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Chinese tourist arrivals to Thailand plunge in April


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3 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

And with 38 million on OA visa, surely there must be like a billion tourists coming a year?

TAT: 1,103,260,761 annual visitors with a decrease of 3.93546% in Chinese tourists, but an overall increase of 8.833732% across the board 

Edited by MellowYellow101
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3 hours ago, zydeco said:

Hard to tell. I was innocently walking past a restaurant the other day when a busload of Chinese disembarked. It must have been their feeding time. Awful racket, no order, complete chaos. Are these numbers really down? We can only hope.

I avoid groups, crowds or herds, whatever nationality they may be. The wildebeast like behavior when on the move is unsettling, particularly when crossing the street lemming-fashion. I stop, put on my flashers and pray they aren't run over by the less disciplined scooter misfits.

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Based on my travels in Thailand in April, those numbers are way over the top. All I keeped hearing from vendors coast to coast, top to bottom, is how dead it was for tourists. I could see for myself, based on past years where streets were once packed with tourists, this year it was like a ghost town. The only thing missing was the tumbleweeds or you'd think you were in an old western.

Edited by cheapcanuck
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4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

TAT will be sure to report Chinese tourists rocket in May,

What I would like to know,maybe they can correctly count

the number of tourists that enter Thailand, but how much

they spend ? how do they calculate that.


regards Worgeordie

That old joke:

"They say 1 in 5 people in the world are Chinese, so I thought about my brothers ChingCho, SengChi, Inchabe, Sufabo and Colin.  I think it's Colin".

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

TAT doesn't expect people to have the intelligence to do the calculations. I honestly believe half the world could get wiped out and visitor numbers would still rise.

It probably would rise due to people fleeing whatever wiped out the other half.

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  • Those pesky tourists spread photos of the black waste water on our beaches.
  • When will Thais sort out the necessary infrastructure before spending billions on high speed trains
  • when they cant sort out the train system they already have
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1 hour ago, brucegoniners said:

Well that’s pleasant.


Maybe the number of tour busses that clog the roads in Pattaya will go down too.

No, the buses are still here, it's just that they are all mainly 

parked up along the roadside clogging up the nearside lane


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4 hours ago, lupin said:

8.89% less of the Chinese market does not equate to 8.89% drop of all tourists from all countries... so a 3.3% overall increase does not require a 12.2% increase. It'd be a lot easier if they said the % of Chinese tourists as it relates to 100% of tourists from all countries.



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4 hours ago, Moo 2 said:

No wonder, the Baht is a disaster, cost of living has gone up 30% or more in the last 2 to 3 years,

there are more cops in Pattaya than in the whole of Thailand, and so forth...

There are other beautiful countries to visit and cheaper, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, etc..

Disaster for you, but good for real people, the thais

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1 hour ago, HeyHeyHey said:

Chinese economy is crashing hard.


For obvious reasons westerners aren't that keen on Thailand anymore.



Don't talk utter tripe.


It's really very simple. There is no public holiday in China between Lantern Festival (the last day of the Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival) 15th February and Labour Day, 1st May. This year the Government joined the 5/4 Revolution holiday to Labour Day giving a full week's holiday, so naturally Chinese tourist numbers will rebound for May.


The reason for other tourist numbers going up is also very simple. Easter. There is no Easter holiday in China.

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No no no, all lies, i only read a few weeks ago about the increase in Chinese tourists, TAT said so.

Who ever is spreading these lies are in big big trouble, bring back big joke and things will be better.

Oh no i forgot he voted for the opposition, so hes a naughty boy and being punished. But on a serious note my friend said so many bars and massage places and businessess in general have been closing daily in Pattaya and Jomtien because lack of all nationalities of tourists, thais only have themselves to blame with all their greed and now rules of insurance etc, this place is a joke, i just spent 2 weeks in cambodia, no crap and unfriendliness there. (i do buy travel insurance before i travel, but get it in australia where i know it will be honoured, as long as i dont hire motorbikes or jetskies etc, but sickness, accidents or injury by a third party is fully covered).

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

Ah, what a good start for the weekend, good news like this. Keep 'em coming (the news not the Chinese).

The Chinese are preparing for the New Long March per their president. As long as the trade tensions continue, they will likely retreat into the comfort of saving and not spending money. Silver linings 




Edited by Fex Bluse
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Make your mind up!!


One minute the farang tourists are down, but Chinese tourists are up so alls well. 

(The preferred tourists of Thai government choice)


Now its Chinese tourists are down in April. 


Talk about Fluctu Asians. 


The average Thais in the street say this every time someone asks about the non tipping, and austere spending of the Chinese.

Fluck you Asians. 

Edited by dallen52
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IF you can make up numbers, why not?  


GDP rose last year by 654%, while 7 billion people came looking for property.


Next year property might rise 1232%, so buy now!!!!  


After China keeps buying the Baht.....  The baht is the strongest currency because over 18 billion people will visit next week.


In other news, 928347 businesses shut down every minute and farang's house hasn't sold in 39 years while 700 airplanes land with only 1 or 2 people on board.  


forget that, tomorrow should see over 89 billion new tourists.


do dah, do dah....


if you make money by saying positive stuff, you say it.  


oh, i own APPL stock.  I can lie.  Apple computers saw a 87623482364237423 increase in sales..... do dah,  do dah...

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6 hours ago, keith101 said:

It just doesn't make sense to me that after an 8.89% drop of the biggest source of tourists from China there was still a 3.31% rise in tourist arrivals which would mean an overall increase of 12.2% ?

No, you are calculating all countries' tourists by only the Chinese #. 

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Yes it Will Be Announced Soon Record Amount of People Coming into thailand Again ! And Usual Garbage All False Figures Seen it over the Last 5 Years Lies Lies Lies And Make the Baht Stronger As Hotels i Have Seen in Pattaya and Bangkok Empty or Half Empty .

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6 hours ago, keith101 said:

It just doesn't make sense to me that after an 8.89% drop of the biggest source of tourists from China there was still a 3.31% rise in tourist arrivals which would mean an overall increase of 12.2% ?

Thank God you're not my bloody accountant!

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