heybruce Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 1 minute ago, usviphotography said: The statute (which again, has never, ever, in history been applied the way you are suggesting) says nothing about "reporting to authorities". I don't where you are pulling that from. If we assume your interpretation of the statue, then Biden reporting the conversation would simply constitute him informing on himself. If Biden accepts the information and does not report it to the authorities he has clearly committed an illegal act. If Biden accepts the information and then reports it to the authorities he is on shaky legal ground. It would be left up to prosecutors and lawyers to decide if it worth charging and prosecuting. You are going to great lengths in proposing ridiculous hypotheticals and ignoring what Trump said in the interview: "It's not an interference, they have information - I think I'd take it," Trump said. "If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI - if I thought there was something wrong." The problem is that it is illegal. The fact that you and Trump are in denial does not change that. 1 1
Popular Post usviphotography Posted June 13, 2019 Popular Post Posted June 13, 2019 7 minutes ago, heybruce said: Your first statement is a lie. That is standard for you. The email Trump Jr responded to with "I love it" stated: "The Crown prosecutor of Russia[a] met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father." "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Tower_meeting Will you now claim that the Crown prosecutor of Russia does not represent the Russian government? The rest of your post, which ignores the "offer and acceptance" aspect of the illegal communications, is pointless. There is no such thing as a Crown Prosecutor of Russia, and Trump Jr. certainly never met with such a person. The woman Trump met with was a private attorney. 1 2
heybruce Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 3 minutes ago, usviphotography said: There is no such thing as a Crown Prosecutor of Russia, and Trump Jr. certainly never met with such a person. The woman Trump met with was a private attorney. Trump Jr thought he was meeting with an attorney who had information from the Crown Prosecutor of Russia. If he had not thought this was the case he would not have taken the meeting. The fact that Jr is stupid does not change the criminal intent, or the lies he told about the meeting. 1
meand Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 1 hour ago, usviphotography said: Nobody is pointing out that the other person did a "dumb thing too". They are disputing that it is a dumb thing to begin with first of all, and second they are pointing out the opposing campaign did an even more extreme version of the same thing you are complaining about and yet you have given them no grief whatsoever. If a Canadian lawyer in house lawyer were to come to Joe Biden and say, "hey, you know what- the CEO of my company has been illegally contributing to the Trump campaign" Bernie Sanders campaign is not "dumb" to hear him out. That is what a reasonable person does. If Angela Merkel, in her many talks with Barack Obama, gave him advice on how to defeat what she views as the dangerous rise in Nationalism in America he is not being a dummy if he politely listens rather than running out of the room in a panic. As Trump points out, the entire premise of the criticism is wrong. And beyond that, even if you don't think the premise is wrong, you should be spending a lot more time cleaning out your own houses than harping on Trump. As has been pointed out to you, pointing fingers at others after you have made a giant blunder is not an actual argument. Lindsey Graham has come out against him on this. I am not sure what argument you are clinging to. 1 1
usviphotography Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 15 minutes ago, heybruce said: If Biden accepts the information and does not report it to the authorities he has clearly committed an illegal act. If Biden accepts the information and then reports it to the authorities he is on shaky legal ground. It would be left up to prosecutors and lawyers to decide if it worth charging and prosecuting. You are going to great lengths in proposing ridiculous hypotheticals and ignoring what Trump said in the interview: You say he's committed an illegal act. You say this based on an interpretation of a statute in that no prosecutor in history has ever even attempted to base a charge on. And yet I'm the one going to great lengths here? And the thing you are arguing about with respect to Trump Jr. doesn't even matter. The statue refers to "foreign nationals" not "foreign governments". So even if he did meet with the non-existent Crown Prosecutor of Russia, it wouldn't change anything. And BTW- Christopher Steele was a former British Spy. Much of his report was based on information from an active MP of the Ukrainian Parliament. And unlike the Crown Prosecutor of Russian, Ukrainian MP's are real. 1
candide Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 7 minutes ago, usviphotography said: There is no such thing as a Crown Prosecutor of Russia, and Trump Jr. certainly never met with such a person. The woman Trump met with was a private attorney. I have a doubt. Wasn't the information in question from hacking servers located on the US territory, and storing emails from a high level official? Or do I mix up different issues? 1
usviphotography Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 2 minutes ago, candide said: I have a doubt. Wasn't the information in question from hacking servers located on the US territory, and storing emails from a high level official? Or do I mix up different issues? The information was allegedly evidence that persons in Russia had been making illegal campaign contributions to the Clinton Campaign. It had nothing to do with any alleged "hacking".
scoutman360 Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 Don't shoot the messenger. This war against Trump is all taken from standard Dems protocol. So so many people here sipping the media Kool-Aid. Last time it was the GOP calling for Impeachment and ready to vote against Obama. The war for power never ends, and stupid people like you all act like sheep and take sides and vote them back into office. All the hate messages I read here about Trump are the same messages I read about Obama. 1
Popular Post meand Posted June 13, 2019 Popular Post Posted June 13, 2019 18 minutes ago, usviphotography said: You say he's committed an illegal act. You say this based on an interpretation of a statute in that no prosecutor in history has ever even attempted to base a charge on. And yet I'm the one going to great lengths here? And the thing you are arguing about with respect to Trump Jr. doesn't even matter. The statue refers to "foreign nationals" not "foreign governments". So even if he did meet with the non-existent Crown Prosecutor of Russia, it wouldn't change anything. And BTW- Christopher Steele was a former British Spy. Much of his report was based on information from an active MP of the Ukrainian Parliament. And unlike the Crown Prosecutor of Russian, Ukrainian MP's are real. Here is a big hint: The statements he made that you are saying there is nothing wrong with, he is walking them back on twitter. He is saying "I have tea with the Queen, should I call the FBI"? He is already hitting the now very familiar "deny I said it" button. That is your big clue to stop trying to defend these statements he has made. That and the fact that one of his staunchest allies, Lindsey Graham, has all but denounced the comments. Just let it go, the guy made another giant blunder. Just he at peace with that fact. 4 1
usviphotography Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 12 minutes ago, meand said: That is your big clue to stop trying to defend these statements he has made. That and the fact that one of his staunchest allies, Lindsey Graham, has all but denounced the comments. Maybe you aren't an American, but I can assure you Lindsey Graham is not one of Trump's "staunchest defenders". He is was known for the bulk of his career as the Baby McCain and is pretty much the foremost defender of the Military Industrial Complex in the United States. Lindsey is a weasel who has certainly cozyed up to Trump once he realized how popular Trump was with his own home state voters, but whenever Trump does something that upsets the Neocons, Lindsey has loudly and forcefully voiced his objections. And I don't see how the Queen and Tea comment is "walking back". That is called doubling down. Note that after that Tweet he lists various Dems who have done the very thing the media is up in arms about.
meand Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 10 minutes ago, usviphotography said: Maybe you aren't an American, but I can assure you Lindsey Graham is not one of Trump's "staunchest defenders". He is was known for the bulk of his career as the Baby McCain and is pretty much the foremost defender of the Military Industrial Complex in the United States. Lindsey is a weasel who has certainly cozyed up to Trump once he realized how popular Trump was with his own home state voters, but whenever Trump does something that upsets the Neocons, Lindsey has loudly and forcefully voiced his objections. And I don't see how the Queen and Tea comment is "walking back". That is called doubling down. Note that after that Tweet he lists various Dems who have done the very thing the media is up in arms about. You are in serious denial. You should quit while only as far behind as you currently are. 2 1
JHolmesJr Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 1 hour ago, heybruce said: The issue is accepting an offer of useful information from a foreign government regarding a political opponent. Sounds twisting like words of. I saw the interview...he said maybe he'd do both...listen to the info and report to fbi (fib)....how convenient to leave out what doesn't fit the narrative. How does he know if the info is 'valuable' until he is privy to it? I don't think he trusts the fib until they have been investigated and the results are made public. He was asked a hypothetical question and he answered it honestly. He hasn't broken any laws. So back to the drawing/plotting board....what will he do OMG OMG!!! 2
Popular Post JHolmesJr Posted June 13, 2019 Popular Post Posted June 13, 2019 45 minutes ago, usviphotography said: Lindsey is a weasel who has certainly cozyed up to Trump once he realized how popular Trump was with his own home state voters, but whenever Trump does something that upsets the Neocons, Lindsey has loudly and forcefully voiced his objections. Graham is a seasoned politician...what this breed usually does is publicly say what people want to hear...that they would immediately contact the fbi....then they would do whatever the hell they wanted without anyone getting wind. Trump is a straight talker, I see nothing illegal if he doesn't actively solicit information. If someone leaves a pile of s hi t on my doorstep wrapped in a newspaper, do I open it to check or just call the fbi straight away? 2 1
riclag Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 We like to hear about it ,sure ! If its bad we go to the FBI sure! If its Joe or Mrs Joe foolin around with a lover,that's their business,IMOP! How ironic it all is ! Its ok for the dems to pay to use Perkens Coie to use fusion gps that hired a UK former spy in gathering oppo info. Information is not the same as interfering! It's the act of how its used after the fact! I'm sure the info on Mr. Biden and his sons Ukrainian scandal won't result in a SC investigation. Typical liberal bias news taking the context of a interview and switching the narrative as they have done to Mr. Trump in the past 1 1
simple1 Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 1 hour ago, riclag said: We like to hear about it ,sure ! If its bad we go to the FBI sure! If its Joe or Mrs Joe foolin around with a lover,that's their business,IMOP! How ironic it all is ! Its ok for the dems to pay to use Perkens Coie to use fusion gps that hired a UK former spy in gathering oppo info. Information is not the same as interfering! It's the act of how its used after the fact! I'm sure the info on Mr. Biden and his sons Ukrainian scandal won't result in a SC investigation. Typical liberal bias news taking the context of a interview and switching the narrative as they have done to Mr. Trump in the past The question was related to the Mueller investigation i.e. a hostile power, Russia. trump clearly stated he would be amenable to receiving info from a hostile power to increase his opportunity to 'win'. trump's declaration is contrary to his responsibilities to defend the Constitution. If trump spins to claim he reply was poorly worded (doubtful), still not good enough for a President's to have such terrible lack of communication skills. 2 1
mtls2005 Posted June 13, 2019 Posted June 13, 2019 3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said: If someone leaves a pile of s hi t on my doorstep wrapped in a newspaper, do I open it to check or just call the fbi straight away? Well, the neighborhood kids would set it alight at your house hoping you would step in it. 1
Popular Post mtls2005 Posted June 13, 2019 Popular Post Posted June 13, 2019 11 hours ago, usviphotography said: Please remind me again what country Christopher Steele is from? A Five eyes country, i.e. not Russia, or Norway for that matter, bloody Weegies. That said, according to trump then the Steele Dossier is perfectly "legal"? Or not? So hard to keep up with trumpworld. 2 1 1
Popular Post Tug Posted June 14, 2019 Popular Post Posted June 14, 2019 You can’t keep up with trump world it changes to whichever way the wind blows could you imagine the uproar if a dem said what Donald said he is beyond contempt 2 1 1
heybruce Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 6 hours ago, usviphotography said: You say he's committed an illegal act. You say this based on an interpretation of a statute in that no prosecutor in history has ever even attempted to base a charge on. And yet I'm the one going to great lengths here? And the thing you are arguing about with respect to Trump Jr. doesn't even matter. The statue refers to "foreign nationals" not "foreign governments". So even if he did meet with the non-existent Crown Prosecutor of Russia, it wouldn't change anything. And BTW- Christopher Steele was a former British Spy. Much of his report was based on information from an active MP of the Ukrainian Parliament. And unlike the Crown Prosecutor of Russian, Ukrainian MP's are real. How do you know that no prosecutor in history has attempted to base a charge on? Even if true, that does not make the act legal. Trump Jr met with a foreign national. I thought that was clear. Did you think the entire Russian government was in that Trump Tower meeting. So Steele knew what he was doing and had an excellent inside source. I'm not surprised. I don't see how that bolsters your argument. 1
heybruce Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 6 hours ago, scoutman360 said: Don't shoot the messenger. This war against Trump is all taken from standard Dems protocol. So so many people here sipping the media Kool-Aid. Last time it was the GOP calling for Impeachment and ready to vote against Obama. The war for power never ends, and stupid people like you all act like sheep and take sides and vote them back into office. All the hate messages I read here about Trump are the same messages I read about Obama. I have no idea what you're posting about or who it is directed towards. However I would like to see some examples of "hate messages I read here about Trump are the same messages I read about Obama."
heybruce Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said: Graham is a seasoned politician...what this breed usually does is publicly say what people want to hear...that they would immediately contact the fbi....then they would do whatever the hell they wanted without anyone getting wind. Trump is a straight talker, I see nothing illegal if he doesn't actively solicit information. If someone leaves a pile of s hi t on my doorstep wrapped in a newspaper, do I open it to check or just call the fbi straight away? Most Trump supporters here aren't denying the clear meaning of his words, they are trying, futilely, to defend them. Yours is a different approach, but equally futile. 1 1
Popular Post Sujo Posted June 14, 2019 Popular Post Posted June 14, 2019 His own AG Bill Bar said its illegal. His own FBI director said its illegal. the only people to say it is not illegal are Trump and Trump uni law graduates here on TV. 1 2 3
Popular Post Berkshire Posted June 14, 2019 Popular Post Posted June 14, 2019 38 minutes ago, Sujo said: His own AG Bill Bar said its illegal. His own FBI director said its illegal. the only people to say it is not illegal are Trump and Trump uni law graduates here on TV. [Federal Elections Commission chair Ellen Weintraub said Thursday it is illegal to accept foreign interference during elections after President Trump publicly suggested he would accept foreign intel on opponents. "I would not have thought that I needed to say this," Weintraub tweeted Thursday with her statement.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/fec-chair-responds-to-trump-saying-hed-accept-foreign-intel-on-opponent-it-is-illegal/ar-AACQjaT?ocid=wispr It's pretty clear and unambiguous. The stupidity of Trump and his supporters never cease to amaze. 4
riclag Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 4 hours ago, simple1 said: The question was related to the Mueller investigation i.e. a hostile power, Russia. trump clearly stated he would be amenable to receiving info from a hostile power to increase his opportunity to 'win'. trump's declaration is contrary to his responsibilities to defend the Constitution. If trump spins to claim he reply was poorly worded (doubtful), still not good enough for a President's to have such terrible lack of communication skills. Millions of voters didn't vote for his Obamian orator prose skills! He's a man's man from Queens ,who has a brash way of speech! He blew up what 235 years of what politicians and leaders of the world are suppose to be! Ain't nothin wrong with that! 2 3
rabas Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 8 hours ago, JHolmesJr said: Sounds twisting like words of. LLO!
watcharacters Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 21 hours ago, bristolboy said: You're clearly confused. The question is whether Trump would accept information from foreign government to use against his opponents. Try to focus. Some people are challenged when it comes to focusing.
riclag Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/fbi-releases-documents-showing-payments-trump-dossier-author-steele-n897506 So has the FBI implicated themselves for paying steele, a foreign entity, for gathering information along with fusion gps that gave it to the DNC and HC campaign to get oppo research on the Trump campaign or is it different because it's President Trump! The hoax just got notched up by showing the hypocrisy of the left's politics of intolerance 1 1
Chomper Higgot Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 3 minutes ago, riclag said: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/fbi-releases-documents-showing-payments-trump-dossier-author-steele-n897506 So has the FBI implicated themselves for paying steele, a foreign entity, for gathering information along with fusion gps that gave it to the DNC and HC campaign to get oppo research Trump campaign or is it different because it's President Trump! The hoax just got notched up by showing the hypocrisy of the left's politics of intolerance An example of an Illiberal offering a false equivalence to cover the crimes of the guy he worships. Slips in the term 'foreign entity' and hopes nobody notices this isn't the same thing as a hostile foreign government's intelligence agency that is tactically interfering in a US election. Away with you and your false equivalence. 1 1
riclag Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 21 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said: An example of an Illiberal offering a false equivalence to cover the crimes of the guy he worships. Slips in the term 'foreign entity' and hopes nobody notices this isn't the same thing as a hostile foreign government's intelligence agency that is tactically interfering in a US election. Away with you and your false equivalence. The hypocrisy of it.one set of rules for Mr. Trump and... The actions of (Perkins coey,fusion,DNC, FBI, some news Tedia ,and HC all took steele's(foreigner) infoe and acted on it! Steele was using Russian sources(hostle gov) https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/03/how-the-explosive-russian-dossier-was-compiled-christopher-steele 1
Sujo Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 20 minutes ago, riclag said: The hypocrisy of it.one set of rules for Mr. Trump and... The actions of (Perkins coey,fusion,DNC, FBI, some news Tedia ,and HC all took steele's(foreigner) infoe and acted on it! Steele was using Russian sources(hostle gov) https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/03/how-the-explosive-russian-dossier-was-compiled-christopher-steele You missing the part where it was PAID for and Steele was not a govt employee. He was a citizen. 2
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