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The week that was in Thailand news: Cheating - endemic yes, but not a Thai way of life.


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1 minute ago, thequietman said:

Over 50 paragraphs! Can I assume brevity is not one of your skills?


It must be a nightmare initiating a conversation with you!


Yawn. ????

A paragraph is not a measure of length.  Might I suggest counting words.  

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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

(Mindful of the old cliche that all Thais think Westerners look alike, I'd be interested to see in comments what actors and actresses readers might have been mistaken for in Thailand).

Edward Norton in American History X,  Bruce Willis during his Die Hard days, Ben Kingsley form I don’t know.  There have been others but they don’t come to mind at present.  A shaved head, a mustache and goatee seem to make us all look alike.????


I almost forgot, Sir Patrick Stewart as Picard in Star Trek, after I shaved.

Edited by villagefarang
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2 hours ago, nickstav said:

To be brief...regarding cheating...don't play cards with my girlfriend. On a more serious note, are we (falangs) being cheated when we are charged more for goods and services than the locals? I say YES. this is institutionalized "cheating". They don't see it that way, but that doesn't detract from the fact that it is. It has also been reported that Thailand ranks 2nd in the world where those in relationships, of both sexes, cheat on their partners. Of course we could all go on and on with other examples, and that doesn't mean there aren't honest Thais, of course there are. Finally, I don't really see much difference in something being endemic and just being a "way of life".

Aw get real.  Bernard Lawrence Madoff Prosecutors estimated the fraud to be worth $64.8 billion.  Thailand is two bit.  

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13 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

Aw get real.  Bernard Lawrence Madoff Prosecutors estimated the fraud to be worth $64.8 billion.  Thailand is two bit.  

Cheating occurs all over the world, in every country. Highlighting one individual instance (albeit of great magnitude) does not negate a systematic practice that has become a way of life. If you were back in your home country and you saw a taxi driver charge a foreigner 5 times the normal price for the ride you would say "gee, that foreigner got cheated", wouldn't you? But not a second thought is given by Thais who do this, because it is so prevalent.


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3 minutes ago, nickstav said:

Cheating occurs all over the world, in every country. Highlighting one individual instance (albeit of great magnitude) does not negate a systematic practice that has become a way of life. If you were back in your home country and you saw a taxi driver charge a foreigner 5 times the normal price for the ride you would say "gee, that foreigner got cheated", wouldn't you? But not a second thought is given by Thais who do this, because it is so prevalent.


I used to live in Chicago.  That explains your comment if you are an American.  

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2 hours ago, monkeycu said:

This week in Thailand

Taxi driver robs passenger

Farang arrested for overstay

Thai kill someone

Farang try bungie jump without bungie

Idiots on road cause chaos

Did I miss much?

Didn't start war.

Didn't leave economic union and destroy countries economy.

Didn't allow millions of radical terrorists to get on welfare and live in the country.  


Did I miss much?

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Two comments: First, regarding endemic cheating: How many supposedly law-abiding Westerners think it is OK to cheat on their tax returns? Second, thank you for this snippet about spending time with ladies of the night in Soy Cowboy... practicing my spoken Thai and improving my vocabulary were the aims not deception (cheating) per se. I'll remember that line when my wife catches me out next time!

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1 hour ago, Biikqth said:

I wonder if Canuckamuk’s wife and mine are related. My wife also has a habit of talking to me or asking me to do something when she is in another room and expects me to hear her and respond. 

Include my wife, must be triplets.

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8 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

My wife forces me to be brief. Even the most critical and detailed explanations must be completed in about 30 words. Any more and she has already, either started another conversation, or has moved to another room. Usually I haven't even got to the subject yet. Her whole family is the same way, They are not being dismissive, they are just very distractable. She can start a conversation with me in the same room and finish it outside, while I am still sitting where I was and no longer able to hear what she is saying. Later on she will say she already told me something she hadn't. I am assuming it is during these solo walk and talks.

I believe our wives are twins.

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"On Thursday came news of a cheating taxi driver. This one had found 2.8 million baht in a 7-Eleven plastic bag and kept it for himself."


What kind of a person carries 2.8 million baht in a plastic bag? Oh, sorry - Chinese "businessmen"? ("when it was returned to the Chinese people who had left it on the back seat of the cab") 

Edited by sambum
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