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Mass UK protest demanding second EU referendum planned days before Brexit

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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

Irrelevant, as is the tired old Remoaner argument about whether the referendum was "advisory". Farage is not even a member of Parliament, which committed to the referendum result with the triggering of Article 50 in March 2017.

Both the EU and the British government accepted this decision as irrevocable, with the 

EU Commission stating, "Once triggered, Article 50 cannot be unilaterally reversed. Notification is a point of no return".

Parliament has dragged its Remainer heels long enough, in the process doing untold damage to the economy and the people's faith in our political system. Unless the government wants a revolution on its hands, we must leave by October 31 - deal or no deal.

Well the ECJ decided that it would be OK for the UK to decide unilaterally come back to mamma on 9th December. Just one day before the first meaningful (haha) vote. More like a meaningful coincidence!  

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50 minutes ago, david555 said:

you must feel very disappointing that you couldn't win , was from the beginning made very clear …, just that to high self esteem  from  U.K. is the reason for your situation , but you see even E.U. said that no transition period get you a nice cliff edge bonus at 9 billion , with no discussion from their side  :thumbsup:

Well, leave won the referendum - I'm happy about that. I'll need to revert to GCHQ again to decode the rest. Standby one.

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37 minutes ago, nauseus said:

You have managed to misquote me. These words are from Bizboi's post. 


Please desist. Besides, I would never spell disastrous like that!


As long as you could understand what I mean I don't care. Typing on a phone is for old men sometimes a problem. But you are very smart as proved now. Thanx. 

39 minutes ago, nauseus said:

When did I say favoured BJ as PM? Another fake observation.  Rediculous ridiculous.


So as being a smart #### express yourself more clearly and stop poking in anybody's orthography.

1 hour ago, Tropicalevo said:

These traitors 'demanding' a second referendum should be shot as traitors to the country and democracy.


They have NO rights to demand anything. Just poor losers. The country voted and chose. If you do not like the choice - buggggger off and leave the country to loyal citizens.


If you feel that I am biased - you are wrong. Had I been allowed to vote I would have voted 'stay' BUT the people have spoken. Right or wrong - end of story. Stop making up justification for your immoral and illegal actions.

More Brexit zealotry.


What kind of extremist madness is it to accuse people of being traitors and call for them to be shot for exercising their democratic rights to protest?


A perfect example of the extremist mindset.


Utterly disgraceful.


But will Brexit supporters call it out I wonder?

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7 hours ago, Estrada said:

The Pound fell because people were fooled by rich businessmen to vote to leave the EU. I few leave the pound will fall further.

In my young years 1970, the pound was worth Hfl 10,64 ( /2,2: € 4,83). The DM was then Hfl 0,90. 15 Nov 2015 the pound was wo4th € 1,43, yesterday € 1,1241 and today: € 1,1221, so.. your British do a good job to bring the pound to one ounce.

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6 hours ago, vogie said:

I thought Juncker catagorically stated there will be no other deal, the one they have at the moment is the only one on the table, you know the one that has been rejected 3 times already by Parliament.

The EU has pushed the UK into a corner, they are being intransigent/bloody minded and that leaves the UK with very little choice.

So, because you British were thinking about Brexit since =2013, referendum 2016, so a REAL fact, but.. 2019 could not agree nor come with a suggestion you could find a majority, it is the EU to blame, the EU did not give you a better deal as present ?

It reminds me to the negociations, when your minister Brown said to Willi Brandt in 1969: "invite us in, so we can take over.. "


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6 minutes ago, nontabury said:


You’ve been listening to those experts who predicted that should the U.K not join the Euro, our economy would crash. The same as all those remainers that predicted that hundreds of thousands would immediately become unemployed if we were to Democratically vote to leave this so called union. 


Link to the claim that  hundreds of thousands would immediately become employed if the electorate voted Leave... please.

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5 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I know dozens if not scores of people with NI numbers who are not citizens and not entitled to vote.


Maybe go back to a land ownership requirement?!


Good point. So let’s have the requirements to be a British citizens, combined with the possession of a N.I. number.  Happy now, or would that exclude you.

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27 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Good point. So let’s have the requirements to be a British citizens, combined with the possession of a N.I. number.  Happy now, or would that exclude you.

That's for me to know and not a matter for discussion on TVF.

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7 minutes ago, nontabury said:



 In case our none British remainers are unaware who you are referring to.

 This man as leader of the opposition, successfully lead his party to Not one, but two GeneralElection defeats, before resigning and taking up a position in Brussels as a E.u commissioner, later to become Vice President Of the European Commission.Where he worked alongside his wife.

 He is of course a europhile.


I've met Neil Kinnock on a number of occasions, nice bloke but he set the wheels in motion for Labour MPs to be selected by central office rather than their local constituency, which to my mind is the root cause of the complaint that MPs no longer represent their constituencies. 


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5 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Don't worry Sien Fein will be back supporting Ireland out of the EU soon so that will give you something to cheer about.


The thing with these marches is many of them are not my fellow countrymen.

"The thing with these marches is many of them are not my fellow countrymen".


And you have evidence to back that claim up?


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41 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Good point. So let’s have the requirements to be a British citizens, combined with the possession of a N.I. number.  Happy now, or would that exclude you.

My fuller posts on the subject have leaned in that direction but i credited posters will getting my drift without tapping it out in morse.

2 minutes ago, nontabury said:


You are so wrong, the British have since the 80’s come to realize that we were conned and lied to in 1975. When we were assured that we would be joining a trading block and not a political union. Since that date the clamour for our departure from this so so called union,has steadily increased, resulting in our voting Democratically in 2016 to finally leave. 

 Unfortunately since that Democratic, vote our Treacherous and Arrogant M.p’s lead by remainer T.May have tried to override the electorates decision.

You are of course speaking for yourself, I'm absolutely sure millions don't agree with you. 

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Not getting involved with leave/stay bull, there is something that does need to be understood though.

The referendum result was NOT binding as many think.

Sitting MP's DO NOT have to vote the way their constituents would wish. I am not going into parliamentary procedures, it would take forever, suffice to say they have the latitude to vote how they like.

Just saying.


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