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Govt takes concrete steps to stop overpricing at private hospitals


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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

Everytime you get a procedure done at the hospital you will receive this laundry list of charges the will make you scratch your head what were they for, the government with all it's good intentions can not stop the hospitals who are private business and are there to make as much money as quickly as possible, to add some items to the end bill to cover any government restrictions i'm sure...

A few years ago I suffered two crushed vertebrae, treated by surgery at a well known international hospital in Patts. I have no complaints at all about the treatment, apart from physio which was less than incompetent.

At the end, the bill was indeed a laundry list, detailing every wipe, needle, pill, pair of gloves, etc. etc., totalling about 300,000 baht. I was self-financing. The bill was in fact very cheap compared to UK or USA private medicine.

After going through the bill with a fine tooth comb, it was trimmed by 20,000 baht:-  physio sessions which never took place, disposables which were not used, meals not ordered or eaten, procedures not carried out, etc.

Without some in-depth medical knowledge it is almost impossible to check one of these statements, especially if traumatised post-surgery. 

Always ask for a full printed statement before paying, always check it in detail, or ask someone with appropriate knowledge to do so, never buy any medication from the hospital unless it is a controlled drug, and not even then If you can help it. 

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50 minutes ago, cmrichsw said:

NO insurance ask for a discount on the bill they will give it to you.

I was in ER in US for heart problem. They ran several test and 

Was told needed check and have an operate. 


Didn't get the operation was in ER 2-3 hours. Emailed the bill @ $6,000 USD. I called the hospital accounts receivable explained

i don’t have health insurance I’m uninsurable. Ok sent new bill

to pay cash (bank transfer) total $2,000 paid in full immediately. 


Refused the operation which I had at 39 years old at cost

@ 120,000 USD insurance paid all buy $100 co-pay.


After telling the Dr. no several time. I was flying back 

to China the next day. Dr left the room nurse said if 

your flying tomorrow chew aspirin every hour during 

the flight. 


Had operation in China 15% percent of what US would

have been including a private room. Excellent Dr. 


I could’ve paid cash for operation in US. But I didn’t work 

all those years and save money to empty most of the cash

to extend my life a few years. Would’ve much rather it be  

Given kids and grandkids....  





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3 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

You are often disappointing with your self centred comments;
many Thai attend these private hospitals ; much more than the farang actually.

It is therefore a very good thing for them and also for their insurance which will have less exorbitant expenses to settle.

You have seen the two tier pricing in private hospitals for  Farang then?

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A lot of very negative comments here, it's not even out yet and so many are saying it's useless and nobody will follow.

Why not just be happy that the issue was acknowledged in the first place ? They could just have played deaf as usual.

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4 hours ago, YetAnother said:

won't change a thing; can't put the hospital in jail and 100K means nothing to them

True, but don't underestimate the power of social media. When the same place keeps appearing for the same shoddy reasons, then word does get about.

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2 minutes ago, yokat said:

A lot of very negative comments here,

it's not even out yet and so many are saying it's useless and nobody will follow.

Why not just be happy that the issue was acknowledged in the first place ? They could just have played deaf as usual.

You do know where you are, right?  ????

I always come here when I'm feeling down as the misery-guts on here help remind me that life really isn't quite that bad just yet.

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24 minutes ago, DJ54 said:

Didn’t see anything in the article saying better controls on prices

that didn’t include expats..... so why the negative posts. 

New day, new moan. Must be a quota to hit, or summit. ????

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

Everytime you get a procedure done at the hospital you will receive this laundry list of charges the will make you scratch your head what were they for, the government with all it's good intentions can not stop the hospitals who are private business and are there to make as much money as quickly as possible, to add some items to the end bill to cover any government restrictions i'm sure...



Mid wife charge 200 bhat

med package charge 200 bhat

Other medical charge 200 bhat


Those are actual charges on EVERY bill from EVERY one of the hospitals in the BDMS group of 45+ hospitals.


So....if u add 600 bhat to EVERY bill in 45+ hospitals a day.........how much is that?

A LOT.......thats how much.

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Highly relevant to me. I'm going to be needing monthly injections of Avastin. Rutnin hospital has quoted me 23,000-25,000 for one injection. Bumrungrad, where I am registered, quoted me 9,400 for the medicine needed for one injection, medicine only-the doctor and other fees to be added. The global cost of one dose of Avastin is normally under $100, and sometime almost free in Thailand. The other drug commonly used for the same problem (look it up, complicated) Lucentis, does cost ten or twenty times as much; that's why doctors use Avastin. I want to know how to follow up this issue. How much is Bumrungrad marking it up? Do they have to tell me?

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49 minutes ago, Grusa said:

A few years ago I suffered two crushed vertebrae, treated by surgery at a well known international hospital in Patts. I have no complaints at all about the treatment, apart from physio which was less than incompetent.

At the end, the bill was indeed a laundry list, detailing every wipe, needle, pill, pair of gloves, etc. etc., totalling about 300,000 baht. I was self-financing. The bill was in fact very cheap compared to UK or USA private medicine.

After going through the bill with a fine tooth comb, it was trimmed by 20,000 baht:-  physio sessions which never took place, disposables which were not used, meals not ordered or eaten, procedures not carried out, etc.

Without some in-depth medical knowledge it is almost impossible to check one of these statements, especially if traumatised post-surgery. 

Always ask for a full printed statement before paying, always check it in detail, or ask someone with appropriate knowledge to do so, never buy any medication from the hospital unless it is a controlled drug, and not even then If you can help it. 

I agree with all u said, but every hospital in the worl will give a bill for every single thing they used on you, even what appears most trivial......it will be on the bill.


I worked oil n gas and been treated in Kuwait, China, Egypt, Africa, Australia, USA, Saudi, and Bahrain........every bill looks like what u described

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private hospitals are a total rip off here.

especially for clueless foreigners.

and foreigners are intentionally sent to private hospitals by rescue operators or private ambulances, i guess they get a kick back!

usually resulted in a go fund me situation.


and why they didnt fine the hospitals hard for their wrong doings and rip offs from before? 

example about the inflated medicine prices are clear! any responsible government should fine them for this and hard.

i guess owners of hospitals are very well connected.


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Highly relevant to me. I'm going to be needing monthly injections of Avastin. Rutnin hospital has quoted me 23,000-25,000 for one injection. Bumrungrad, where I am registered, quoted me 9,400 for the medicine needed for one injection, medicine only-the doctor and other fees to be added. The global cost of one dose of Avastin is normally under $100, and sometime almost free in Thailand. The other drug commonly used for the same problem (look it up, complicated) Lucentis, does cost ten or twenty times as much; that's why doctors use Avastin. I want to know how to follow up this issue. How much is Bumrungrad marking it up? Do they have to tell me?

They mark it up A LOT

The Dr. fee at bummer for a shot will be less that ฿2k
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2 hours ago, ebean001 said:

since we expats may be required to buy health care insurance this should decrease the cost of the insurance. Hummm. Ram hospital gave my 'I feel ok ' daughter after a 2 day stay in the hospital a drug list to buy from them that totaled ... I hate to say the number now because I was so upset. it was certainly beyond 5 (I think 11). The 4 nurses showing me the drugs said each one to be taken before breakfast. I am sure that would have been very harmful even fatal results.

The cost at private hospitals will skyrocket again if expats must have insurance. that is how USA works. We will see what happens...although we all probably think we already know.

Actually care in the U.S. is less if it is a hospital that accepts your insurance. They all have special rates. 

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4 hours ago, phetpeter said:

Normally its go in for bruised finger and the first question they ask is what type of room would you like, as it would be best to stay one night, to check there will be no complications!

this is normally done for people with accident insurance because of the insurance companies do not pay the bill unless you are kept in overnight I think with the insurance companies behind these changes it will improve things because they have the power

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This administration doing something to benefit the people? Absolutely unheard of. This will harm the elite investors they are working so hard to protect. All words. Poot, Poot, Poot. Nothing more. All words, zero action. That is the M.O. of the army. Never, ever benefit the people. Avoid that at all costs. This will never happen. 

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8 minutes ago, zaZa9 said:

We go to hospital for unbiased scientific opinion.

Not me, I go to hospital for suggestions on how to overcome a medical problem.

I then use the doctors advice to look up the condition, possible side effects of the suggested medications, prices of alternative drugs, and success rates of any suggested surgery.


About 50% of the time I agree with the doctor, then I buy the drugs from my local pharmacy and proceed from there.

So far I've never agreed to suggested surgery, and have always been cured without.

Edited by BritManToo
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8 hours ago, SanookTeufel said:

The hospitals in the U.S. have been overcharging patients for years and nobody bats an eye.

Great job for Thailand ensuring patients have reasonable prices.

I had a rabies shot recently.  Cost? 190 THB.  
I have family coming over who looked into rabies shots in the US. Cost? $1000

So, what's wrong with the health care in the US?  It's the best in the world, no?

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7 hours ago, Power of life yoga said:

In your opinion,  why do you think they didn't charge at least something for their services,? everybody's time is worth something  ....????

I honestly have no idea.

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