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Britain's Conservatives in fourth place in EU election poll, Farage leads


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5 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Brexit is indeed a disaster because of the Tory party selecting a remainer as PM to negotiate our withdrawal knowing she had no intention of going so.


The people have cottoned onto her duplicity and it has manifested itself in their current abysmal showing in the polls. They're now 4th or 5th with straight talking Farage deservedly well in the lead.


What is a shame is that the Tory MPs are all so wealthy it won't really affect them when they lose 80,000 quid they get each year for betraying the electorate. That's without all their other perks and expenses fiddling.


JRM made nearly a million relocating his business to dublin and couldnt even speak when asked about it. 

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A great success for Farage in the polls. But to build a functioning party with appropriate organization is another matter. Appointment of delegates, development of an election program, financing, accounting, party advertising is hard work. i think Farage  prefers to do interviews in the media and let them pay well for that. Btw is there any statement from him regarding his Brexit march? Organizationally that was a flop.

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

How many times have you posted your propaganda pictures here?

I estimate over 50 times?

I think all forum participants know your propaganda pictures enough.

This will lower the quality of this forum even more when you are posting repetitive reviews in this high frequency.

Is there nothing new from your side?

Allways same same?

Try to write whole sentences and try to continue the thoughts of the cited poster in your sense.

No problem if you have new propaganda photos, but after 50 times to post the same thing makes it quite boring here.

Thank you.

those folks are teddys mates in glasgow settling down for the night after a day on the hoy in spoonies,there might even be a few skint ex pats among them who had to return home after brexit made it impossible to survive on 40bt to the quid,even sleeping with the thais on beach road became too expensive for them,good old brexit ???? wait till it drops to 35 there will be even more.

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27 minutes ago, nontabury said:


On U.K tv over the last couple of days,they have been debating the ever increasing rate of criminal activity in the country. Much of the blame has rightly been blamed on T.May tenure of the Home Secretary, when she reduced police numbers by 20,000.


 The increase in the importation and distribution of illegal cannabis is helping to drive this increase. And who is at the forefront of not only the cannabis trade but also other criminal activities, well according to the 

National Crime Agency, Albania a country not yet a member, though is a favoured applicant for membership. Therefore we can only wonder what will happen to our crime statistics when Albania does become a full member of the E.u, thus enabling their citizens to take full advantage of the E.u free movement of people.


total rubbish,were you the same brexiteer who claimed the knife crime in london was all the eastern europeans fault? another total pack of lies

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5 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

A great success for Farage in the polls. But to build a functioning party with appropriate organization is another matter. Appointment of delegates, development of an election program, financing, accounting, party advertising is hard work. i think Farage  prefers to do interviews in the media and let them pay well for that. Btw is there any statement from him regarding his Brexit march? Organizationally that was a flop.

about 50 turkeys left sunderland and about 20 made it to london,farage got £200k off some clown the other day,will need a lot more than that though,i bet he puts next to nothing of his own money in,iam sure the BBC are already investigating this issue and all will be revealed,now thats what i call value for money.

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

She needs to get that through parliament ... so "no deal" is not her gift to give ... thank goodness.

Poor choice of words on my part, I should of said she would of made it happen...and it could have been done if she wasn't so inflexible.

I have to say that I've been a remainer (albeit a weak one) from day one but the longer this drags on the more I'm inclined to think leaving isn't such a bad thing after-all.


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23 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

Poor choice of words on my part, I should of said she would of made it happen...and it could have been done if she wasn't so inflexible.

I have to say that I've been a remainer (albeit a weak one) from day one but the longer this drags on the more I'm inclined to think leaving isn't such a bad thing after-all.


have you seen anything since the vote to think we would be better off out,i havent,yes its dragged on but its still better than the idiotic lunacy of a no deal crash out.

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57 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Well it is not only you, you have the sense to at least suggest we wait and see, but many other posters have been drawing conclusions about Brexit Party gains in a future GE, based on polls of what is just going to be just a protest vote for EU elections. THE GENERAL ELECTION IS YEARS AWAY. A week is a long time in politics. The Brexit party has no policies apart from Brexit. (Farage hides his often stated wish to privatize the NHS). When Brexit is sorted - whatever way- the Brexit party will have no reason to exist. It will morph into a National Front type party or will simply vanish like snow off a dyke, although vomit off a dyke would be a better analogy.

You too are guilty of drawing conclusions, without, as far as I can see, any evidence. What you feel the Brexit Party will morph into is pure speculation or is it your wishful thinking.

A major difference between Labour and Brexit is trust.


 Labour promised a referendum on the Lisbon treaty then proved to be liars by not delivering it. They are now lying again as they said they would abide by the result of the last referendum but they are doing their best to stay in the EU with a customs union which will mean we pay but have no say.


Whether the Brexit Party is a one trick pony or not, they are dedicated to do what the EU Referendum result demanded so they will get my vote. If they're still around after we've left and at the next GE I'll reconsider my position. In my life I have voted for all 3 main parties. I do not give my vote automatically to anyone.

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25 minutes ago, bomber said:

have you seen anything since the vote to think we would be better off out,i havent,yes its dragged on but its still better than the idiotic lunacy of a no deal crash out.

What have you seen since the vote to think we are better off in?

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1 hour ago, aright said:

There is nothing to address or argue about he is a one trick pony and looking at his position in the EU polls ( the YouGov study for the Times put the Tories on just 10 percent for the EU election, behind the Brexit Party on 34 percent, Labour on 16 percent, the Liberal Democrats on 15 percent and the Greens on 11 percent), a very successful one trick pony. You recognize and agree with that don't you?

With a successful EU performance behind him and headed into a GE you may find he becomes a field full of ponies. We will have to wait and see.



Your hero will usher in a Corbyn Government ... what sort of Brexit will that be?

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25 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

Plenty but I'm not going to high-jack this thread but I'll give you an example. Most imported foodstuffs would potentially incur 0% on the commodity codes thus reducing cost of goods.




And destroying a high number of businesses in the agriculture sector. In addition, if the UK tariff is set at 0% after we go on WTO terms you have to set it at this level for every country. And when you offer every country zero rates you have nothing to offer them for a trade deal. You have no negotiating position. Why would another country offer you a deal when they are accessing your market at a zero rate?

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2 minutes ago, aright said:

More speculation and yes it's something I wouldn't want but I would honour the result of the vote unlike Remainers.

The polls are showing very clearly that we are heading in that direction ... you won’t get the Brexit you want. And if the coalition partner is the SNP they will require a confirmatory vote ... you might get no Brexit at all. And a Corbyn Government.

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2 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

The polls are showing very clearly that we are heading in that direction ... you won’t get the Brexit you want. And if the coalition partner is the SNP they will require a confirmatory vote ... you might get no Brexit at all. And a Corbyn Government.

More speculation...…. Why would you seriously base the outcome of a General election possibly in 2022 on polls issued today? 

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1 hour ago, Chelseafan said:

Plenty but I'm not going to high-jack this thread but I'll give you an example. Most imported foodstuffs would potentially incur 0% on the commodity codes thus reducing cost of goods.




We barely import food,but what we do will cost 10% more after another pound crash,oil is rising fast even before a sterling crash so expect £1.60 plus for fuel with brexit,hard times ahead the debt ridden brits. 

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48 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

And destroying a high number of businesses in the agriculture sector. In addition, if the UK tariff is set at 0% after we go on WTO terms you have to set it at this level for every country. And when you offer every country zero rates you have nothing to offer them for a trade deal. You have no negotiating position. Why would another country offer you a deal when they are accessing your market at a zero rate?

How many shrimps (20%Duty from Thailand, 7% from Vietnam) or mango (8% from Thailand) do we grow in the UK ? the whole system is a ripoff. Granted some industries need to be protected but the tariff and quota systems have very little to do with jobs and more about protectionism. If we moved to WTO it would be temporary until we reached trade agreement deals. Businesses on the whole have a tendency of reacting and adapting to change given enough notice. Anyhow I said I wouldn't hijack the thread.



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1 minute ago, Chelseafan said:

We import a LOT of food.


being the 3rd biggest fatties out of 28 might have something to do with it ????   i feel our union jack onesie friend needs a posting ????

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2 minutes ago, bomber said:

being the 3rd biggest fatties out of 28 might have something to do with it ????   i feel our union jack onesie friend needs a posting ????

Fruit & Vegs accounts for quite a large share.

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1 minute ago, aright said:

Correct. In the first half of 2018 we imported £23 billion of food 

so much for the we can take care of ourselves myth then,and were the supposed project fear folks right then when predicting long ques at dover

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12 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

How many shrimps (20%Duty from Thailand, 7% from Vietnam) or mango (8% from Thailand) do we grow in the UK ? the whole system is a ripoff. Granted some industries need to be protected but the tariff and quota systems have very little to do with jobs and more about protectionism. If we moved to WTO it would be temporary until we reached trade agreement deals. Businesses on the whole have a tendency of reacting and adapting to change given enough notice. Anyhow I said I wouldn't hijack the thread.



trivial little matters,nissan,toyota,bwm.airbus and others going along with a pound crash are the more important issue's.

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16 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

How many shrimps (20%Duty from Thailand, 7% from Vietnam) or mango (8% from Thailand) do we grow in the UK ? the whole system is a ripoff. Granted some industries need to be protected but the tariff and quota systems have very little to do with jobs and more about protectionism. If we moved to WTO it would be temporary until we reached trade agreement deals. Businesses on the whole have a tendency of reacting and adapting to change given enough notice. Anyhow I said I wouldn't hijack the thread.



oh yes temporary we heard all that before off farage and BJ those trade deals would be a piece of cake and countries would be falling over themselves to sign deals,palastine,chile and the faroes fell our way,proper one take years and the climate isnt great at present for anyone major wanting to partner billy no mates.

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17 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

Fruit & Vegs accounts for quite a large share.

our onesie friend doest like fruit and veg,he likes spoonies beer and kebabs and unionjack outfits,he's a true brexiteer.

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56 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

How many shrimps (20%Duty from Thailand, 7% from Vietnam) or mango (8% from Thailand) do we grow in the UK ? the whole system is a ripoff. Granted some industries need to be protected but the tariff and quota systems have very little to do with jobs and more about protectionism. If we moved to WTO it would be temporary until we reached trade agreement deals. Businesses on the whole have a tendency of reacting and adapting to change given enough notice. Anyhow I said I wouldn't hijack the thread.



And you've completely ignored the point ... if you set your tariffs at zero there is no incentive for anyone to enter into a trade deal as you have given them everything without one.

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