quite easy to suddenly find oneself in a passport control queue and you wouldn't want to do that if you are merely connecting.


What I did find was boarding wasn't very well organised which gave the impression of overcrowding when it came to boarding time.  Overall, it was easy to navigate from terminal A to E, with some forward planning, and the security and boarding staff were cheerful and professional. 


Overall, my wife and I found ZRH to be quite a pleasant and the SWISS business lounge at terminal E was perfectly adequate.  

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SQ got you to your destination as per your booking with them. End of story.


There is no reciprocal business arrangement between SQ & Nok, or indeed any other airline & Nok, so why would you even think that they have a responsibility to make any transport arrangements to schlep you to a different airport.

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I do CNX SIN ZRH SIN CNX 3 times a year since many years, never had a problem. If the feeder flight with Silkair is full (in business class), I fly TG to BKK and SQ to SIN, but always leave the shortest connection out and take the one before, thus even the flight BKK SIN is 1 or even 2 hours late, I make the connection in SIN easily. There is nothing better than to fly this way and with SQ, as LX 181 BKK to ZRH is a day flight, and TG direct is almost the double price compared to SQ promotions.

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If you travel to Europe from Bangkok via Singapore (sic) and the same way on the return you must have an awful lot of spare time. You should have calculated a bit more time in BKK. Or as others have mentioned, spend a night in BKK, have a shower, relax, have a good meal etc and continue the nest day. 


The definition of «best» is at best (555) very subjective including «best» airline too.

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23 hours ago, AAArdvark said:

It may not have come into play for the OP, but I wonder how many travelers are unaware that there are two airports in Bangkok that are not just a few minutes apart.  Not everyone is a seasoned world traveler.

The fact that they have different names should be a clue which would be on the ticket if flying from the other airport.

I found out years ago that transferring between the two can take a long time always stay overnight safer and less stress.

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I'm sure if you were to read the fine print with airlines regarding international transfers, most are recommending a min. 2 hour layover so that your baggage can firstly be unloaded from your first flight and reloaded to the connecting flight and to allow the passenger sufficient time if transiting from one terminal to possibly getting a shuttle to the other side of the airport.. This 2 hr window should also allow for a slight delay in arrival time and the event of a change to boarding gate for 2nd flight.. 


Allowing sufficient time with a 40 min window is simply like rolling the dice.. Relying on better than good luck.. The first flight arriving on time without delays, and the second flight also departing on time.. SG Airlines I'm sure during the booking stage would have suggested a min 2 hr window, but easy to override and hope all is 100% OK for a 40 min window.. They transfered your ticket to the next available flight, which you yourself should have booked to avoid this issue.. 2.55hr window is a safer bet than 40min with fingers crossed.. 


The transfer time from BKK to DM should have been studied first, by shuttle bus or taxi, and add an extra 90-120 for checking in on time.. 

I'm sure you've learnt a valuable lesson on what not to do next time.. 

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22 hours ago, OneEyedPie said:

isaantom - it would be great to hear your thoughts on the actual hard and soft SQ product as I'd love to fly business on SQ or CX in the future.

CX BC is very nice, but you have to look out for their sales periods otherwise too expensive.

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