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tm30 cheang wattana

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1 hour ago, BritTim said:

What you will need varies between immigration offices. Typically, you need the rental contract, copy of the owner's id card, and some proof that the owner really is the owner.

Tim, do all the requirements you mention apply to possessor applying themselves perhaps by mail? Again lot depends on OP situation. Has not mentioned if for example is on extension and more importantly which imm office.

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12 minutes ago, rodknock said:

am on extension of stay.

have been in same condo for 7yrs.

cheang wattana immigration office.

No need for tm30 at CW.

Well certainly for extension based on retirement. One report few months back fella asked for tm30 on extension based on marriage. I suspect something else was an issue. Perhaps change of address. I and many others using cw having 12 month extensions have never been required to do tm30. Where you can have a trip up is if you need imm for unrelated matter such as residence certificate. 

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Most reports from the past ~ 6 weeks for Div. 1/CW seem to indicate that a TM30 must be on file for you before you can:


file a TM47 in person

file a 90-day report online

complete any extension of stay renewal (ret or mar)


this is based on nearly a hundred reports here and on some FB pages. Yes, there have been a few reports of success (90-day reports, ext stay) without a TM30 apparently being on file.


Not sure about other activities involving Immigration? 


My working list of documents required to self file, some, many, all of which may requested


For those in Bangkok: Documentation for self filing a TM.30 are
Copies of;
-the blue book (signed by the thai)
-the thai i/d of the person in the blue book (signed by the thai)
-the data page of your passport
-the thai visa in your passport (if you have one)
-your most recent entry stamp
-your extension (if you have one)
-the TM.6 departure card
-your lease

- 800 baht fine




There have been reports of a few police sweeps, targeting foreigners in large condo complexes, verifying TM30 reporting. The odds of getting caught up in one of these seems remote at this point. 

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Could someone point to a report of having trouble obtaining a extension to permission of stay based on retirement at CW due to not having current tm30. Of course I'm excluding people who have changed address etc. Also exclude first time extensions. There are literally hundreds done every day at CW.

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26 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Could someone point to a report of having trouble obtaining a extension to permission of stay based on retirement at CW due to not having current tm30. Of course I'm excluding people who have changed address etc. Also exclude first time extensions. There are literally hundreds done every day at CW.

It depends on your idea of trouble, if no TM 30 then just file one and pay the fine, no big deal. Going back many years my wife was fined 2000 baht when I applied for an extension of stay at CW as reported on TV. My last extension, retirement this time, the IO wanted a copy of the TM 30, which I always bring since being fined. 

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37 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Could someone point to a report of having trouble obtaining a extension to permission of stay based on retirement at CW due to not having current tm30. Of course I'm excluding people who have changed address etc. Also exclude first time extensions. There are literally hundreds done every day at CW.

What do you mean by "having trouble"? We had several reports of people who went to do their extension and were fined because no TM30 was done. I assume after paying the fine the extension will be processed.

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7 minutes ago, asiaexpat said:

It depends on your idea of trouble, if no TM 30 then just file one and pay the fine, no big deal. Going back many years my wife was fined 2000 baht when I applied for an extension of stay at CW as reported on TV. My last extension, retirement this time, the IO wanted a copy of the TM 30, which I always bring since being fined. 

I take your point re the 800baht. No big deal. I exit los every other week and would need to do 30 or 40 tm30 if CW enforced the tm30. I'm wondering in your case if this request for tm30 at cw was your first based on retirement. Having extended based on marriage previously. The OP has extensions based on retirement and has not changed address in seven yrs.

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4 minutes ago, jackdd said:

What do you mean by "having trouble"? We had several reports of people who went to do their extension and were fined because no TM30 was done. I assume after paying the fine the extension will be processed.


Yes, I didn't mean to imply anything else.


Once the TM30 is filed, perhaps in person, then one can proceed to other activities, like an ext stay or 90-day report.


No one has indicated that ext of stay renewals would be rejected by the lack of a TM30.


43 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

There are literally hundreds done every day at CW.


Yes, this is why there are reports of the newly constructed "B" counter struggling to keep up with the 100+ folks queued for up two hours filing TM30's.


I too have done ~ 7 annual extensions of stay/ret renewals and a couple of dozen 90-day reports (online, in person) without issue. A TM30 has not been filed for me, save perhaps a hotel ~ 15 years ago?





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3 minutes ago, jackdd said:

What do you mean by "having trouble"? We had several reports of people who went to do their extension and were fined because no TM30 was done. I assume after paying the fine the extension will be processed.

Point me to one done at cw based on retirement and person has not changed address etc. I don't doubt what your saying. I just haven't seen one. Having said that have been away and have not been following Thaivisa for last several weeks.

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5 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Point me to one done at cw based on retirement and person has not changed address etc. I don't doubt what your saying. I just haven't seen one. Having said that have been away and have not been following Thaivisa for last several weeks.


I'm still searching, these are hard to dig out of the dozen or so lengthy threads. It requires reading through each multi-page thread, looking for CW-specific reports.


This only became an issue at CW ~ 23 April (approx., when the volume of reports spiked). Some reports that it was 'trialed' for a few days before Songkran.






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Just now, DrJack54 said:

Point me to one done at cw based on retirement and person has not changed address etc. I don't doubt what your saying. I just haven't seen one. Having said that have been away and have not been following Thaivisa for last several weeks.

We had the first report of somebody being fined at CW for a missing TM30 5 months ago:



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10 minutes ago, jackdd said:

We had the first report of somebody being fined at CW for a missing TM30 5 months ago:



I wouldn't say that guy was typical extension based on retirement. He was staying in condo rented by wife? Was the extension based on retirement or married to Thai national. Guessing he didn't have lease. The ONE report I read of guy refused because no tm30 was based on marriage. That was also months ago. 

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5 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Reads that it had zip to do with tm30


It did, it's just that the OP there didn't understand, nor want to acknowledge, what was going on...



everything now good was told to go to the que counter and get a que number for counter b and given another document (2pages) to fill out and told to draw a map to my condo for the Thai police. The new 2 page document is a notification of your address to the Thai police and provide a list of all people living at your address with their passport numbers on page 2 of the document. Luckily I live alone because there is no way I would have passport numbers of anyone living with me along with me if there were any. My que number for “B” was 294 with 151 people in front of me at 2:30 in the afternoon. 2 and 1/2 hours later my number was called oh and by the way you will need an additional copy of your passport picture page for this even though the screen they were using for this new function has the photo page of your passport clearly displayed during your interaction with “B”. 


Counter B is for TM30's




but it's fine if you don't think this is an issue. 


You can search if you are so inclined.


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I was told to do a tm 30 in January when I went to Changwatana for exstension based on marriage. I filled out the info myself with landlord's address and the condo info plus my passport info. And gave tm 30 with copies of lease and owner's id plus copies of all my pasport info. Then paid 800 baht. That was easy enough landlord didn't have to be there. 


The tm 30 was easy enough for me to do my self with the right info on the land lord. But the officer handling the extension wanted more like blue book and chanote from landlord. Lived at condo for a couple years never been asked before. 

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8 hours ago, jackdd said:

We had the first report of somebody being fined at CW for a missing TM30 5 months ago:



This is hard to believe on its face value . I have never had a TM 30 form filed at CW except when staying at hotels and once I asked the forms desk ladies for a TM. 30 form and they did not have any. I think some miscommunication exists in this prior post or some type of honest misunderstanding. 

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The doubters who want proof best go find out at CW for themselves.

It has been reported enough times on TV recently that CW have now started wanting TM30's.

You dont need to bother doing one if you don't want to,

but please now refrain from telling others that they are not necessary.


As usual, some IOs will want them and some wont.

Just because somebody says I didnt get asked for one isn't a good reason to say its not necessary.


If you go to the desk for documents they have the TM30 Forms there now.

It was not like that several months ago.

Go ask the IO at the doc desk like I did recently, and they said of course TM30s are required,

and told me what to do to post it in to them, so that I dont have to go to CW in person.


I posted mine as I was told, and I received the receipt of notification sent back to me.

This is from CW. So they clearly have some organisation in place for processing them.


I own my own condo in Bangkok.

I Sent the two TM30 forms filled in - me as the alien, and me as the owner

Copy main passport page

copy visa / extension page

copy of entry stamp and TM6

Copy of Chanote for my condo.

Enclosed a self addressed envelope (did not put any stamps)

Mail To CW has to be sent by registered post.

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Arrived back at BKK Wed 08 @ 5 pm

When we are in Bangkok we stay with wife's sister

TI closed Thursday, so we go to CW Friday to do TM30

Wife speaks to IO who tells her because of holidays we have 7 days from arrival to report.

Go back Mon 13 and submit TM30 to a young civilian girl that does initial document processing.

She says we  pay thb800 for late report, which fires up the wife.

Go to the IO ...  wife explains again, no fine.


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12 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Most reports from the past ~ 6 weeks for Div. 1/CW seem to indicate that a TM30 must be on file for you before you can:


file a TM47 in person

file a 90-day report online

complete any extension of stay renewal (ret or mar)


Care to explain what is a TM47? Never heard of that form before in my life.

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10 hours ago, bbi1 said:

Care to explain what is a TM47? Never heard of that form before in my life.



90-Day Report.


At least that's what I've been using when the online system is otherwise unavailable.

tm47 (1).doc

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23 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Most reports from the past ~ 6 weeks for Div. 1/CW seem to indicate that a TM30 must be on file for you before you can:


file a TM47 in person

file a 90-day report online

complete any extension of stay renewal (ret or mar)


Thanks for all your input. What should I do?


I have lived in my condo for 20 years, next to CW. Today I will go to CW for a 90 day report. From what you say, I'll probably get hit for TM30. I recently signed up for online TM30 filing as house owner.


Do you think I can just file the online TM30 this morning, print it out, and go for my 90 day report? OR should I plan on filing on the spot (CW will be crowded I assume)


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2 hours ago, rabas said:

I have lived in my condo for 20 years, next to CW. Today I will go to CW for a 90 day report. From what you say, I'll probably get hit for TM30. I recently signed up for online TM30 filing as house owner.


So you are registered with the TM30 online system?




If so, go ahead and self-report, take a screen-shot then proceed to CW.


When is your current 90-day report-by date? Is it today? If so, not seeing many options. Go to CW with TM-47, go to 90-day report room (after getting queue number), see what happens. If approved go home. If not follow instructions, perhaps to file a TM30, and pay a fine, then return to file the TM47.


Bring as much documentation as you can assemble to support your TM30 filing if that becomes a requirement.


Next time maybe file a 90-day report online? If your current 90-day report by date is between 15 and 7 days from today, try the online system.





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3 hours ago, buick said:

here is my experience at CW with the TM30 situation (with some background, sorry for long post just trying to help).

Excellent post, the details are helpful. My experience at CW today is below. Your comment that your TM30 registration appeared in the system just after your manager filed online explains a lot for me.


Background: I've been in my current condo overlooking CW Immigration for 17 years, but my condo just told me they never filed a TM30 for me because I was a resident owner.  Last week I signed up for the online TM30 entry system and got a password 2 days ago. Today I had to do a 90 day report at CW.


By 12:00 noon I had successfully entered my own info into the online TM30 system. Then, I went into the lookup mode and saw my entry was now in the online database. (Warning: the arrival date in the entry form is for a visitor's entry into Thailand, not arrival at the residence. There is no place to enter a visitor's arrival date at the residence , it is automatically recorded as date you file the TM30 form.)


On to Chaengwattana...


I arrived at CW at 1:30, received queue no. 259 with only 11 people in front of me. 10 minutes later, I was called and handed the IO my TM47 and passport. He looked at the computer, printed my receipt and I headed home.  Based on buick's report, the IO probably saw my fresh TM30 entry in the system.


Queue B: There was a large crowd of people waiting in front of the B queue nearby, most holding paperwork and forms for TM30. Maybe the 90 day line was so short because of  the TM30 line.  There were about 8 IO officers and assistants working in the B station, some on the phone trying to help people.


Edited by rabas
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22 minutes ago, rabas said:

By 12:00 noon I had successfully entered my own info into the online TM30 system.


22 minutes ago, rabas said:

I arrived at CW at 1:30,


Thank you for this excellent report. Good to know the systems seem linked.


3 hours ago, buick said:

here is my experience at CW with the TM30 situation

Thank you for this detailed report.

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