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Getting Father Home from Thailand

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35 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Have you  actually  ever approached Thai Immigration to ask them if there is a "soft " way to  return him to the UK  under the circumstances?

Despite  the  gloom and doom brigade Thai authorities  can have compassion when not  affronted but asked  for  advice.


I thought of that approach myself, and then considered mentioning it as a possibility here, and then in the end, decided not to.


Yes, there is some possibility such an approach might have a good outcome. But considering the past record here, just as much or greater chance that it would result in a bad outcome instead, especially these days.


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Just now, madmen said:

Geez have some class! leave bashing out it doesn't help OP one bit!

Yes, that's true, and speaking of passport and visa issues, this can take a day or more to iron out alone. If the Passport is lost, an emergency passport has to be obtained at the British Embassy, which can be problematic without the proper power of attorney. The visa issue further compounds that, and it may result in paying overstay fine at the airport. Or, it could take a day at immigration to iron that out too, so there are ancillary issues that need attention and this could be in critical state already. 

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I assume that he is on a retirement Visa extension.

Has he got the funds to renew?. Typically 800000 Baht required in a Thai bank


If no renewal then maybe the Thai authorities will force his exit.

You say he owns an apartment . Do you mean a condo?

Apartments and condos are very different in Thailand

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2 hours ago, madmen said:

I had this exact situation with a friend of mine. He developed dementia (88 years old) and we found him a nurse and he moved in house in UBON paying for her services around the clock . After a year or so due to his deterioration she could no longer take care of him so she dropped him off at the US embassy and drove off


Embassy paid for a short stay in a nursing home and paid for his flight home including having a contact meet him at the airport and he is now in a nursing home US


Very Impressive.

Not really helpful for the OP who wants advice / suggestions specific to the UK. 

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You don't want to get him deported. That process could kill him.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

The son says, he stopped the big payments, so father could support himself if he had a little assistance from a fellow fallang, perhaps the unit manager?

I like the old bloke, hope he finds someone to help.

I live too far away, otherwise I would volunteer to assist him.

Deportation would definitely break him, from what i can read about him.

Here's cheers to a real champ!

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Hopefully Sheryl will contribute to this thread soon. She knows everything about this process and helped me immensely years ago with a similar issue. The embassies do not get involved as far as I know, but will refer you to private escorts for this. Again, an escort is not advised in a situation where you have a possibly belligerent and unwilling subject.

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2 minutes ago, madmen said:

No you should head home and re establish residency and take advantage of the welfare system. SAE is no place for failing health and good luck getting treated in those other 2 countries without $$$$ same same Thailand

Well, in the old time, people could choose to die with their boots on, that time have passed, so now you need money to go to Switzerland or jump of a random rooftop or balcony. Sad it is

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Perhaps the OP needs help in terms of medical intervention for his father. Harsh as it may sound, drugging the father into docility may be one option.

If he's done 55000 GBP in a year, odds are very good a woman is involved. Cherchez la femme.

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4 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Thailand is not a very good place when it comes to mental health issues. The facilities for that are few, and not always very competent. And there doesn't seem to be much supportive coordination/cooperation between the police and the mental health services when dealing with problems. The problems typically just get tossed into jail.



   I  totally  agree,  farlangs tend to live longer than thai people .

    Yes , i worry how my thai wife  will cope , if i have mental health issues .

     This issue , is causing me a lot of concern.



Edited by elliss
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What a terrible situation. Choices seem to be:

(1) Trick or force him back to the UK where he'll be locked up in an old home in a country which he hasn't lived in for 15 years and away from the one which he chose to make his home apparently as soon as he could (like most of the rest of us).

(2) Leave him be here to enjoy the few passages of clarity he has as he slides toward the inevitable.


I know which I would prefer.


Have you thought of finding him a full or part time caregiver? I am guessing 5-10k b. a month would get you one. If the person is trustworthy you could let them handle finances. Might be the best compromise. You love your dad but part of that might be letting go.

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6 hours ago, onera1961 said:

The entire forum is full of posts with criticism of Thailand, Thainess, Thai culture, Thai efforts, Thai education, Thai immigration, Thai offices, and every thing. You can't show me one post where people are praising the virtues of Thailand. When I question the lure of Thailand that attracts farangs to live in this authoritarian country which is true, polluted air (true), polluted beaches (true), sois overflowing with garbage (true), I wonder why there is a resistance. Even the moderator banned me for week for telling the truth. 

If you feel that way, why bother posting at all?

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Some quite good suggestions on here, I would wait until Sheryl makes one of her excellent contributions.


Alternatively, NancyL I believe, is involved in care for the elderly. Perhaps you could pm her.


Good luck with your Dad, it's a horrible time I know. Do the best you can, & try to be happy with your decision.

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22 minutes ago, faraday said:

Some quite good suggestions on here, I would wait until Sheryl makes one of her excellent contributions.


Alternatively, NancyL I believe, is involved in care for the elderly. Perhaps you could pm her.


Good luck with your Dad, it's a horrible time I know. Do the best you can, & try to be happy with your decision.

Yes,very sensible advice re Sheryl and Nancy.


I was marginally involved with two cases like this up where I lived-one American guy had developed Wernicke's-and neither turned out well.In both cases the family were desperate to get them home but had no legal power to compel them to do so.


Best of luck to the OP and his family.

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