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If you can afford one of these - make sure they are legal!

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7 hours ago, overherebc said:

Which one has the most expensive running costs?

At least with the car problems can be diagnosed and fixed with a fair amount of certainty and not lots of usually wrong guess work to get to the source of the often happening strange whining noises.

And they come with keys

So you can turn them off and put them in the shed when you don't need them ????

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2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

You must be getting old and senile overherebc because it is easy to fix the whine in the woman. It is called money. Just give them more money and the whine just disappears until they have spent that lot then the whine returns


Never start that system as it becomes exponential.

My garage has its own toilet and small fridge full of cans of the amber neck oil.

Does for me. Thinking of installing a settee.

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11 hours ago, monkeycu said:

If I could afford to own and maintain one of those cars, I doubt I would be here

For sure - the times you see a Ferrari stuck in traffic and zip past it on your PCX - definitely reserved for super rich collectors with more money than sense...

IMO best buy a big strong Benz - if you get bored, just put down your coffee, put the foot down, and plow through traffic...

Edited by ben2talk
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Is that a map in the background showing the various entry points into the country? Shame to see such fine machinery stuck in a Bangkok traffic jam and often wasted on someone who can't drive properly.... Sigh.


They might have gotten away with it if they brought in something a little less conspicuous. I wonder what percentage get caught?

Edited by DaRoadrunner
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17 hours ago, overherebc said:
17 hours ago, Moonlover said:

OK got it cheers.


We had a similar one on the flight line in Saudi Arabia.


'How can you tell when there's an Australian in the cockpit?'


'When the engine stops you can still hear the whining'. 


17 hours ago, overherebc said:

Mate used to say he gave up letting his wife sit on the pillion seat of his bike because of the continual whining sounds when she was there.

Ear plugs from Global House work a treat. I tell her my ears are very sensitive to the engine noise.

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