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Farang escapes serious punishment for anti-govt song, apologises, removes video


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14 hours ago, darksidedog said:

And you can pretty much bet your last dollar that some "face" obsessed idiot will do precisely that, if for no other reason other than to grab some publicity themselves. Very sad that people can't take something meant in the spirit of fun to be accepted as such.

funny thing you can not make fun of people breaking the law no matter where

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13 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Who is this guy talking to? He's only got 130 subscribers. He's done loads of other anti-junta videos too. I think, no I am certain this guy is a fruit cake, the nutty kind. Also, has he been kicked in the head by a donkey? Maybe that's why he's a loon.


If people who started Youtube channels stopped just because they only had a few followers they'd never reach the "lots of followers" stage.  You have to start somewhere. 

He's now got 148 subscribers and maybe he isn't really doing it to get lots of subscribers.  Youtube is a useful free place to store your videos even if you don't expect them to be viewed by millions. 


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14 hours ago, DavisH said:

What would be grounds for a private prosecution? "It made me feel bad"? "You mocked Thai people"? Really?

They’ed make something up, maybe something like ‘the Thai nationalist act of 2019’ 1,000,000 fine or deported and banned for life. 


What is it the people don't get about freedom to speak. 


Can such repressed minds really find ‘freedom from the known’. 

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12 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Why is it that this reminds me of "My Mate  Nate" ?

Not because of  similarity other than the  controversy.

What  happened  to  "Nate" anyway?

He's still going.   He posted a new video yesterday which already has 268,824 views

He's making a lot of money whether you like him and his videos or not.

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15 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

A man whose future may well include any number of surprises, for instance he may soon find himself on an unexpected journey abroad...

That would be to his idiotic behaviour, he is a guest here, behave like a guest.


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1 hour ago, mserror said:

It is in English, therefore impenetrable to the franchised.

It's in English but it's on advanced level with many slangs that is beyond most Thai people who haven't gone for overseas study.


That video is in Thai so it's easily reachable to the masses.



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14 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Who is this guy talking to? He's only got 130 subscribers. He's done loads of other anti-junta videos too. I think, no I am certain this guy is a fruit cake, the nutty kind. Also, has he been kicked in the head by a donkey? Maybe that's why he's a loon.

Haven't seen a Donkey in Thailand.

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"Though he left the way open for a possible private prosecution."

"According to a post made on his Facebook page, Yan Marchal was visited by two policemen earlier today who requested he remove the video.


Yan agreed and apologised for posting the video.


He signed a document promising he would not share videos of that nature again."


Lesson leaned, and true the world over. Never criticize a military dictatorship.

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1 hour ago, Sujo said:


Well if its a bit more difficult just move to Vietnam.


Are you seriously suggesting that a guest must like everything about Thailand or just leave? You think its ok that things people consider bad should not be spoken about?

No, that's neither what he wrote nor what he's suggesting:  that's what you're suggesting. He said if you don't like it here, leave. Your interpretation of what he wrote is just that, nothing more.

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1 hour ago, EricTh said:

I can't understand his Thai without the subtitles and I've studied Thai at intermediate level.


I am impressed by his Thai but he can't pronounce Thai that well when I listened carefully


I am also impressed by his creativity in producing the song although he can't sing well. LOL

I think you're special.

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16 hours ago, darksidedog said:

And you can pretty much bet your last dollar that some "face" obsessed idiot will do precisely that, if for no other reason other than to grab some publicity themselves. Very sad that people can't take something meant in the spirit of fun to be accepted as such.


Perhaps. But be fair, if some foreigner living in any country put their idea of a satirical song taking the piss out of a the county's government on YouTube, it's likely to not go down too well with the population.



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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

why do you stay in Thailand if all you want to do is bash the country that you are a guest in ???  or are you posting from outside because you got burnt .... lol  :whistling:   hmmmm ... i thought so

So we aren't allowed any opinion on things when we live here as a foreigner? One of everyone's (although not for Thai people to a certain extent) human rights should be to have the freedom to express an opinion, whether positive or negative. For all the great things about living here, there are certainly negatives too. 


Thailand is slowly becoming more oppressive and North Korea esque with people literally being arrested for having negative views on the government. 


Just because I am not Thai shouldn't mean I am not allowed a critical opinion on certain things. Just the same for my wife (who is Thai) making her opinions known on UK issues (eg - Brexit) during the time that she lived in England. 


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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

What a sensible post. It seems you understand Thailand more than most of these clowns on TV.

Thailand is what it is and we as expats should accept that without bashing the country on every issue that comes along.  Great post !!  thank you.


very well spoken, and correct.

Well that makes two of you. But still a minority here and probably amongst the Thais too.

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You have to be either stupid or just uninformed to make fun of the Thai government.

The first thing I was told about 2 hrs after getting off the plane.......was never say anything about the King or Royal Family and about the 15 yr penalty.


Did he really think there would  be no repercussions?

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

It's only sad in your eyes. Not sad for most, I can still do what ever I need to do each day, I can still travel without any problem, I can still enjoy living here cheaper than Australia or the UK or US.


Except for Vegemite and Peck's Anchovette Paste.

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Do I take it then, that the Constitution of Thailand does not protect it's citizens nor it's news media, in giving them the protected right to free speech? 

More or less the same ss the UK then! (I refer to Julian Assange' imprisonment.)

Edited by Sumarianson
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