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Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson to stand as next Conservative leader


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11 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Think you mean the drubbing that Ukip got.

I honestly think that you are rather perturbed and anxious re the popularity of the Brecit Party.


Not really, living in the UK I know how popular the Brexit Party actually is; not very!


Like UKIP, it is a party people will vote for as a protest. Which is why it was a surprise that UKIP and other Brexit parties did so badly in the local elections. This MEP election is meaningless; so expect lots of protest votes for both Brexit and remain parties. I expect more for Remain, you more for Brexit.


When it comes to a general election I expect the Brexit Party, if it still exists, will, like UKIP before it, do very badly with many a lost deposit.


18 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

The eu mep results will be interesting.
Imo..the so called populist parties will do rather well..must to the displeasure of likes of junkard.tusk.barnier.mecron.merkel etc etc.

Populist, or anti EU? They are not the same.


19 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Great fun for all the anti eu citizens throughout europe.
Bad news for the europhile federalists

Again; not all so called populist parties are anti EU. Not all, very few in fact, EU supporters are federalists.


But rabid Brexiteers prefer myths to facts. Are you one of those?




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27 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Do you deny that he has moved money into that account? He never has. As I said, while the actual amount may be peanuts to him, it's certainly going to be substantial to the rest of us.


A sensible business decision because of the dire effects Brexit will have upon UK based investments; at least for the short term? Definitely. 


So Somerset Capital themselves acknowledge the risk of Brexit, and use that risk as an inducement to invest in one or both of their new Dublin funds!


An honest decision by a man who constantly tells us the UK will be far better off post Brexit? No. A pure and obvious case of do as I say, not as I do.



Sorry but you don't understand the fund management business, which is why you're getting this wrong. For the record I don't think JRM or his company are there purely for the good of their clients. They're in the business to make money of course. 

Investment management companies have multiple funds, usually in multiple jurisdictions. Somerset have funds with varying degrees of risk, and in various countries. They even have funds in European countries - which of course means they could be 'protected' after Brexit anyway without having to set up the Dublin fund. 

Ireland now have very attractive regulatory and cost structure for funds, and Dublin funds are a boom area right now. Dublin funds also have the added benefit of being under MIFID II EU regulations, meaning that retail customers who are EU nationals can put their money into them. Every fund management company worth it's salt will have opened Dublin funds. 

Somerset as owners of the fund will seed it with some money to get it started. As JRM owns a 15% stake in Somerset, technically he is therefore invested in the fund. 


And by the way, I worked very closely with the fund management industry for 10 years, which is why I can tell you this. 


Anyway, I guess it makes a great anti-spin story for JRM haters, but I'm sure he's not too concerned. 

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I once read somewhere that BJ said" my chances of ever being PM would be like finding Elvis on mars".  I guess Richard Branson will have to put "look for Elvis" on his list of things to do on his mars mission!

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On 5/25/2019 at 2:08 PM, CG1 Blue said:

Sorry but you don't understand the fund management business, which is why you're getting this wrong..........

 Are you deliberately misinterpreting, or simply intellectually incapable of understanding?


Whichever, there is no point in discussing this further with you.

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On 5/26/2019 at 2:16 AM, dick dasterdly said:

"The last time I asked the question you finally responded with the same excuse as above; that you had previously answered the question and were not going to do so again."


"It is not that I don't like your answer, it is that I have never seen it; because you refused to show it to me!"


"Yes, you have mentioned the backstop before; the only time you actually responded directly to my question."


I'm tired of your continual protestations that nobody has ever answered your question re the eu/may 'deal' being BRINO, particularly as the above quotes from your post show that you are being economical with the truth.  i.e. You at least admit in the last quote that I responded to your question, whereas the other 2 quotes state that I didn't.....


I can recall one thread in particular (although not the title of the thread) where there were quite a few comments from posters in direct response to your question.

Another dodge; with word twisting for good measure. Unless you really do not understand the meaning of "the last time!"


You and I both know that you have never responded fully, never explained in even the tiniest detail why you considered May's deal to be bad; other than a brief mention of the Irish backstop: and neither has anyone else.


I know now that you never will, simply because you seem incapable of forming your own opinion so have to resort merely repeating the hard Brexiteer mantras. 

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On 5/26/2019 at 3:46 AM, malagateddy said:

So are you saying that very few eu supporters support federalism whilst being aware of the ultimate aim of the ultra federalists in brussels hq.
I find that very hard to believe as they must know full well the ultimate aim of brussels hq is to have a united states of europe.
Just who is kidding who??

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

The propagandists have certainly succeed in kidding you!


A clique in Brussels may be in favour of federal Europe; but for that to happen would require the unanimous support of all member governments.


Like a European army, a federal Europe has been proposed and supported by some on many occasions for over 50 years; neither have happened yet and I doubt they will in my lifetime.

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On 5/26/2019 at 5:08 AM, JAG said:
On 5/25/2019 at 2:06 PM, 7by7 said:

This MEP election is meaningless;

How so? The British electorate have been offered ( albeit BN perhaps by accident ) a third opportunity to offer their opinion on leaving the EU.


The first (the binary question referendum) "was won by leave because of lies", the second, a General Election in which the vast majority (500+) of those elected stood on a manifesto supporting leave, and who subsequently passed the withdrawal act was somehow inconclusive, and now this one is meaningless.

Anyone who knows anything knows that in the UK this MEP election is meaningless because those elected will only serve until October at the latest.


Indeed, had Corbyn, Johnson, Rees-Mogg etc. put country ahead of personal ambition we wouldn't have had this election at all!


That is because the result of the referendum, backed up as you say by the 2017 GE result, would have already been implemented and we would have left the EU on the 29th March.


On 5/26/2019 at 5:08 AM, JAG said:

So should we assume that quite simply, you, and many in your camp, just ignore the democratic process? Is it the case that you can only accept the result of a ballot if it chimes with your views?

You can assume what you want; many Brexiteers are very long on assumptions, very short on facts.


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Well does not matter who the Tories chose as their next leader, looking at the 8 so far none of them are in a safe seat, not even winnable come the next GE, I do not think the Tories have any safe seats and winning just one seat would be a miracle. 

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13 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Anyone who knows anything knows that in the UK this MEP election is meaningless because those elected will only serve until October at the latest.

I really do not think we will be leaving October, does not matter who the Tories put up as leader they can't even get away with stalling and hope we leave by default, too many MP's who are against No Deal in both Labour and Tory camps they would support a no confidence vote, more likely we will be asking for more time to hold a referendum or have revoked A50.

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