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U.S. lawmaker describes 'horrifying' conditions at Texas migrant facility


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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

What's stopping the Trump admin from doing just that?

I'd support that but would be surprised if the authorities did not have whole medical and welfare teams there. AOC would look at a white wall and call it black if it suited her political ambitions.

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3 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

I'm British why would I support Trump?  oh you meant to say "say's the guy who supports a balanced approach based on evidence and justice"? 

you a member of AOC fanclub?  believe in Unicorns, Bigfoot and let anyone come in?  a disaster waiting to happen!

I see you have many questions yet offer few answers. Instead you pile on the hyperbole and bluster.

Regarding why you would support Trump that's a question you have to ask yourself, not me. 

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59 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Uninvited foreign intruders are not his responsibility. He's made that quite clear from the start.

People have a legal right to claim asylum. In detention the govt have a responsibility to care for them.

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22 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

And yet again you're missing the point.


Very few of us from other countries "support Trump" - but we can understand why the poorest in the community voted for him rather than hillary, who was promising more of the same.....


As for hyperbole, may I refer you to the many other posters in every trump topic.

Except of course the majority of the poorest in the community didn't vote for him.


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1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

I'd support that but would be surprised if the authorities did not have whole medical and welfare teams there. AOC would look at a white wall and call it black if it suited her political ambitions.

You'd be surprised? About an administration that contends it's not obliged to provide soap to the children in detention?


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1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

I'd support that but would be surprised if the authorities did not have whole medical and welfare teams there. AOC would look at a white wall and call it black if it suited her political ambitions.

Here's a link to an official government report from the office of the inspector general about conditions at one detention center.


Here's a conclusion: 

Untimely and Inadequate Detainee Medical Care



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1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

I'd support that but would be surprised if the authorities did not have whole medical and welfare teams there. AOC would look at a white wall and call it black if it suited her political ambitions.

I guess this report from the Office of the Inspector General will shock you


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3 hours ago, daoyai said:

Her "inspection" was no surprise to the facility, they would naturally want to show that it is well run, knowing how AOC operates I suspect she had her narrative planned before arrival. She wants open borders, no immigration enforcement at all. She is a proven fraud, be skeptical of anything she says.

But you must believe and trust Donald Trump.


After all would he lie to you?

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Utterly disgraceful, especially for the "greatest nation on the planet." I do understand that the logistics involved, given the numbers make things complicated, but for the 21st century to be unable to provide basic hygiene, water and adequate food is inexcusable. I am not interested in whose fault it is, so spare me the posts about the terrible refugees, or the two sides of the politicians. This is an issue that demands immediate attention with no delays, no excuses, just action.


I have been to a number of scientific conferences at various cities in America. One of the features of those conferences has been the ability of organisers to shuttle large numbers of people to and from their accommodations, feed them and otherwise ensure their welfare is looked after. I'm talking about a conference that used to handle logistics for upwards of 50,000 attendees, plus all the exhibitors.

As what the USA quaintly describes as an alien, I was very impressed with the level of organisation.

From that, I am concluding there is no question the resources are there. More likely, it's a lack of money or will.

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1 hour ago, bert bloggs said:

why? most are economic migrants . their choice ,their problem.

They are asylum seekers. So until they have been condidered non genuine they deserve respect even whilst in detention.


We are talking about kids here. Unbelievable.

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5 hours ago, yogi100 said:


Surely such basics are available where they come from. No responsible person turns up in a foreign country expecting such items to be handed to them on a plate.



They do if they arrive in a first world country. However, USA is rapidly becoming a third world country.

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Incidentally, every 'brexit' topic is the same as the US topics.


Only the remain/anti-trump articles are posted......

I can assure you that the majority of posters in the Brexit threads are Brexiteers. Usually the most vitriolic too.


Strange that the majority of them are Trump supporters too.

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2 hours ago, Sujo said:

People have a legal right to claim asylum. In detention the govt have a responsibility to care for them.

Actually the international asylum law states that asylum seekers must go to the nearest safe country... so for Hondurans or Salvadorians that could be Costa Rica, Guatamala, Nicaragua or even Belize... even Mexico said they can stay but nooo they want the yankee dollar'.

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6 hours ago, Ozman52 said:

Thousands show up expecting free food, shelter and medical treatment. If insufficient facilities are unavailable, it's all your fault. If they die from the previously untreated medical conditions, it's all your fault.


If the illegal immigrants don't like the conditions, I'm quite sure they would be dropped back across the border if they request it.

But is it not true that for decades both the US gov't and big business have encouraged them to come and in some circumstances they can eventually gain US citizenship?

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1 hour ago, JimGant said:

Freedom for its citizens, not for the illegals crashing our southern border. America doesn't have the means to provide for all those wishing to cross our borders. Nor do we need additional mouths to feed that will add nothing to our productivity. Trump, albeit crude, was right when he questioned why we were encouraging immigrants from sh****t hole countries.


I would hope Trump's visit to the DMZ gave him a clue, where he witnessed first hand that there were no surging hoards headed south, nor any walls. Why? Cheap, effective mine fields. Yeah, potentially gory. But once the word gets out, no more illegals, no more crowded sanctuary camps, no more toilet drink fests, no more separated children, no more large budgets for walls, and no more border visits by members of the communist/sharia branch of Congress.

Freedom and liberty for Iraqis, Libyans, Vietnamese, Afghans is what Amerika shouted when it invaded. Acknowledging crowded sanctuary camps, humans forced to drink toilet water, child trafficking by separating them from families is an awakening, even for the right wingers. White supremacist branch of congress is swirling the drain. 

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6 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

I think the main problem is that some are convinced that the vast majority are genuine 'asylum seekers', whereas others think that the vast majority are economic migrants.


And never the twain shall meet.

Except that the "twain" meets at asylum court where genuine asylum seekers used to be vetted from economic migrants by judges. Currently this is not the case, everyone is being treated worse than criminals. Asylum-seeking is legal and has a process which is currently not being followed.

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44 minutes ago, scorecard said:

But is it not true that for decades both the US gov't and big business have encouraged them to come and in some circumstances they can eventually gain US citizenship?

Define "them",, do you mean the "guest worker" migrant worker program?  It was and is a vital part of U.S agriculture. Not really part of this issue.

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The former Barista/Bartender went to the this facility with fellow members of Congress(including Presidential Candidate Julian Castro) and decided to enter the facility on her before the briefing was completed. She then stormed out and made her claims.  Most of these facilities have CCTV and let’s wait for the “Proverbial Tape” to come out.  Anyway it is interesting she did not repeat her previous claim that these were “Concentration” camps?  

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